
桑乔·拉米雷斯(西班牙语:Sancho Ramírez,西班牙语发音:[ˈsantʃo raˈmiɾeθ],约1042年—1094年6月4日),第二任阿拉贡国王(1063年-1094年),兼任纳瓦拉国王(1076年起,称桑乔五世)。桑乔·拉米雷斯是阿拉贡王国的开创者拉米罗一世与比戈尔伯爵的女儿弗瓦的格尔贝格所生的长子。

[编辑]- ^ Vicente Salas Merino, La Genealogía de los Reyes de España, (Visionnet, 2007), 220.
- ^ Simon Barton, The Aristocracy in Twelfth-Century León and Castile, (Cambridge University Press, 1997), 9.
- ^ Bernard F. Reilly, The Contest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031-1157, (Blackwell, 1995), 109.
- ^ An origin legend of the house of Ayala gives him another son, Vela or Velasgutto de Ayala, by a Barcelonan lady. An alternative version makes the father Ramiro I. This story is without solid foundation, and may represent a confused memory of a feudal relationship with Sancho Ramírez of Viguera and his Vela clan vassals.
- ^ Richard, Alfred, Histoire de Comtes de Poitou, 778–1204
- ^ Szabolcs de VAJAY, "Ramire II le Moine, roi d'Aragon et Agnes de Poitou dans l'histoire et la légende", in Mélanges offerts à René Crozet, 2 vol, Poitiers, 1966, vol 2, p 727-750; and Ruth E Harvey, "The wives of the first troubadour Duke William IX of Aquitaine", in Journal of Medieval History, vol 19, 1993, p 315. Harvey states that, contrary to prior assumptions, William IX was certainly Philippa of Toulouse's only husband. Vajay states that the marriage to an unnamed king of Aragon reported by a non-contemporary chronicler is imaginary, even though it has appeared broadly in modern histories, and likewise he cites J de Salarrullana de Dios, Documentos correspondientes al reinado de Sancho Ramirez, Saragossa, 1907, vol I, nr 51, p 204-207 to document that Felicia was clearly still married to Sancho months before his death, making the marriage to Philippa several years earlier, as reported in several modern popular biographies of her granddaughter, completely unsupportable.
桑乔·拉米雷斯 出生于:约1042年逝世于:1094年6月4日
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统治者头衔 | ||
前任: 拉米罗一世 |
阿拉贡国王 1063年-1094年 |
继任: 佩德罗一世 |
前任: 桑乔四世 |
纳瓦拉国王 1076年-1094年 |