分类 | 麦加篇章,麦地那篇章 |
名称涵义 | 至仁主 |
统计数据 | |
苏拉次第 | 55 |
阿亚数 | 78 |
卷次第 | 10-11 |
段落次第 | 19-21 |
鞠躬次数 | 3 |
词汇数 | 352 |
字母数 | 1585 |
开头独立字母数 | 无 |
上一章 | 月亮章 |
下一章 | 大事章 |
至仁章 (阿拉伯语:سورة الرحمن),音译拉赫曼,热赫曼,是古兰经的第55章,共计78节。
本章的标题,至仁主,音译拉赫曼或热赫曼,出现在第1节,神圣的称谓 “至仁” 也出现在除第9章之外的所有章之前的开头公式中。
对于至仁章是否应归类为麦加的或麦地那的,存在分歧。诺勒迪克和卡尔勒•恩斯特将其归类为麦加篇章,但阿卜杜勒•哈里姆在自已翻译将本章归类为麦地那的,[1][2] 尽管大多数穆斯林学者将至仁主视为麦加的。[3][4]
[编辑]- 1 安拉教人类古兰经
- 2-15 安拉万物的创造者
- 16-25 安拉掌管大海和其中的一切
- 26-30 安拉永远活着,其他一切都腐烂和死亡
- 31-40 安拉肯定会审判人和精灵
- 41-45 安拉将把恶人送入地狱之火
- 46-78 描述天堂的喜悦
[编辑]这是一篇与伊斯兰教相关的小作品。您可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。 |
- ^ Haleem, The Qur’an, 353.
- ^ Theodor Nöldeke: Geschichte des Qorans. Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, Göttingen, 1860, pp. 107-108 ff..
- ^ The Message of the Quran, M. Asad, 1982, Introduction Surah ar-Rahman.
Although most of the commentators regard this surah as a Meccan revelation, Zamakhshari and (among the later scholars) Suyuti ascribe it to the Medina period. Baydawi leaves the question open, and adds that parts of it may have been revealed before and parts after the Prophet's hijrah to Medina. Some authorities are of the opinion that it followed immediately upon surah 13 ("Thunder"): an opinion which is not very helpful since that surah, too, cannot be assigned to either of the two periods with any degree of certainty.
- ^ Directorate of Religious Affairs, Introduction Surah ar-Rahman. [2022-08-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-01).
[Translation] This Surah was revealed in the Meccan Period. [Original] Mekke döneminde inmiştir.