

丰盛生命基督教学校 (威斯康星州)
丰盛生命基督教学校 (美国)
位置 美国威斯康星州麦迪逊
武器9毫米口径英语9 mm caliber手枪[2]

美国中部时间2024年12月16日上午,美国威斯康星州麦迪逊丰盛生命基督教学校(Abundant Life Christian School)发生校园枪击案[4]。枪击导致3人死亡,其中包括15岁的凶手纳塔莉·鲁普诺[5],另有6人受伤[1][6]。据CNN报导,此事件是2024年至少在美国发生的第83宗校园枪击案[2]



丰盛生命基督教学校(Abundant Life Christian School)是一所创建于1978年的私立K–12学校,主要服务学前至高中学生。学校主建筑毗邻麦迪逊市教会,与教会及涵盖婴幼儿至幼儿园的儿童学习中心共用28英亩的校园。该校共有约390名学生,来自50多个当地教会的200个家庭。该校属于步道运动联盟英语Trailways Conference,此联盟涵盖本地区多所小型公立和私立学校[7][8]。然而,事发当时校园虽已安装监控摄影机,但未配备金属探测器或校园安全专员英语School resource officer[9][10]






根据当地多家媒体报导称,约在上午11时20分,周边居民的手机收到了公共安全警报英语Wireless Emergency Alerts[7]




另有6人受伤,其中2人情况危急[18]。据医院发言人莉萨·亚当斯表示,4名伤者被送往麦迪逊SSM健康圣玛丽医院英语SSM Health Saint Mary's Hospital – Madison接受治疗,2人已经出院,其余2人仍在住院,情况稳定[21]



枪击案凶手纳塔莉·林恩·“萨曼莎”·鲁普诺(Natalie Lynn "Samantha" Rupnow)是该校的一名15岁女学生。一名执法官员透露,鲁普诺出身于一个家庭关系动荡的环境,她的父母多次离婚又复婚,为此她正在接受心理治疗[22]。早在案发数月前的8月,鲁普诺曾与父亲一起前往射击场,并随后加入射击俱乐部[23][24]

根据《Reduxx》记者安娜·斯拉茨英语Anna Slatz的报导,她曾公布一份据称是凶手的“宣言”[25][26]。此外,鲁普诺的社交媒体账户内容透露她有强烈的疏离感[27]。截至报导时,这份所谓的“宣言”仍未经麦迪逊警方确认,警方表示正在进行验证工作[28]。另有网络照片显示,鲁普诺穿着一件KMFDM乐队英语KMFDM的T恤,这件衣服曾出现在哥伦拜校园事件凶手之一埃里克·哈里斯的多部业余影片中[29]




戴恩县美国男女生俱乐部英语Boys & Girls Clubs of America宣布,将于枪击案发生次日在州议会大厦前举行烛光守夜活动[31]




枪击案发生后,美国酒精、烟草、火器和爆炸物管理局迅速派员到达现场。一名发言人表示,调查人员已找回案中使用的9毫米口径英语9 mm caliber手枪,并正在进行来源追踪[2]。案中凶手的家人全程积极配合执法部门调查[32]

警察局长巴恩斯表示,他知悉网上流传一份据称为凶手的“宣言”,但目前无法确认其真实性[33]。为进一步调查,执法人员已展开对凶手住所的搜索,试图收集电脑及其他个人设备,以追踪其数位足迹英语Digital footprint。此外,警方也在检视其社交媒体账户,寻找可能揭示其作案动机的线索[34]



美国总统乔·拜登在声明中强烈谴责此次枪击案,形容其为“令人震惊且无法接受的行为”。他呼吁美国国会迅速采取行动,应对枪支暴力问题,并强调保护校园儿童的必要性。他敦促通过更严格的枪支安全法,包括全民背景审查英语Universal background check、全国“红旗法英语Red flag law”、以及禁止攻击性武器英语Assault weapons legislation in the United States大容量弹匣英语High-capacity magazine ban等措施[32]

威斯康星州州长英语Governor of Wisconsin托尼·埃弗斯下令威斯康星州州旗美国国旗降半旗以示哀悼,并在X/Twitter平台上发布声明,表示密切关注枪击案后的发展及相关社区情况。他写道:“我们为孩子们、教育者以及整个丰盛生命学校社区祈祷,并感谢第一线人员的快速行动[35]。”






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Jones, Kyle. Three dead, including suspect, in shooting at Abundant Life Christian School. Channel3000.com. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Boyette, Elise Hammond, Aditi Sangal, Antoinette Radford, Elizabeth Wolfe, Chris. Live updates: Shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. CNN. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  3. ^ Live Updates: Police Seek Motive in Shooting at Wisconsin Christian School. The New York Times. [2024-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-17) (英语). 
  4. ^ Live updates: 3 dead in shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. NBC News. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  5. ^ Live Updates: Police Seek Motive in Shooting at Wisconsin Christian School. The New York Times. [2024-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-17) (英语). 
  6. ^ Swartz, Sam; staff, WMTV News; Riet, Emily Van de. At least 3 dead, including suspect, at a Christian school shooting in Wisconsin, police say. www.kplctv.com. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Suspected Wisconsin school shooter was juvenile, student at Abundant Life Christian School: Police. NBC Chicago. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Limehouse, Jonathan; Carson, Sophie; Thornton, Claire; Bacon, John. 'Sad day': 2 killed, shooter dead when gunfire erupts at Wis. school. Live updates. USA TODAY. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Shapiro, Emily; Deliso, Meredith. Police ID 15-year-old girl as Abundant Life Christian School shooter in Wisconsin, 2nd-grader made 911 call. ABC News. December 16, 2024 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  10. ^ Bauer, Scott. Teacher and a teenage student killed in a shooting at a Christian school in Wisconsin. AP News. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  11. ^ Breslow, Jason; Archie, Ayana. Here's what we know about the deadly school shooting in Wisconsin. NPR. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  12. ^ Romine, Elise Hammond, Aditi Sangal, Antoinette Radford, Elizabeth Wolfe, Chris Boyette, Steve Almasy, Michelle Watson, Taylor. Live updates: Madison, Wisconsin school shooting, suspect identified as Abundant Life Christian School student. CNN. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  13. ^ Wisconsin school shooting: Teen student and teacher killed; suspect dead, 6 students hurt. 6abc Philadelphia. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  14. ^ Shapiro, Emily; Deliso, Meredith. Police ID girl, 15, as alleged Wisconsin school shooter who killed student and teacher, injured 6. abc30. [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  15. ^ Parry, Hannah; Castro, Amanda. Abundant Life Christian School Shooting Live Updates: Three dead, say cops. Newsweek. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  16. ^ Brasch, Ben; Paúl, María Luisa; Parker, Nick. Live updates: Student kills 2 and injures 6 at Madison, Wisconsin, Christian school, police say. Washington Post. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  17. ^ 2 killed, suspect dead in school shooting in Madison, Wisconsin, police say. CBS News. [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Bach, Caroline. 3 people have died, including the suspected shooter, in Abundant Life Christian School shooting. WKOW. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  19. ^ Birle, Jack. What to know about the Abundant Life Christian School shooting in Wisconsin. Washington Examiner. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  20. ^ 'Sad day': Teacher, student killed; shooter dead at Wis. school. Live updates. USA Today. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Police identify Abundant Life Christian School shooting suspect as 15-year-old female student. Spectrum News 1. 2024-12-16 (英语). 
  22. ^ The latest on the Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting. CNN. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  23. ^ Adolphus, Emell. Natalie Rupnow’s Chilling Connection to Columbine Killer. Yahoo News. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  24. ^ What we know about the suspect in the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 2024-12-16 (英语). 
  25. ^ Natalie Rupnow's Reported Manifesto: What We Know. Newsweek. 2024-12-17 (英语). 
  26. ^ Yet again, horror in an American school: Two dead, six injured in Madison, Wisconsin shooting. World Socialist Web Site. 2024-12-17 (英语). 
  27. ^ 'Death will be freedom': What Wisconsin shooter Natalie Rupnow wrote in her 'War against Humanity' manifesto. The Times of India. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17]. ISSN 0971-8257. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Richmond, Todd; Shastri, Devi. Live updates from December 17: Madison Police hold news conference on Wisconsin school shooting. AP News. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Tan, Sarah. Natalie Rupnow Pictured Wearing Same Shirt As Columbine Shooter. International Business Times UK. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-17) (英语). 
  30. ^ Wolfe, Elizabeth; Boyette, Chris; Prokupecz, Shimon. What we know about the Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting that left a student and teacher dead. CNN. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-17) (英语). 
  31. ^ Tornabene, Juliana. Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane Co. to hold vigil after Madison school shooting. 15 WMTV. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-17] (英语). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Foody, Katie; Superville, Darlene. Live updates from December 16: Abundant Life Christian School Shooter was a 17-year-old female student, official tells AP. AP News. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  33. ^ Bach, Caroline. MPD identifies suspected shooter at Abundant Life Christian School. WKOW. 2024-12-16 (英语). 
  34. ^ Police looking into motivation of 15-year-old female Wisconsin school shooting suspect. Eyewitness News Abc 7. 2024-12-17 (英语). 
  35. ^ Wise, Alana. Three people are dead and several more are hospitalized in Wisconsin school shooting. npr.org. 2024-12-16 (英语). 
  36. ^ Shapiro, Emily. Abundant Life Christian School shooting in Madison: 2 killed, 6 hurt. ABC News. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16] (英语). 
  37. ^ Chasan, Aliza. What we know about the Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting. CBS News. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-12-16) (英语).