

雷氏不连续面(Lehmann discontinuity)或称雷嫚不连续面、莱曼不连续面,是指在地球的地幔中,地震波P波和S波突然加速的区域,该区域一般在5150km深,为内核与外核的交界点公里深处,该区域厚度约220公里[来源请求]。该不连续面由丹麦女性地震学家英格·雷曼于1936年发现并以其姓氏命名[2]。
部分文献中,雷氏不连续面是指190~250公里深处的不连续面。[来源请求] 此雷氏不连续面在大陆地壳下存在,但在海洋地壳的大多数区域以下不存在[3],并且在全球性的平均研究中不容易出现。关于地震波速度增加的现象已有数个解释提出,例如它的下限和有弹性的软流圈相连,相变造成震波速度变化[4];而目前认为最可能的是S波在深度变化时的非均向性 [5]。相关细节请参见唐戸俊一郎著作[6]。
[编辑]- ^ Figure patterned after Don L Anderson. New theory of the earth 2nd. Cambridge University Press. 2007: 102, Figure 8.6. ISBN 0-521-84959-4.; Original figure attributed to Grand & Helmberger (1984)
- ^ ,参见 William Lowrie. Fundamentals of geophysics. Cambridge University Press. 1997: 158 [2013-03-13]. ISBN 0-521-46728-4. (原始内容存档于2013-10-13).
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Lars Stixrude and Carolina Lithgow-Bertolloni. Mineralogy and elasticity of the oceanic upper mantle: Origin of the low-velocity zone (PDF). J Geophys. Res. 2005, 110: B03204. doi:10.1029/2004JB002965. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-08-30).
The first possible explanation is that the Lehmann is not a global feature...the Lehmann is more prevalent under continents and may be absent under all or most of the oceans.
- ^ Kent C. Condie. Plate tectonics and crustal evolution 4rth. Butterworth-Heinemann. 1997: 123. ISBN 0-7506-3386-7.
- ^ MK Savage, KM Fischer CE Hall. Strain modelling, seismic anisotropy and coupling at strike-slip boundaries.... John Gocott (编). Vertical coupling and decoupling in the lithosphere; Volume 227 of special publications. Geological Society. 2004: 14. ISBN 1-86239-159-9.
- ^ Shunʼichirō Karato. Deformation of earth materials: an introduction to the rheology of solid earth. Cambridge University Press. 2008: 318. ISBN 0-521-84404-5.
[编辑]- P Caloi. The “20° Discontinuity”. H. E. Landsberg, J. Van Mieghem (编). Advances in geophysics, Volume 12. Academic Press. 1967: 167 ff. ISBN 0-12-018812-0. – some historic background.