在过去的几十年中,从电子技术和商业的角度来看,“电子传感”技术得到了迅速发展。所谓“电子传感”是指使用传感器和模式识别系统再现人类感官的感知能力。1982年以来,研究人员已经开展了多项研究,开发出了可以检测和识别气味的技术及产品,其通常称为电子鼻[1] 。电子鼻经历了很多发展,现在已经能够满足工业需求。
[编辑]在所有行业中,气味评估和分析通常借助于人体感官、化学传感器或气相色谱 。气相色谱提供了有关挥发性有机物的信息,但由于几种有气味的成分之间的潜在相互作用,分析结果并不理想。
[编辑]科学家亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)认为气体气味是难以度量的。 [2]他在1914年说过以下内容:
Did you ever measure a smell? Can you tell whether one smell is just twice strong as another? Can you measure the difference between two kinds of smell and another? It is very obvious that we have very many different kinds of smells, all the way from the odor of violets and roses up to asafetida. But until you can measure their likeness and differences, you can have no science of odor. If you are ambitious to find a new science, measure a smell.
——Alexander Graham Bell,1914[3]
在贝尔提出这一观点后的几十年中,有关气味的研究停滞不前,直到20世纪50年代及以后才开始取得进展。 [4]
[编辑]- ^ Persaud, Krishna; Dodd, George. Analysis of discrimination mechanisms in the mammalian olfactory system using a model nose. Nature. 1982, 299 (5881): 352–5. PMID 7110356. doi:10.1038/299352a0.
- ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2011-08-22]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-03-31).[需要完整来源]
- ^ Wise, P. M.; Olsson, MJ; Cain, WS. Quantification of Odor Quality. Chemical Senses. 2000, 25 (4): 429–43. PMID 10944507. doi:10.1093/chemse/25.4.429.
- ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2011-08-22]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-03-31).[需要完整来源]