此条目需要扩充。 (2013年4月14日) |
在数学和物理学中,空间群(space group)是空间中(通常是三维空间)一种形态的空间对称群。在三维空间中有219种不同的类型,或230种不同的手性类型。对超过三维的空间中的空间群也有研究,它们有时被称作比贝尔巴赫群,并且是离散的紧群,具有欧氏空间的等距同构。它是由俄国结晶学家费多洛夫和德国结晶学家薛弗利斯(Artur Moritz Schoenflies,1853-1928)于1890至1891年间各自独立地先后推导得出来的。
[编辑]# | 晶系 (空间群数量) 布拉维晶格 |
点群 | 空间群 (国际短符号) | ||||
国际标记法 | 熊夫利标记法[1] | 轨形 | 考克斯特符号 | 点群阶 | |||
1 | 三斜晶系 (2) ![]() |
1 | C1 | 11 | [ ]+ | 1 | P1 |
2 | 1 | Ci | 1× | [2+,2+] | 2 | P1 | |
3–5 | 单斜晶系 (13) ![]() ![]() |
2 | C2 | 22 | [2]+ | 2 | P2, P21 C2 |
6–9 | m | Cs | *11 | [ ] | 2 | Pm, Pc Cm, Cc | |
10–15 | 2/m | C2h | 2* | [2,2+] | 4 | P2/m, P21/m C2/m, P2/c, P21/c C2/c | |
16–24 | 正交晶系 (59) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
222 | D2 | 222 | [2,2]+ | 4 | P222, P2221, P21212, P212121, C2221, C222, F222, I222, I212121 |
25–46 | mm2 | C2v | *22 | [2] | 4 | Pmm2, Pmc21, Pcc2, Pma2, Pca21, Pnc2, Pmn21, Pba2, Pna21, Pnn2 Cmm2, Cmc21, Ccc2, Amm2, Aem2, Ama2, Aea2 Fmm2, Fdd2 Imm2, Iba2, Ima2 | |
47–74 | mmm | D2h | *222 | [2,2] | 8 | Pmmm, Pnnn, Pccm, Pban, Pmma, Pnna, Pmna, Pcca, Pbam, Pccn, Pbcm, Pnnm, Pmmn, Pbcn, Pbca, Pnma Cmcm, Cmce, Cmmm, Cccm, Cmme, Ccce Fmmm, Fddd Immm, Ibam, Ibca, Imma | |
75–80 | 四方晶系 (68) ![]() ![]() |
4 | C4 | 44 | [4]+ | 4 | P4, P41, P42, P43, I4, I41 |
81–82 | 4 | S4 | 2× | [2+,4+] | 4 | P4, I4 | |
83–88 | 4/m | C4h | 4* | [2,4+] | 8 | P4/m, P42/m, P4/n, P42/n I4/m, I41/a | |
89–98 | 422 | D4 | 224 | [2,4]+ | 8 | P422, P4212, P4122, P41212, P4222, P42212, P4322, P43212 I422, I4122 | |
99–110 | 4mm | C4v | *44 | [4] | 8 | P4mm, P4bm, P42cm, P42nm, P4cc, P4nc, P42mc, P42bc I4mm, I4cm, I41md, I41cd | |
111–122 | 42m | D2d | 2*2 | [2+,4] | 8 | P42m, P42c, P421m, P421c, P4m2, P4c2, P4b2, P4n2 I4m2, I4c2, I42m, I42d | |
123–142 | 4/mmm | D4h | *224 | [2,4] | 16 | P4/mmm, P4/mcc, P4/nbm, P4/nnc, P4/mbm, P4/mnc, P4/nmm, P4/ncc, P42/mmc, P42/mcm, P42/nbc, P42/nnm, P42/mbc, P42/mnm, P42/nmc, P42/ncm I4/mmm, I4/mcm, I41/amd, I41/acd | |
143–146 | 三方晶系 (25) ![]() ![]() |
3 | C3 | 33 | [3]+ | 3 | P3, P31, P32 R3 |
147–148 | 3 | S6 | 3× | [2+,6+] | 6 | P3, R3 | |
149–155 | 32 | D3 | 223 | [2,3]+ | 6 | P312, P321, P3112, P3121, P3212, P3221 R32 | |
156–161 | 3m | C3v | *33 | [3] | 6 | P3m1, P31m, P3c1, P31c R3m, R3c | |
162–167 | 3m | D3d | 2*3 | [2+,6] | 12 | P31m, P31c, P3m1, P3c1 R3m, R3c | |
168–173 | 六方晶系 (27) ![]() |
6 | C6 | 66 | [6]+ | 6 | P6, P61, P65, P62, P64, P63 |
174 | 6 | C3h | 3* | [2,3+] | 6 | P6 | |
175–176 | 6/m | C6h | 6* | [2,6+] | 12 | P6/m, P63/m | |
177–182 | 622 | D6 | 226 | [2,6]+ | 12 | P622, P6122, P6522, P6222, P6422, P6322 | |
183–186 | 6mm | C6v | *66 | [6] | 12 | P6mm, P6cc, P63cm, P63mc | |
187–190 | 6m2 | D3h | *223 | [2,3] | 12 | P6m2, P6c2, P62m, P62c | |
191–194 | 6/mmm | D6h | *226 | [2,6] | 24 | P6/mmm, P6/mcc, P63/mcm, P63/mmc | |
195–199 | 立方晶系 (36) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
23 | T | 332 | [3,3]+ | 12 | P23, F23, I23 P213, I213 |
200–206 | m3 | Th | 3*2 | [3+,4] | 24 | Pm3, Pn3, Fm3, Fd3, Im3, Pa3, Ia3 | |
207–214 | 432 | O | 432 | [3,4]+ | 24 | P432, P4232 F432, F4132 I432 P4332, P4132, I4132 | |
215–220 | 43m | Td | *332 | [3,3] | 24 | P43m, F43m, I43m P43n, F43c, I43d | |
221–230 | m3m | Oh | *432 | [3,4] | 48 | Pm3m, Pn3n, Pm3n, Pn3m Fm3m, Fm3c, Fd3m, Fd3c Im3m, Ia3d |
注: e 面是双滑移面,是在两个不同方向的滑移,存在于七个正交群,五个四方群和五个立方群中,都具有含有中心的晶格,官方的符号为e
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[编辑]- International Union of Crystallography (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Point Groups and Bravais Lattices
- [1] Bilbao Crystallographic Server
- Space Group Info (old)
- Space Group Info (new)
- Crystal Lattice Structures: Index by Space Group
- Full list of 230 crystallographic space groups
- Interactive 3D visualization of all 230 crystallographic space groups (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Huson, Daniel H., The Fibrifold Notation and Classification for 3D Space Groups (PDF), 1999[永久失效链接]
- The Geometry Center: 2.1 Formulas for Symmetries in Cartesian Coordinates (two dimensions) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The Geometry Center: 10.1 Formulas for Symmetries in Cartesian Coordinates (three dimensions) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ 又名向夫立符号