

Shawn Fain
前任雷·柯瑞英语Ray Curry
出生 (1968-10-30) 1968年10月30日55岁)

肖恩·费恩(英语:Shawn Fain,1968年10月30日)是一名美国工会工作者,2023年3月起担任美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)主席。他的职业是电工,曾在印第安那州科科莫斯泰兰蒂斯汽车零件工厂工作。他加入UAW已有29年,是改革核心小组团结所有工人争取民主(UAWD)的成员[1][2][3][4]。费恩是第一位由工会成员直接选举产生的UAW主席,也是2023年美国汽车工人联合会罢工的核心人物。

2023年,费恩竞选工会主席,对手是现任主席雷·柯瑞英语Ray Curry,他领导的名为UAW成员联合(UAW Members United)的阵营重点反对腐败、特许权和分级工资结构英语Two-tier system[5]。在工会成员直接选举主席的首次选举中,法因以 477 票的优势获胜[6],并于3月就职[7]




费恩于1968年10月30日出生于印第安那州科科莫[9][10][11]。他是两位通用汽车UAW退休人员的孙子。他的祖父于1937年开始在克莱斯勒工作,当年克莱斯勒工人在静坐罢工后加入UAW[4][12]。他的父亲曾担任科科莫警察局长。[13]。费恩毕业于泰勒高中英语Taylor High School (Kokomo, Indiana)[14]



当选主席几天后,费恩就对汽车制造商表示UAW 已经“受够了现状”[15]。在2023年的合约重新谈判中,费恩主张立即为工人增加20%的工资,然后每年逐步增加,总共增加46%。此后,UAW将要求的涨幅降至36%[16]。费恩也呼吁终止分级薪资和福利,收回UAW在2007年—2008年环球金融危机期间做出的让步,包括恢复生活费调整和稳健的退休金[17][18]。费恩在合约重新谈判期间的强硬立场促使工会决定于9月15日开始2023年美国汽车工人联合会罢工[8]。这是UAW 88年历史上首次同时发起针对汽车制造商三巨头的罢工[19]

分析师丹尼尔·艾夫斯(Daniel Ives)对路透社说:“这不是你祖父的UAW。费恩就像一个棋手在下棋。他正在领导21世纪的工会谈判。”[20]。费恩在谈判期间利用社群媒体平台,发布了纪录片风格的短片[20]


费恩经常出现在Facebook Lives上,直接向UAW成员发表讲话,引用《圣经》和麦尔坎·X的名言[20][21]。在2023年8月初的一次直播中,可以看到费恩将汽车制造商斯泰兰蒂斯的报价单扔进了一个废纸篓,并说道:“这就是它的归宿——垃圾桶,因为它就是垃圾。”[22][23]。2023年9月,他说:“迄今为止,9月罢工已被证明是有效的,应该让雇主们再三考虑。”[24]





  1. ^ Boudette, Neal. President Is Ousted in United Auto Workers Election. The New York Times. March 25, 2023. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Wayland, Michael. Historic UAW Election Picks Reform Leader Who Vows More Aggressive Approach to Auto Negotiations. CNBC. March 25, 2023 [15 April 2023]. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Gonyea, Don. Newly Elected United Auto Workers Leader Strikes Militant Tone Ahead of Contract Talks. NPR. April 7, 2023 [15 April 2023]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 UAW President Shawn Fain. UAW. 2023-08-24 [2023-09-27] (美国英语). 
  5. ^ Boudette, Neal E. United Auto Workers Appear to Rebuke Leaders in First Vote by Members. The New York Times. 2022-12-02 [2023-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2 Dec 2022) (美国英语). 
  6. ^ 2023 UAW Officers Runoff Results (PDF). 
  7. ^ Boudette, Neal E. United Auto Workers Usher In New Era of Leadership. The New York Times. 2023-03-27 [2023-09-16] (美国英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Everything You Need to Know About the Potential UAW Strike. NBC News. 2023-09-14 [2023-09-15] (英语). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Streitfeld, David. New U.A.W. Chief Has a Nonnegotiable Demand: Eat the Rich. The New York Times. 2023-10-05 [2023-11-05]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  10. ^ UAW reaches deal with General Motors that ends strikes against Detroit automakers pending votes. AP News. 2023-10-30 [2023-11-09] (英语). The deal UAW President Shawn Fain closed on his 55th birthday is modeled on the ones agreed to with crosstown rivals Ford and Jeep-maker Stellantis, and would give workers higher raises than they’ve received in years. 
  11. ^ Sainato, Michael. The UAW Leader Fighting to Defend Autoworkers from 'Corporate Greed'. The Guardian (London). September 26, 2023 [October 10, 2023]. 
  12. ^ UAW Locals Map – Mapping American Social Movements. depts.washington.edu. [2023-09-17]. 
  13. ^ Krisher, Tom. Kokomo Native Wins Close Race to lead United Auto Workers Union. Kokomo Tribune. Kokomo, Indiana. Associated Press. 2023-03-26 [2023-09-16]. 
  14. ^ Fain-Harrison. The Kokomo Tribune (Kokomo, Indiana). 20 Oct 1991: 12. 
  15. ^ White, Joseph; Shepardson, David; White, Joseph. New UAW Leader Tells Automakers: 'Our Membership Is Fed Up'. Reuters. 2023-03-27 [2023-09-15] (英语). 
  16. ^ How Much Do UAW Workers Make? What to Know About Today's Strikes. The Washington Post. 2023-09-15 [2023-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-15) (英语). 
  17. ^ Kay, Danielle. The UAW Launches a Historic Strike Against All Big 3 Automakers. NPR. September 15, 2023. (原始内容存档于September 15, 2023). 
  18. ^ Vlasic, Bill. U.A.W. Makes Concessions to Help Automakers. The New York Times. 2008-12-03 [2023-09-15] (美国英语). 
  19. ^ Workers Strike at All 3 Detroit Automakers, a New Tactic to Squeeze Companies for Better Pay. AP News. 2023-09-15 [2023-09-18] (英语). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Flowers, Bianca. UAW Union Embraces Social Media as Labor Talks Toughen Ahead of Deadline. Reuters. 2023-09-09 [2023-09-16] (英语). 
  21. ^ White, Joseph. Auto Union Chief Shawn Fain Quotes Malcolm X, Shines on Facebook as Takes on Detroit Three. Reuters. 2023-09-14 [2023-09-18] (英语). 
  22. ^ Shepardson, David. UAW Calls Stellantis Contract Offer 'Trash'. Reuters. 2023-08-09 [2023-09-16] (英语). 
  23. ^ Live Update | Live Update UAW President Shawn Fain Live Stream Update 8/8/23 from Detroit, MI | By UAW International Union | Facebook. www.facebook.com. [2023-09-16] (英语). 
  24. ^ »Vi bruger en ny strategi«: Tusindvis af ansatte i usædvanlig strejke på tre store amerikanske bilfabrikker. 
  25. ^ Bomey, Nathan. UAW promises to deliver where it's failed before: the South. Axios. November 2, 2023 [December 7, 2023]. 
  26. ^ Shepardson, David. More than 1,000 VW workers in Tennessee sign union representation cards -UAW. Reuters. 2023-12-07 [2023-12-08] (英语). 

