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美国内乱事件列表(英语:List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States)是关于美国内动、暴乱、劳资纠纷冲突或者小规模叛乱。《独立宣言》前发生的内乱事件,见北美殖民地内乱事件列表。
[编辑]- 1804 - 伯尔-咸美顿决斗 - 前美国财政部长亚历山大·咸美顿与时任美国副总统的阿龙·伯尔进行的一次决斗。
- 1824 – Hard Scrabble and Snow Town Riots, 1824 & 1831 respectively, 普罗维登斯
- 1829 – 1829年辛辛那堤暴乱
- 1831 – 特纳起义, August 21–23, 南安普顿县 (维吉尼亚州)
- 1834 – Anti-abolitionist riot (1834), New York City
- 1834 – Attack on Canterbury Female Boarding School, 坎特伯里 (康涅狄格州)
- 1835 – Baltimore bank riot, August 6–9
- 1835 – Gentleman's Riot, numerous riots throughout 1835 targeting abolitionists,[2] 波士顿
- 1835 – Snow Riot, Washington D.C.
- 1835 – Destruction of Noyes Academy, Canaan, New Hampshire
- 1835–1836 – 托莱多战争 - 密歇根州与俄亥俄州之间爆发的一场几乎不流血的边境冲突。
- 1836 – Cincinnati Riots of 1836, 辛辛那提
- 1837 – Flour Riots, New York City
- 1837 – Murder of Elijah Lovejoy
- 1838 – Pennsylvania Hall (Philadelphia)
- 1839 – 蜜糖战争- 爱荷华领地与密苏里州之间爆发的边境冲突。
- 1839 – 抗租战争, 哈德逊河谷, 纽约州
- 1841 – Dorr Rebellion, 罗德岛州
- 1841 – Cincinnati Riots of 1841, early September, 辛辛那提
- 1842 – Lombard Street Riot, (a.k.a. the Abolition Riots), August 1, Philadelphia
- 1842 – Muncy Abolition riot of 1842
- 1844 – Philadelphia Nativist Riots, May 6–8, July 6–7, Philadelphia (anti-Catholic)
- 1849 – Astor Place riot, May 10, New York City, (anti-British)
[编辑]- 1851 – Christiana Riot, 兰开斯特县 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1853 – Cincinnati Riot of 1853, 辛辛那提
- 1855 – 1855年辛辛那提骚乱
- 1855 – Lager Beer Riot, April 21, 芝加哥
- 1855 – Portland Rum Riot, June 2, 波特兰 (缅因州)
- 1855 – Bloody Monday, Know-Nothing Party riot, August 6, 路易维尔 (肯塔基州) (anti-immigration)
- 1855 – Detroit brothel riots, 1855–1859, 底特律 [3]
- 1856 – Pottawatomie massacre, May 24, 富兰克林县 (堪萨斯州)
- 1856 – Know-Nothing Riot of 1856, 巴尔的摩
- 1856 – San Francisco Committee of Vigilance#1856, San Francisco, California
- 1857 – Know-Nothing Riot, June 1, 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 (anti-immigration)
- 1857 – New York City Police Riot, June 16, New York City
- 1857 – Dead Rabbits Riot, July 4–5, New York City
- 1858 – Know-Nothing Riot 1858, 新奥尔良
- 1859 – 约翰·布朗突袭哈珀斯渡口, October 16, 哈珀斯费里 (西弗吉尼亚州)
[编辑]- 1861–1865: 美国内战
- 1861 – 1861年巴尔的摩暴动
- 1861 – 圣路易斯大屠杀
- 1862 – Buffalo riot of 1862, August 12, 水牛城
- 1863 – Detroit race riot of 1863, March 6
- 1863 – Southern bread riots, April 2, Riots which broke out in the South during the Civil War due to food shortages throughout the 美利坚联盟国
- 1863 – Battle of Fort Fizzle, June, also known as the Holmes County Draft Riots, active resistance to the draft during the Civil War, 霍尔姆斯县 (俄亥俄州)
- 1863 – 纽约征兵暴动 - 南北战争期间,于1863年7月13日,不满征兵制的美国纽约爱尔兰裔工人集体攻打北方政府的征兵机构。
- 1864 – Charleston Riot, March 28, 查尔斯顿 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1866 – Memphis Riots of 1866, May 1–3, Race riot that broke out during 美国重建时期, 孟菲斯 (田纳西州)
- 1866 – New Orleans riot, July 30, 新奥尔良
- 1868 – Pulaski Riot, 普拉斯基 (田纳西州)
- 1870 – Orange riots
- 1870 – Kirk-Holden war, July–November, Caswell and Alamance counties 北卡罗来纳州
- 1870 – Mamaroneck riot, labor riot between Italian and Irish laborers
- 1871 – Orange riots
- 1871 – Meridian race riot of 1871, March, 默尔迪恩 (密西西比州)
- 1871 – 1871年洛杉矶华人大屠杀 - 是年10月24日发生在美国洛杉矶的针对华人的种族仇杀事件,超过500名男性白人暴徒冲进洛杉矶唐人街袭击、抢劫并杀害当地华人居民。
- 1873 – 科尔法克斯大屠杀 - 是年4月13日复活节星期天,在路易斯安那州格兰特教区所在地科尔法克斯发生屠杀,估计有62-153名黑人被组成民兵的南方白人杀害。
- 1874 – Election Riot of 1874, 巴伯县 (阿拉巴马州)
- 1874 – Tompkins Square Riot (1874), New York City
- 1874 – Battle of Liberty Place, 新奥尔良
- 1876 – South Carolina civil disturbances of 1876, 南卡罗来纳州
- 1877 – 1877年铁路大罢工 - 铁路公司三度削减工资,导致工人于7月14日在马丁斯堡发起持续45天的罢工。由于经济问题和工资压力,其他城市包括纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州、马利兰州、伊利诺伊州和密苏里州亦有工人发起罢工:
- Baltimore railroad strike of 1877 in 巴尔的摩
- Chicago railroad strike of 1877, 芝加哥
- Philadelphia Railroad Strike, 费城
- Pittsburgh Railway Riots, in 匹兹堡
- Reading Railroad massacre, 雷丁 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1877 Saint Louis general strike, July, 东圣路易斯 (伊利诺伊州)
- Scranton General Strike, in 斯克兰顿 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1877 Shamokin uprising, 沙莫金
- 1877 – 1877年旧金山反华暴乱
[编辑]- 1880 – 1880 Garret Mountain May Day riot, May 1, 帕特森 (新泽西州)
- 1882 – Greenwood, New York, insurrection of 1882
- 1884 – Cincinnati riots of 1884, March 28–30, 辛辛那提
- 1885 – 石泉城大屠杀 - 是年9月2日发生在美国怀俄明州甘霖县石泉城白人矿工对美国华人矿工的屠杀事件。
- 1886 – 1886年西雅图反华暴乱 - 是年2月6日至9日于西雅图发生的排华事件。
- 1886 – 干草市场事件 - 是年5月4日在芝加哥干草广场,对于劳工示威造成的爆炸案的后续警民冲突事件。
- 1886 – Bay View Massacre, May 4; 1400 workers march for eight hour work day; 7 killed and several more wounded after confrontation with National Guard. 密尔沃基
- 1887 – Thibodaux Massacre, November 22–25; a racial attack mounted by white paramilitary groups in Thibodaux, Louisiana in November 1887 蒂博 (路易斯安那州)
- 1888 – Jaybird-Woodpecker War, 1888–90, violent post-Reconstruction political conflict in Texas. 福遍郡
[编辑]- 1891 – March 14, 1891 lynchings, 新奥尔良
- 1892 – Homestead strike, July 6, 1892, Homestead, Pennsylvania
- 1892–1893 – Mitcham War, 克拉克县 (阿拉巴马州)
- 1894 – May Day riots of 1894, May 1, 克利夫兰
- 1894 – 普尔曼大罢工 - 是年5月11日发生起原于芝加哥普尔曼后来扩散至全国的铁路罢工行动,并从而影响美国劳动法。参与者于暴乱中焚毁了芝加哥哥伦布纪念博览会的大楼。
- 1894 – Bituminous coal miners' strike of 1894, coal mining regions
- 1895 – 1895 New Orleans dockworkers riot, 新奥尔良
- 1897 – Lattimer massacre, September 1897, near 黑兹尔顿
- 1898 – Battle of Virden, October 12, Coal strike; 11 killed, 35 wounded, 维尔登 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1898 – 1898年威尔明顿大屠杀, November 10, 威尔明顿 (北卡罗来纳州)
- 1899 – Pana riot, April 10, Coal mine labor conflict; 7 killed, 6 wounded, 帕纳 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1899 – Coeur d'Alene, Idaho labor confrontation of 1899
[编辑]- 1900 – Crime in Akron, Ohio, 阿克伦 (俄亥俄州)
- 1900 – Robert Charles riots
- 1901 – Denver Riots, 丹佛[来源请求]
- 1901 – New York Race Riots[来源请求]
- 1901 – Pierce City Riots, 皮尔斯城 (密苏里州)
- 1902 – Liverpool Riots, 丹佛[来源请求]
- 1903 – Colorado Labor Wars, 1903–1904
- 1903 – Anthracite Coal Strike, Eastern 宾夕法尼亚州
- 1903 – Evansville race riot, 埃文斯维尔 (印第安纳州)[来源请求]
- 1903 – Motormen's Riot, 里士满 (弗吉尼亚州)[来源请求]
- 1905 – 1905 Chicago teamsters' strike, April 7 – July 19, Conflict between the 国际卡车司机兄弟会 and the Employers' Association of Greater Chicago by the end, 21 people killed and 416 injured, mostly workers. 芝加哥
- 1906 – Rioting and looting after the 1906年旧金山大地震
- 1906 – Atlanta Riots, 亚特兰大
- 1907 – Bellingham riots, 贝灵厄姆 (华盛顿州)
- 1908 – Springfield Race Riot of 1908, 斯普林菲尔德 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1909 – Greek Town riot, February 21, South Omaha, Nebraska
[编辑]- 1910 – Johnson–Jeffries riots
- 1910–1919 – Bandit War Southern 德克萨斯州
- 1910 – Philadelphia general strike (1910), 费城, 宾夕法尼亚州
- 1912 – Lawrence textile strike, 劳伦斯 (马萨诸塞州) (January to March)
- 1912 – Grabow riot (July 7)
- 1913 – Wheatland Riot, August 3, 惠特兰 (加利福尼亚州)
- 1913 – Paterson Silk Strike of 1913, February 25 – July 28 帕特森 (新泽西州)
- 1913 – Copper Country Strike of 1913–1914, 卡柳梅特 (密歇根州)
- 1913 – Colorado Coalfield War, September 23 – April 29, 1914, Southern 科罗拉多州
- 1913 – Indianapolis streetcar strike of 1913, October 30 – November 7, 印第安纳波利斯
- 1914 – 拉德洛大屠杀, April 20, Ludlow, Colorado
- 1916 – Preparedness Day bombing, July 22, 旧金山
- 1916 – Everett massacre, November 5, 埃弗里特 (华盛顿州)
- 1917 – East St. Louis Race Riots, July 2, 圣路易斯 (密苏里州) & 东圣路易斯 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1917 – 1917 Chester race riot, July 25–29, 切斯特 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1917 – Springfield Vigilante Riot, 斯普林菲尔德 (密苏里州)
- 1917 – Green Corn Rebellion, August 3, A brief popular uprising advocating for the rural poor and against military conscription, Central Oklahoma
- 1917 – Houston Race riot, August 23, 休斯敦
- 1917 – St. Paul Streetcar Riots, October and December, St. Paul, Minnesota
- 1918 – Detroit trolley riot, 底特律 [3]
- 1919 – Seattle General Strike, February 6–11, 西雅图
- 1919 – May Day Riots of 1919, May 1, 克利夫兰, 波士顿, 马萨诸塞州, 纽约, 纽约州
- 1919 – 第一次红色恐慌
- 1919年美国无政府主义者袭击事件 - 一系列由意大利无政府主义者鲁奇·加里尼在1919年4月至6月间制造的爆炸事件。
- 1919 – [1919年红色夏季]] - 黑人与白人之间种族动乱
- Blakeley, Georgia (February 8)
- Memphis, Tennessee (March 14)
- Morgan County, West Virginia riot of 1919 (April 10)
- Jenkins County, Georgia, riot of 1919 (April 13)
- Charleston riot of 1919 (May 10)
- Sylvester, Georgia (May 10)
- New London riots of 1919 (May 29)
- Putnam County, Georgia, arson attack (May 27–29)
- Monticello, Mississippi (May 31)
- Memphis, Tennessee (June 13)
- New London riots of 1919 (June 13)
- Annapolis riot of 1919 (June 27)
- Macon, Mississippi, race riot (June 27)
- Bisbee Riot (July 3)
- Dublin, Georgia riot (July 6)
- Race riots in Philadelphia during the 1919 Red Summer (July 7)
- 1919 Coatesville call to arms (July 8)
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama (July 9)
- Longview race riot (July 10–12)
- Garfield Park riot of 1919 (July 14)
- Port Arthur riot 1919 (July 15)
- Washington race riot of 1919 (July 19–24)
- 1919 Norfolk race riot (July 21)
- New Orleans, Louisiana (July 23)
- Darby 1919 lynching attempt (July 23)
- Newman O'Neal (July 26)
- 1919年芝加哥种族暴动 (7月27日 – 8月3日)
- Newberry 1919 lynching attempt (July 28)
- Bloomington, Illinois (July 31)
- Syracuse riot of 1919 (July 31)
- Race riots in Philadelphia during the 1919 Red Summer (July 31)
- Hattiesburg, Mississippi (August 4)
- Texarkana, Texas riot of 1919 (August 6)
- New York, New York (August 21)
- Knoxville riot of 1919 (August 30)
- Ellenton riot (September 15–21)
- Omaha race riot of 1919 (September 28–29)
- Elaine race riot (October 1–2)
- Baltimore riot of 1919 (October 1–2)
- Corbin, Kentucky race riot of 1919 (October 31, 1919)
- 1919 – Annapolis riot of 1919, June 27, 安纳波利斯
- 1919 – Boston Police Strike, September 9–11, 波士顿, 马萨诸塞州
- 1919 – 美国钢铁工人大罢工
- 1919 – Centralia Massacre (Washington), November 11, 森特勒利亚 (华盛顿州)
[编辑]- 1920 – Battle of Matewan, May 20, Matewan, West Virginia
- 1920 – Ocoee massacre, November 2–3, 奥科伊 (佛罗里达州)
- 1920 - 华尔街爆炸事件
- 1921 – 塔尔萨种族屠杀 - 是年5月31日至6月1日,美国白人攻击奥克拉荷马州塔尔萨格林伍德的非裔美国人社区的居民和企业并屠杀非裔美国人。
- 1921 – Battle of Blair Mountain, August–September, 洛根县 (西维吉尼亚州)
- 1922 – Herrin Massacre, June 21–22, 赫林 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1922 – Straw Hat Riot, September 13–15, 纽约, 纽约州
- 1922 – Perry race riot, December 14–15, 佩里 (佛罗里达州)
- 1923 – 罗斯伍德大屠杀(红木大屠杀)- 是年1月第一周发生在佛罗里达州莱维县农村的一场以种族主义为动机的针对黑人的屠杀。
- 1925 – Ossian Sweet incident, September, 底特律
- 1927 – Yakima Valley Anti-Filipino Riot, November 8–11, 雅基马
- 1927 – Columbine Mine Massacre, November 21, Serene, Colorado
- 1929 – Loray Mill strike, 加斯托尼亚, 北卡罗来纳州
[编辑]- 1930 – Watsonville Riots, January 19–23, 沃森维尔 (加利福尼亚州)
- 1931 – Battle of Evarts, May 5, 哈伦县 (肯塔基州)
- 1931 – 1931 Chicago housing protests, August 3, 芝加哥
- 1931 – Hawaii Riot, 夏威夷州
- 1932 – 酬恤金进军事件 - 数万名的第一次世界大战美军退伍军人要求即时发放战时服役的薪饷,遭到美国政府拒绝而发动人群集会逗留请愿,最后导致军方派兵介入而造成流血冲突。
- 1932 – Ford Hunger March, March 7, 3,000 unemployed workers march on Ford Motors, five are killed, 福特荣格河综合体 plant, 迪尔伯恩
- 1934 – Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934, 明尼阿波利斯
- 1934 – Auto-Lite strike, April 4 – June 3, the "Battle of Toledo" riot, 托莱多 (俄亥俄州)
- 1934 – 1934年西岸码头工人罢工, May 9 – October 12, 旧金山湾区, 加利福尼亚州; 波特兰 (俄勒冈州); 西雅图
- 1934 – Textile workers strike (1934)
- 1934 – Detroit World Series riot, October 10, 底特律 [3]
- 1935 – Harlem Riot of 1935, March 19–20, New York City
- 1935 – Southern Tenant Farmers' Union Riot, 阿肯色州
- 1935 – Terre Haute General Strike, July 22–23, A labor dispute between an enameling company and a labor union led to a two-day general strike. Indiana National Guard was called out and 戒严 was declared by the Governor. The city was under a state of martial law for six months. It was the third 总罢工 in U.S. History. 特雷霍特, 印第安纳州
- 1937 – Flint Sit-Down Strike, General Motors' Fisher Body Plant, 弗林特 (密歇根州)
- 1937 – Battle of the Overpass, May 26, 迪尔伯恩 [3]
- 1937 – Memorial Day massacre of 1937, May 30, 芝加哥
- 1939 – U.S. Nazi Riot, New York City
[编辑]- 1942 – Sojourner Truth Homes Riot, February 28, 底特律
- 1943 – Beaumont race riot of 1943, June, 博蒙特 (德克萨斯州)
- 1943 – Zoot Suit Riots, July 3, 洛杉矶 (anti-Hispanic and anti-zoot suit)
- 1943 – Detroit race riot of 1943, June 20–21, 底特律
- 1943 – Harlem riot of 1943, August 1–3, 纽约
- 1946 – Columbia race riot of 1946, February 25–26, Columbia, Tennessee
- 1946 – Battle of Athens (1946), August, revolt by citizens against corrupt local government, 麦克明县 (田纳西州), 田纳西州
- 1946 – Airport Homes race riots, 芝加哥
- 1947 – Fernwood Park race riot, mid-August, Fernwood, Chicago, IL
- 1949 – Fairground Park riot, June 21, 圣路易斯 (密苏里州)
- 1949 – Anacostia Pool Riot, June 29, Anacostia, Washington, D.C.
- 1949 – Peekskill riots, 皮克斯基尔
- 1949 – Englewood race riot, November 8–12, Englewood, Chicago, IL
[编辑]- 1950 – San Juan Nationalist revolt, Utuado Uprising, Jayuya Uprising, October 30, Various uprisings against United States Government rule during the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Revolts of the 1950s in 波多黎各
- 1951 – Cicero race riot of 1951, July 12, 西塞罗 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1956 – Mansfield School Integration Incident 400 pro-segregationists brandishing weapons and racist signage prevent 12 black children from entering Mansfield High School 曼斯菲尔德 (德克萨斯州)
- 1958 – Battle of Hayes Pond, January 18, Maxton, North Carolina, Armed confrontation between members of the NC Lumbee tribe and the KKK.
- 1959 – Harriett-Henderson Cotton Mills Strike Henderson, North Carolina
- 1960 – 众议院非美活动调查委员会动乱
- 1960 – Newport_Jazz_Festival#1960s, July 2, 纽波特 (罗得岛州)
- 1960 – El Cajon Boulevard Riot, August 20, 圣地亚哥 (加利福尼亚州)
- 1960 – Ax Handle Saturday, August 27, 杰克逊维尔 (佛罗里达州)
- 1962 – 1962年密西西比大学骚乱
- 1963 – Birmingham riot of 1963, May 11, 伯明翰 (阿拉巴马州)
- 1963 – Cambridge riot 1963, June 14, 剑桥 (马里兰州)
- 1964 – Chester school protests, April 2–26, 切斯特 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1964 – 1964 Monson Motor Lodge protests June thru August, 圣奥古斯丁 (佛罗里达州)
- 1964 – the July 16 killing of Harlem riot of 1964#Killing of James Powell by police in the 约克维尔 neighborhood just south of 东哈莱姆 precipitates a string of race riots in July and August, including:
- 1964 – Harlem Riot of 1964, July 16–22, New York City
- 1964 – Rochester 1964 race riot, July 24–25, 罗彻斯特 (纽约州)
- 1964 – Jersey City Riot, August 3–5, A disorderly conduct arrest set off accusations of police brutality and were followed by protests and riots.[4] At least two residents were shot and several police and rioters were injured,[5] 泽西市
- 1964 – Dixmoor race riot, August 15–17, 迪克斯摩 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1964 – Philadelphia 1964 race riot, August 28–30, Philadelphia
- 1965 – Selma to Montgomery marches, March 7–25, Alabama
- 1965 – Watts riots, August 11–17, Los Angeles, California
- 1966 – Division Street riots, June 12–14, Humboldt Park, Chicago, Illinois
- 1966 – Timeline of racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska#1950 to 2000, July 2, 奥马哈 (内布拉斯加州)
- 1966 – 1966 Chicago West Side Riots, July 12–15, Chicago, Illinois
- 1966 – Hough riots, July 18–24, 克利夫兰
- 1966 – Marquette Park rallies#Chicago Freedom Movement, August 5, Chicago, Illinois
- 1966 – Waukegan Riot of 1966, August 27, 沃基根
- 1966 – 本顿港 (密歇根州), August 30 – September 4, 本顿港 (密歇根州)
- 1966 – Summerhill and Vine City Riots, September 6–8 亚特兰大
- 1966 – Hunters Point social uprising (1966), September 27 – October 1 旧金山, California
- 1966 – Sunset Strip curfew riots, November 12, various other flareups, basis for the song "For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield song)", 西好莱坞 (加利福尼亚州)
- 1967 – Long Hot Summer of 1967 refers to a year in which 159 race riots, almost all African-American, erupted across the United States, including:
- 1967 – Avondale, Cincinnati#Riots of 1967, June 12–15, 辛辛那提
- 1967 – Buffalo riot of 1967, June 27, 水牛城
- 1967 – 1967 Newark riots, July 12–17, 纽华克 (新泽西州)
- 1967 – 1967 Plainfield riots, July 14–21, 普莱恩菲尔德 (新泽西州)
- 1967 – Racial unrest in Cairo, Illinois, July 17, 开罗 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1967 – 1967年底特律骚乱 - 又称为“第十二街骚乱”,于1967年7月23日星期日早上开始,当时警方扫荡一间无牌照酒吧,支持者及旁观市民与警方发生冲突,并进一步演变成美国历史上最多人死亡的暴动事件之一。
- 1967 – Cambridge riot of 1967, July 24, a.k.a. the H. Rap Brown riot, 剑桥 (马里兰州)
- 1967 – 1967 Saginaw riot, July 26, 萨基诺
- 1967 – 1967 Milwaukee riots, July 30, 密尔沃基
- 1968 – Orangeburg Massacre, S.C. State Univ., February 8, 奥兰治堡 (南卡罗来纳州)
- 1968 – Memphis Sanitation Strike#Involvement of Martin Luther King, Jr., March 28, 孟菲斯 (田纳西州)
- 1968 – 马丁·路德·金恩遇刺案引发后续暴动
- 1968 – 1968 Detroit riot, April 4–5, 底特律
- 1968 – 1968 New York City riots, April 4–5, 纽约
- 1968 – 1968年华盛顿哥伦比亚特区大暴动
- 1968 – 1968 Chicago riots, West Side Riots, April 5–7, 芝加哥
- 1968 – 1968 Pittsburgh riots, April 5–11, 匹兹堡
- 1968 – 1968年巴尔的摩暴动
- 1968 – Avondale, Cincinnati#Riots of 1968, April 8, 辛辛那提
- 1968 – 1968 Kansas City riot, April 9, 堪萨斯城 (密苏里州)
- 1968 – Wilmington Riot of 1968, April 9–10, 威尔明顿 (特拉华州)
- 1968 – 特伦顿 (新泽西州), April 9–11, 特伦顿 (新泽西州)
- 1968 – 1968年哥伦比亚大学学生抗议运动
- 1968 – Louisville riots of 1968, May 27, 路易维尔 (肯塔基州)
- 1968 – Crime in Akron, Ohio#Wooster Avenue riots of 1968, July 17–23, 阿克伦 (俄亥俄州)
- 1968 – Glenville Shootout, July 23–28, 克利夫兰
- 1968 – 1968 Miami riot, August 7–8, 迈阿密
- 1968 – 1968年芝加哥民主党全国大会示威及警察暴力
- 1969 – Zip to Zap riot, May 9–11, Zap, 北达科他州
- 1969 – People's Park (Berkeley) Riots, May, 伯克利 (加利福尼亚州)
- 1969 – 1969 Greensboro uprising, May 21–25, 格林斯伯勒 (北卡罗来纳州)
- 1969 – Racial unrest in Cairo, Illinois, May–December, 开罗 (伊利诺伊州)
- 1969 – 石墙暴动
- 1969 – 1969 York Race Riot, July 17–24, 约克 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1969 – Days of Rage, October 8–11, 地下气象员 riot in Chicago, Illinois
[编辑]- 1970 – San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing, February 16, 旧金山
- 1970 – University of Puerto Rico riot, March 4–11, at least Antonia Martínez, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
- 1970 – Student strike of 1970, May 1970
- 1970 – 肯特州立大学枪击事件 - 是年5月4日发生在俄亥俄州肯特城肯特州立大学,国民警卫队向骚乱学生在13秒内射出67发子弹,造成4名学生死亡,9名学生受伤,其中一人终身残废。
- 1970 – New Haven Green Disorders, Yale University, May 1970, New Haven, Connecticut
- 1970 – 1970 Augusta riot, May 11–13, 奥古斯塔 (佐治亚州)
- 1970 – Hard Hat Riot, Wall Street, May 8, New York City
- 1970 – Jackson State killings, May 14–15, two killed, Jackson, Mississippi
- 1970 – 1970 Asbury Park race riots, July 4–10, 阿斯伯里帕克
- 1970 – 1970 Memorial Park riot, August 24–27, Royal Oak, Michigan
- 1970 – Sterling Hall bombing, Univ. of Wisc., August 24, one killed, Madison, Wisconsin
- 1970 – Chicano Moratorium riot, August 29, Los Angeles, California
- 1971 – Wilmington Ten#Arson at Mike's Grocery and trial, February 9, Wilmington, North Carolina
- 1971 – May Day protests 1971, May 3, Washington, D.C.
- 1971 – Camden Riots of 1971, August 1971, 肯顿 (新泽西州)
- 1971 – 阿蒂卡监狱暴乱, September 9–13, at least 39 killed, Attica, New York
- 1973 – Wounded Knee incident, February 27 – May 8, Wounded Knee, South Dakota
- 1973 – Shooting of Clifford Glover Riot, April 23, Rioting broke out in South Jamaica, Queens after an undercover NYPD officer shot and killed a ten-year-old African-American youth. 纽约
- 1974 – 共生解放军, May 17, Los Angeles, California
- 1974 – Baltimore police strike, July, Baltimore, Maryland
- 1974 – Boston busing crisis anti-busing riots throughout Boston, Massachusetts
- 1975 – Livernois–Fenkell riot, July 1975, Detroit, Michigan
- 1976 – Escambia High School riots, February 5, Pensacola, Florida
- 1976 – Boston busing crisis, April 5, Boston, Massachusetts
- 1976 – Marquette Park rallies#1976 clashes, June–August, Chicago, Illinois
- 1977 – Humboldt Park riot, June 5–6, Chicago, Illinois
- 1977 – New York City blackout of 1977, July 13–14, 纽约
- 1978 – Fireman Strike Arson, July 2, 1978, Memphis, TN
- 1978 – Moody Park riot, May 5, 1978, Houston, Texas
- 1979 – Herman Hill riot, April 15, Wichita, Kansas
- 1979 – 1979年旧金山骚乱 - 是年5月21日发生在美国旧金山的一场关于同性恋社群的骚乱。
- 1979 – Levittown Gas Riot, June 23–24, Thousands rioted in response to increased gasoline prices in the U.S., 198 arrested, 44 police and 200 rioters injured. Gas stations were damaged and cars set on fire, 莱维顿 (宾夕法尼亚州)
- 1979 – Greensboro massacre, November 3, Greensboro, North Carolina
[编辑]- 1980 – New Mexico State Penitentiary riot, February 2–3, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
- 1982 – Miami riot 1982, December 28, A Miami policeman shoots a black video game player in an arcade. Riots breakout in the Overtown (Miami) section of Miami. 迈阿密
- 1985 - 费城 bombing (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) of Move house by police using C4 plastic explosives dropped from a helicopter killing 11, including 5 children, and the ensuing loss of a city block (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) to fire (May 13, 1985)[6]
- 1986 – Marquette Park rallies#1986, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
- 1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot (1988), August 6–7, 纽约
- 1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana
- 1989 – 1989 Miami riot, January 16–18, Miami policeman kills a black motorcycle rider. Riots breakout in the Overtown section of the city. 迈阿密
[编辑]- 1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
- 1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
- 1992 – 1992年洛杉矶暴动 - 该年4月29日当地陪审团宣判四名被控“使用过当武力”的警察无罪释放,导致上千名对此判决不满的非裔与拉丁裔上街抗议,最终引发一连串暴动。
- 1992 – West Las Vegas riots, April 29, 拉斯维加斯
- 1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, 曼哈顿, Dominican community
- 1993 - 韦科惨案,又称大卫教惨案
- 1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
- 1997 – 北好莱坞抢劫案
- 1999 – Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, East Lansing, Michigan
- 1999 – Woodstock 1999#Violence, July 1999, Rome, New York
- 1999 – WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 protest activity, "The Battle in Seattle", November 1999, Seattle, Washington
[编辑]- 2000 – 埃连·冈萨雷斯事件 - 2000年关于古巴小男孩埃连·冈萨雷斯的监护权及移民资格的一项国际争议事件。
- 2000 – Brooks Brothers riot, Miami-Dade County, Florida
- 2000 – Puerto Rican Day Parade attacks, June 11, 中央公园, New York City
- 2001 – Seattle Mardi Gras riot, February 27, 2001, 西雅图
- 2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 2003 – 本顿港 (密歇根州), June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
- 2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
- 2004 – 2004年美国联盟冠军赛, October 21, Death of Victoria Snelgrove, Boston, Massachusetts
- 2005 – Civil disturbances and military action in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, August – September, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio
- 2006 – San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California
- 2007 – The Los Angeles May Day mêlée, May 1, Los Angeles, California
- 2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
- 2009 – Crime in Akron, Ohio#Riot of 2009, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
- 2009 – 2009年二十国集团匹兹堡峰会 protests, September 24–25, 193 arrested
[编辑]- 2010 – 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia.
- 2010 – 圣塔克鲁兹 (加利福尼亚州), May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California.
- 2010 – Oakland protest riot, November 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
- 2011 – 2011年威斯康辛州抗议
- 2011 – 占领华尔街
- 2011 – Occupy Oakland Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
- 2012 – 肯塔基大学野猫队 supporters in 列克星敦 (肯塔基州)[7]
- 2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
- 2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested.
- 2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in 布鲁克林区 after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD.
- 2014 – 邦迪对峙 - 于2014年,美国农场主克莱文·邦迪的支持者与美国执法当局之间的武装对峙事件。
- 2014 – 2014年弗格森镇骚乱, 弗格森 (密苏里州) and St. Louis, 密苏里州, August 10 and November 24. Following 迈克尔·布朗命案 by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas, sound canons, police dogs, concussion grenades, rubber bullets, pepper balls, wooden bullets, beanbag rounds, tasers, pepper spray, and armored vehicles. Unrest occurred continuously for weeks in August, and sporadically through December, with nearly daily protests throughout the period and rioting following the non-indictment announcement on November 24. Unrest again occurred on the one year anniversary in August 2015, with dozens of arrests.
- 2014 – St. Louis, Missouri – October 8, police vehicle windows broken as rage at the killing of 2014年弗格森镇骚乱 Protests continued for days afterward, during the nearby and ongoing Ferguson Unrest.
- 2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the 埃里克·加纳死亡案, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
- 2014 Oakland riots, November–December, A series of riots and civil disturbances that took place in Oakland and the surrounding area, in reaction to the events involving the 迈克尔·布朗命案 and later, the death of 埃里克·加纳死亡案, 奥克兰 (加利福尼亚州)
- 2014 – 伯克利 (密苏里州), December 23–24. Shooting of Antonio Martin is shot to death by police in a St. Louis suburb nearby to Ferguson, leading to violent conflict with police, and looting.
- 2015 – 2015年巴尔的摩暴动, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the 弗雷迪·格雷之死 while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had preemptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
- 2015 – St. Louis, Missouri, August 19. Conflict with police following fatal shooting by SLMPD officers of black teenager Shooting of Mansur Ball-Bey leads to deployment of tear gas then burned car, buildings, and looting. Protests continue in subsequent days with tensions remaining high.
- 2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon.
- 2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
- 2016 – 民主之春 rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
- 2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
- 2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
- 2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. 密尔沃基, sparked by the fatal police shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith.
- 2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
- 2016 – 2016年北达科他州反对输油管道事件
- 2016 – 反唐纳·川普抗议运动, November 9–27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
- 2017 – 伯克利 (加利福尼亚州), February 1, civil unrest ensued at 加州大学柏克莱分校 as 米罗·雅诺波鲁斯 was scheduled to speak on the campus.[8][9]
- 2017 – 2017 Anaheim, California protests, February 21, protesters demonstrate after police officer grabs boy and fires his gun. Protesters damage property and throw bottles and rocks at police.
- 2017 – 国际劳动节, in Olympia, Washington and Portland, Oregon, protestors demonstrated for workers rights. Protestors damaged property and confronted law enforcement.
- 2017 – 2017年团结右翼集会 - 2017年8月11日至12日,白人至上主义团体(其中包括另类右翼、新纳粹主义、KKK党、白人民族主义与极右翼团体)在美国维珍尼亚州夏洛茨维尔镇举行的一次的大规模集会。
- 2017 – 2017 St. Louis protests, beginning September 15, large protests erupted when police officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty of murder in the shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith on December 20, 2011. Some of the protests turned destructive and the police became violent. Windows were broken at Mayor Lyda Krewson's house and in the 中央西区 (圣路易斯) business district on the first night, many windows were broken in the Delmar Loop on September 16, a few were broken Downtown St. Louis on September 17 after police drove swiftly through a crowd following a peaceful march. Police conducted a kettling mass arrest operation of nonviolent protesters and bystanders, beating and pepper spraying many, including journalists, documentary filmmakers, and an undercover officer. Protests and sporadic unrest continued daily for weeks.
- 2019 – Memphis riot, June 13, following the fatal shooting of Brandon Webber by 美国法警局, 孟菲斯 (田纳西州).
[编辑]- 2020 – New York City FTP protests, January 31, Anti-Transit Police and MTA protest resulting in hundreds of arrests over the three separate days of demonstration. Vandalism and violence on train stations was reported.
- 2020 –
佐治·弗洛伊德之死引发的示威活动 - 自2020年5月26日起,从美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯蔓延至全美乃至全世界的一系列针对警察暴行和警察种族主义的示威活动。[10]This is the remains of the pedestal base of the Christopher Columbus statue in the Baltimore inner harbor area. The statue was thrown into the harbor on July 4, 2020 as part of the George Floyd protests.
- 2021 - 2021年美国国会大厦遭冲击事件 - 2021年1月6日美国国会大厦被美国时任总统唐纳德·特朗普的支持者暴力闯入的骚乱事件。
- 2024 - 唐纳德·特朗普遇刺案
[编辑]- ^ see Ronald Gottesman, and Richard Maxwell Brown, eds. Violence in America: an encyclopedia (1999).
- ^ The Boston Mob of 1835. www.bpl.org. [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-04) (美国英语).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Detroit Free Press' "The Detroit Almanac", 2001
- ^ Journal, John Gomez/For The Jersey. Woman's arrest led to uprising in Jersey City in 1964. nj. April 24, 2017 [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08) (英语).
- ^ Taylor, Alan. 1964: Civil Rights Battles – The Atlantic. www.theatlantic.com. [May 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09) (英语).
- ^ Stevens, William K.; Times, Special To the New York. Police Drop Bomb on Radicals' Home in Philadelphia. The New York Times. 1985-05-14 [2020-09-02]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09) (美国英语).
- ^ 存档副本. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08).
- ^ Milo Yiannopoulos talk at UC Berkeley cancelled after protests erupt. KTVU. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-25).
- ^ Riot Forces Cancellation Of Yiannopoulos Talk At UC Berkeley. KPIX 5. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09).
- ^ UN condemns US police killing of George Floyd | DW | May 29, 2020. Deutsche Welle. [May 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-03) (英国英语).