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通用动力电船公司(General Dynamics Electric Boat)是美国通用动力公司的一个部门,在超过100年的时间里一直都是美国海军潜艇的主建造商。公司的主要设施是位于康涅狄格州格罗顿的船坞和位于罗得岛州北金斯顿的构件和设备工厂。

公司由美国发明家伊萨克·赖斯于1899年创建,最初名为电船公司(Electric Boat Company),目的主要是为了实现约翰·菲利普·霍兰的水下舰艇设计,这项设计是在刘易斯·尼克松位于新泽西州伊丽莎白的克雷森特船厂里发展出来的。电船公司建造的第一艘潜艇命名为霍兰六号,1900年4月11日,霍兰六号成为美国海军订购并正式服役的第一艘潜艇,更命为霍兰号。在第一次世界大战中,电船公司为美国海军共生产了85艘潜艇和722艘猎潜舰。但战后直到1931年,美国海军都没有向电船公司订购任何一艘潜艇。第二次世界大战期间,电船公司共生产了74艘潜艇。

1954年1月,电船公司建造了世界上第一艘核动力潜艇——鹦鹉螺号(USS Nautilus SSN-571)。1959年,该公司又建造了世界上第一艘弹道导弹潜艇,乔治·华盛顿号。此外,俄亥俄级核潜艇、洛杉矶级核潜艇、海狼级核潜艇和弗吉尼亚级核潜艇潜艇均为电船公司建造。
[编辑]- ^ General Dynamics Corporation. U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission. [2006-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-12).
[编辑]- The Defender: The Story of General Dynamics, by Roger Franklin. Published by Harper and Row 1986. More accurate version of "just who" actually founded this company.
- Brotherhood of Arms: General Dynamics and The Business of Defending America, by Jacob Goodwin. Published 1985. Random House.
- The Legend of Electric Boat, Serving The Silent Service. Published by Write Stuff Syndicate, 1994 and 2007. Written by Jeffery L. Rodengen.
- International Directory of Company Histories Volume 86 under General Dynamics/Electric Boat Corporation, July 2007; pp. 136–139. Published by St James Press/Thomson Gale Group.
- Who Built Those Subs? Naval History Magazine, Oct. 1998 125th Anniversary issue, pp. 31–34. Written by Richard Knowles Morris PhD. Published by The United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. Copyrighted 1998.
- The Klaxon, The U.S. Navy's official submarine force newsletter, April 1992. Published by the Nautilus Memorial Submarine Force Library and Museum in Groton/New London, CT.
- "The Ups and Downs of Electric Boat" John D. Alden, United States Naval Institute, Proceedings Magazine, July 1, 1999, p. 64.
[编辑]- Official site crediting those who played key roles as the company was founded (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Crescent Shipyard is the location where Electric Boat began developing U. S. Navy's first submarines (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Brief history and account of General Dynamics and parent company, Electric Boat (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Official Pentagon/Chief of Naval Operations web site/submarine warfare division/under Submarine Pioneers/John Philip Holland/Arthur Leopold Busch etc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The ironic history of Electric Boat can be found at this site
- Mr. Holland trying to set up operations in Europe after fallout with Isaac Leopold Rice, Electric Boat's first President and CEO (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)