
卢布克(俄语:лубо́к, лубо́чная картинка)是流行于俄罗斯的一种版画,主要描绘从文学、宗教和民俗中流传的故事,是一种较常见的装饰品。早期的卢布克见于17世纪晚期和18世纪早期,为木刻版画,后来又出现了蚀刻版画,19世纪中期开始平版印刷的卢布克成为主流。有些卢布克以连环画的形式出现,因此也可算是现代连环漫画的雏形,与欧洲的“小书”(chapbook)也有相似之処[1]。
[编辑]- ^ Lyons, Martyn. "Books: A Living History". Getty Publishing, 2011, 158.
- ^ Farrell, Dianne Ecklund. "Medieval Popular Humor in Russian Eighteenth-Century Lubok". pp. 552
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Farrell, Dianne Ecklund. "The Origins of Russian Popular Prints and Their Social Milieu in the Early Eighteenth Century." p. 1
- ^ Jahn, Hubertus F. "Patriotic Culture in Russia During World War I". Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London. p.12
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Boguslawski, Alexander. "Russian Lubok (Popular Prints). 29 January 2007 [2012-10-01]. (原始内容存档于1999-11-17).
- ^ Jahn, Hubertus F. "Patriotic Culture in Russia During World War I". Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London. p.12
- ^ Russian Lubok - The Russian Project. 29 January 2007 [2012-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-24).
[编辑]- Adela Roatcap, 'Lubki The Wood Engravings of Old Russia', in Parenthesis; 10 (2004 November), p.22-23
- Norris, Stephen. 'Images of 1812: Ivan Terebenev and the Russian Wartime Lubok', in National Identities; 7 (2005): pp. 1-15.doi:10.1080/14608940500072909
- Farrell, Dianne, 'Shamanic Elements in Some Early Eighteenth Century Russian Woodcuts', in Slavic Review; 54 (1993): pp. 725-744.