
![]() | 此条目需要更新。 (2025年1月30日) |
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就业和养老金部 | |
Department for Work and Pensions | |
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内阁部门概要 | |
成立时间 | 2001年6月8日 |
前身机构 | |
机构类型 | 英国政府部门 |
机构驻地 | 英格兰伦敦 SW1H 9NA Tothill街6-12号 Caxton大厦7楼 |
雇员数目 | 84718名 (2016年5月)[1] |
年度预算额 | 1763亿英镑(资源性每年管理开支),[2] 63亿英镑 (资源性部门支出限额),[3] 3亿英镑(资本性部门支出限额), 23亿英镑(非预算支出) 至2017年3月31日止[4] |
隶属部长 | 就业和养老金大臣:梅尔·斯特赖德 |
隶属副部长 | 就业副大臣:阿洛克·夏尔马 残障人士副大臣:贾斯汀·汤姆林森 抚恤金和金融普惠政务次官:盖·欧柏曼 家庭支持、住房和儿童保全政务次官:威尔·奎因斯 上院事务政务次官:佩塔·巴斯科姆女男爵 |
机构长官 | 常务次官:彼得·斯科菲尔德[5] |
网站 | www |
就业和养老金部(英语:Department for Work and Pensions;威尔士语:Yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau)是负责福利和抚恤金政策的英国政府部门。
[编辑]该部的前身可以追溯到1916年成立的抚恤金部(英语:Ministry of Pensions)和英国劳工部。抚恤金部的任务是给退伍军人和军属发放抚恤金。劳工部则是从贸易委员会手中接管了调解劳资纠纷、劳务交流、劳资关系和统计就业相关数据,一战后负责监督军人复员和转业,1918年开始执行最低工资标准,1919年,代表英国参加国际劳工组织。
1939年,劳工部更名为劳工和国民服务部(英语:Ministry of Labour and National Service),反映了1939年《国家兵役(武装部队)法》规定的新职责:分配人员在武装部队、民防和工厂之间工作。1945年4月,劳工部与失业保险和援助有关的职能移交给成立于1944年的国家保险部(英语:Ministry of National Insurance),二战结束后,国民服务职能被交给国防部的征兵部门。
1953年,抚恤金部和国家保险部合并成立抚恤金和国家保险部(英语:Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance)。[6]
1966年抚恤金和国家保险部更名为社会保障部(英语:Ministry of Social Security)。
1968,社会保障部与卫生部合并为(卫生和社会保障部)。劳工部也改名为就业和生产部(英语:Department of Employment and Productivity)。
1970年就业和生产部再更名为就业部(英语:Department of Employment)。[7]
[编辑]- ^ DWP's headcount and payroll data for May 2016 (ODS). Department for Work and Pensions. 2016-07-01 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-18).
- ^ How to understand public sector spending - Annually managed expenditure (AME). HM Treasury. 2013-05-29 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-18).
Annually managed expenditure, or AME, is more difficult to explain or control as it is spent on programmes which are demand-led – such as welfare, tax credits or public sector pensions. It is spent on items that may be unpredictable or not easily controlled by departments, and are relatively large in comparison to other government departments.
- ^ How to understand public sector spending - Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL). HM Treasury. 2013-05-29 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-18).
The government budget that is allocated to and spent by government departments is known as the Departmental Expenditure Limit, or DEL. This amount, and how it is split between government departments, is set at Spending Reviews. Things that departmental budgets can be spent on include the running of the services that they oversee such as schools or hospital, and the everyday cost of resources such as staff. The government controls DEL by deciding how much each department gets.
- ^ Central Government Supply Estimates 2016-17. London: HM Treasury. 2016: 138 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-17).
- ^ HM Government. Appointment of Peter Schofield as Permanent Secretary at the Department for Work and Pensions. www.gov.uk. 2018-01-12 [2018-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-16) (英语).
- ^ Department for Work and Pensions. A century of support: Department for Work and Pensions turns 100 years old. Department for Work and Pensions. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-29).
- ^ Jon Davis "Employment, Department of (1970–95)" in John Ramsden (ed) The Oxford Companion to British Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.222
- ^ Dept. of Social Security. Resource Accounts 2000-2001. rightsnet.org. [2012-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-19).
- ^ The welfare state 1945–2002. BBC News. 2002-08-05 [2012-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-21).
- ^ Department of Social Security renamed. Practical Law Company. 2001-06-29 [2012-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-21).
- ^ E Carmel & T Papadopoulos. The New governance of Social Security in Britain (PDF). University of Bath. [2012-06-06]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-03-20).
- ^ Dept. of Social Security. Resource Accounts 2000-2001. rightsnet.org. [2012-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-19).
- ^ Department for Work and Pensions - GOV.UK. [2011-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-23).