
《诡丽幻谭》(Weird Tales)是一份由J·C·亨内伯格(J. C. Henneberger)和J·M·兰辛格(J. M. Lansinger)于1922年创办的美国恐怖、奇幻杂志。第一期为1923年3月版,当年2月18日开始售卖[1]。它是美国最重要的奇幻杂志之一[2]。
它在创刊的头一年就遇到财政危机,法恩斯沃思·莱特在1924年当上主编之后情况开始好转。 自1928年的《克苏鲁的呼唤》开始,H·P·洛夫克拉夫特就一直在该杂志上连载他的克苏鲁神话系列故事。发表过作品的作家还包括罗伯特·欧文·霍华德(蛮王柯南系列)、西贝里·奎因(朱尔·葛兰丁系列)、克拉克·阿什顿·史密斯、埃德加·霍夫曼·普莱斯、罗伯特·布洛克和爱德蒙·汉密尔顿。
1940年因为法恩斯沃思·莱特病重,多萝西·麦基尔雷思(Dorothy McIlwraith)担任主编,杂志走上下坡路,1954年停刊。经过多方努力,1988年复刊。1990年代中期,它一度改名《奇幻恐怖世界》(Worlds of Fantasy & Horror),1998年改回原名。
[编辑]- Ashley, Mike. Oriental Stories. Tymn, Marshall B.; Ashley, Mike (编). Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1985a: 454–456. ISBN 0-313-21221-X.
- Ashley, Mike. That Other 'Weird Tales'. Etchings & Odysseys. 1985b, (6): 31–35.
- Ashley, Mike. Weird Tales. Clute, John; Grant, John (编). The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. New York: St Martin's Press. 1997: 1000–1003 [1996]. ISBN 0-312-15897-1.
- Ashley, Mike. The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines from the beginning to 1950. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2000. ISBN 0-85323-865-0.
- Ashley, Mike. Transformations:The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2005. ISBN 0-85323-779-4.
- Ashley, Mike. Gateways to Forever:The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970 to 1980. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-1-84631-003-4.
- Ashley, Mike. Weird Tales. Book and Magazine Collector. April 2008, (293): 24–37.
- Ashley, Mike. Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78138-260-8.
- Bleiler, Everett F. Science-Fiction: The Early Years. Kent, Ohio: Kent University State Press. 1990. ISBN 0-87338-416-4.
- Bloch, Robert. Once Around the Bloch: An Unauthorized Autobiography. New York: Tor. 1993. ISBN 0-312-85373-4.
- Brennan, Joseph Payne. Joseph Payne Brennan. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999: 59–61. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Carter, Lin. Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos. New York: Ballantine Books. 1976 [1972]. ISBN 0-345-25295-0.
- Cave, Hugh B. Magazines I Remember. Chicago: Tattered Pages Press. 1994. ISBN 1-884449-04-2.
- Clareson, Thomas D. Unknown. Tymn, Marshall B.; Ashley, Mike (编). Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1985: 694–697. ISBN 0-313-21221-X.
- Clute, John. Howard, Robert Ervin. Clute, John; Grant, John (编). The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1997: 481–483. ISBN 0-312-15897-1.
- Connors, Scott; Hilger, Ron. Foreword. Connors, Scott; Hilger, Ron (编). The Miscellaneous Writings of Clark Ashton Smith. Westport, Connecticut: Simon & Schuster. 2011: 454–456. ISBN 978-1-59780-297-0.
- de Camp, L. Sprague. Science-Fiction Handbook. New York: Hermitage House. 1953.
- de Camp, L. Sprague. Lovecraft: A Biography. New York: Doubleday & Company. 1975. ISBN 0-385-00578-4.
- Dziemianowicz, Stefan. Moore, Catherine Lucille. Clute, John; Grant, John (编). The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1997: 661–662 [1996]. ISBN 0-312-15897-1.
- Everett, Justin; Shanks, Jeffrey H. Introduction. Everett, Justin; Shanks, Jeffrey H. (编). The Unique Legacy of Weird Tales: The Evolution of Modern Fantasy and Horror. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. 2015: ix–xix. ISBN 978-1-4422-5621-7.
- Jaffery, Sheldon; Cook, Fred. The Collectors' Index to Weird Tales. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press. 1985. ISBN 0-87972-284-3.
- Jones, Robert Kenneth. The Shudder Pulps. West Linn, Oregon: FAX Collector's Editions. 1975. ISBN 0-913960-04-7.
- Jones, Stephen. Afterword: A Gentleman of Providence. Jones, Stephen (编). Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd. 2008: 831–878. ISBN 978-0-575-08157-4.
- Joshi, S. T.; Schultz, David E. An H.P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia. New York: Hippocampus Press. 2004 [2001]. ISBN 0-9748789-1-X.
- Knight, Damon. The Futurians. New York: John Day. 1977.
- Locke, John. The Thing's Incredible! The Secret Origins of Weird Tales. Elkhorn, California: Off-Trail Publications. 2018. ISBN 1-935-03125-2.
- Moskowitz, Sam. Strange Horizons: The Spectrum of Science Fiction. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1976. ISBN 0-684-14774-2.
- Murray, Will. The Thrill Book Story. Pulp Vault (Barrington Hills, Illinois: Tattered Pages Press). 2011, (14).
- Price, E. Hoffmann. Farnsworth Wright. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999: 7–15 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Walker, Mary Jo. Out of the Closet: Science Fiction at Eastern New Mexico University. Hall, Hal W. (编). Science/Fiction Collections: Fantasy, Supernatural & Weird Tales. New York: Haworth Press. 1983: 49–58. ISBN 0-917724-49-6.
- Weinberg, Robert. Fantasy Pulps. Magill, Frank (编). Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature: Volume Five. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Salem Press. 1983: 2447–2463. ISBN 0-89356-455-9.
- Weinberg, Robert. Weird Tales. Tymn, Marshall B.; Ashley, Mike (编). Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1985a: 727–736. ISBN 0-313-21221-X.
- Weinberg, Robert. A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1985b. ISBN 0-313-24349-2.
- Weinberg, Robert. A Brief History. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999a: 3–6 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Weinberg, Robert. The Stories. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999b: 19–47 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Weinberg, Robert. Cover Art. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999c: 62–78 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Weinberg, Robert. Interior Art. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999d: 79–111 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Weinberg, Robert. Out of the Eyrie. Weinberg, Robert (编). The Weird Tales Story. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Wildside Press. 1999e: 119–131 [1977]. ISBN 1-58715-101-4.
- Weird Tales in Limbo. Locus: the Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field. October 1984, (285): 4.
- Williamson, Jack. Wonder's Child. New York: Blue Jay. 1984.
- Wright, Farnsworth (编). The Moon Terror. Indianapolis: Popular Fiction Publishing Company. 1927.
[编辑]- William Fulwiler and Graeme Flanagan. Weird Tales on Television. Crypt of Cthulhu, 4, No 5 (whole number 30) (Eastertide 1985):29-32, 52.
- Weird Tales: The Unique Magazine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) pulpmags.org