蹄蝠属![]() | |
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黄褐蹄蝠(Hipposideros cervinus) | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 哺乳纲 Mammalia |
目: | 翼手目 Chiroptera |
科: | 菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae |
亚科: | 蹄蝠亚科 Hipposiderinae |
属: | 蹄蝠属 Hipposideros Gray, 1831 |
- 宽袍蹄蝠 Hipposideros abae ,阿巴蹄蝠(Aba roundleaf bat)
- 大蹄蝠 Hipposideros armiger (Great roundleaf bat)
- 黑蹄蝠 Hipposideros ater (Dusky roundleaf bat)
- 侏蹄蝠 Hipposideros beatus ,西非小蹄蝠(Benito roundleaf bat)
- 双色蹄蝠 Hipposideros bicolor (Bicolored roundleaf bat)
- 短颅蹄蝠 Hipposideros breviceps ,短头蹄蝠(Short-headed roundleaf bat)
- 南非蹄蝠 Hipposideros caffer (Sundevall's roundleaf bat)
- 距蹄蝠 Hipposideros calcaratus ,靴刺蹄蝠(Spurred roundleaf bat)
- 喀麦隆蹄蝠 Hipposideros camerunensis ,大圆面蹄蝠(Greater roundleaf bat)
- 澳洲蹄蝠 Hipposideros cervinus ,黄褐蹄蝠(Fawn roundleaf bat)
- 小蹄蝠 Hipposideros cineraceus ,灰蹄蝠(Ashy roundleaf bat)
- 安达曼马蹄蝠 Rhinolophus cognatus K.Andersen, 1906
- 康氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros commersoni (Commerson's roundleaf bat)
- 戴帽蹄蝠 Hipposideros coronatus ,有冠蹄蝠(Large Mindanao roundleaf bat)
- 新几内亚蹄蝠 Hipposideros corynophyllus (Telefomin roundleaf bat)
- 考氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros coxi ,柯氏蹄蝠(Cox's roundleaf bat)
- 帝汶蹄蝠 Hipposideros crumeniferus (Timor roundleaf bat)
- 短尾蹄蝠 Hipposideros curtus (Short-tailed roundleaf bat)
- 大眼蹄蝠 Hipposideros cyclops ,圆面蹄蝠(Cyclops roundleaf bat)
- 冕蹄蝠 Hipposideros diadema ,帽盔蹄蝠(Diadem roundleaf bat)
- 猛蹄蝠 Hipposideros dinops ,恐面蹄蝠(Fierce roundleaf bat)
- 囊蹄蝠 Hipposideros doriae (Borneo roundleaf bat)
- 达雅蹄蝠 Hipposideros dyacorum (Dayak roundleaf bat)
- 乌灰蹄蝠 Hipposideros fuliginosus 煤黑蹄蝠(Sooty roundleaf bat)
- 大耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros fulvus 茶黄蹄蝠(Fulvus roundleaf bat)
- 黄褐蹄蝠 Hipposideros galeritus 短耳蹄蝠(Cantor's roundleaf bat)
- 华富里蹄蝠 Hipposideros halophyllus (Thailand roundleaf bat)
- 毛冠蹄蝠 Hipposideros inexpectatus ,苏北蹄蝠(Crested roundleaf bat)
- 西非蹄蝠 Hipposideros jonesi ,锺思蹄蝠(Jones's roundleaf bat)
- Hipposideros kingstonae [2]
- 拉氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros lamottei (Lamotte's roundleaf bat)
- 印度蹄蝠 Hipposideros lankadiva ,兰卡蹄蝠(Indian roundleaf bat)
- Hipposideros lankadiva gyi Bates, Tun, Aung, Lu, Lum & Sein, 2015[3]
- 中蹄蝠 Hipposideros larvatus ,花面蹄蝠(Intermediate roundleaf bat)
- 泰国蹄蝠 Hipposideros lekaguli ,列氏蹄蝠(Large Asian roundleaf bat)
- 鞘面蹄蝠 Hipposideros lylei 盾面蹄蝠(Shield-faced roundleaf bat)
- 大泡蹄蝠 Hipposideros macrobullatus (Big-eared roundleaf bat)
- 史氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros maggietaylarae ,玛吉蹄蝠(Maggie Taylor's roundleaf bat)
- 几内亚蹄蝠 Hipposideros marisae ,玛丽萨蹄蝠(Aellen's roundleaf bat)
- 串耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros megalotis ,大耳蹄蝠(Ethiopian large-eared roundleaf bat)
- 长耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros muscinus ,伏河蹄蝠(Fly river roundleaf bat)
- 楔缝蹄蝠 Hipposideros nequarii ,马来蹄蝠(Malayan roundleaf bat)
- 暗色蹄蝠 Hipposideros obscura 阴暗蹄蝠(Philippine forest roundleaf bat)
- 巴布亚蹄蝠 Hipposideros papua (Biak roundleaf bat)
- 果树蹄蝠 Hipposideros pomona (Pomona roundleaf bat)
- 普氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros pratti (Pratt's roundleaf bat)
- 吕宋蹄蝠 Hipposideros pygmaeus ,微型蹄蝠(Philippine pygmy roundleaf bat)
- 雷氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros ridleyi ,里氏蹄蝠(Ridley's roundleaf bat)
- 赤道蹄蝠 Hipposideros ruber ,赤色蹄蝠(Noack's roundleaf bat)
- 沙巴蹄蝠 Hipposideros sabanus (Least roundleaf bat)
- 裂蹄蝠 Hipposideros schistaceus (Split roundleaf bat)
- 扁吻蹄蝠 Hipposideros semoni ,大疣鼻蹄蝠(Semon's roundleaf bat)
- 施氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros speoris ,穴蹄蝠(Schneider's roundleaf bat)
- 狭耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros stenotis ,狭耳蹄蝠(Narrow-eared roundleaf bat)
- 丑蹄蝠 Hipposideros turpis (lesser roundleaf bat)
- 沃氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros wallastoni ,乌氏蹄蝠(Wollaston's roundleaf bat)
[编辑]- ^ Hipposideros Gray, 1831. GBIF. [2023-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-29).
- ^ [Mammalogy • 2023] Hipposideros kingstonae • Solving the Taxonomic Identity of Hipposideros cineraceus sensu lato (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, with the Description of A New Species. Blogspot. [2023-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-07).
- ^ Paul Bates, Ohnmar Tun, Moe Moe Aung, Aung Lu, M. Roi Lum and Mie Mie Sein. 2015. A Review of Hipposideros lankadiva Kelaart, 1850 (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) with A Description of A New Subspecies from Myanmar. Tropical Natural History. 15(2): 191–204.