摩纳哥历史 |
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1910年的摩纳哥革命是摩纳哥人民与其统治者阿尔伯特一世亲王的一系列对抗事件。 [1]随着次年摩纳哥宪法的颁布,摩纳哥君主专制正式终结。 [2]
[编辑]人民对亲王有不同的不满。由于摩纳哥缺乏农田或工厂,当地的博彩机构被禁止雇用摩纳哥人,令摩纳哥出现严重的失业状况。摩纳哥的声誉一直受“欧洲道德污水池”恶名所影响,人民的民族自豪感低下。此外,亲王把财富耗费于法国而非国内。因此,摩纳哥人要求制定宪法和建立议会,如亲王不同意诉求则威胁废除君主制并建立共和国。摩纳哥人其他诉求包括终止卡米尔·布兰科和罗兰·波拿巴对博彩机构的垄断、把政府内的法国公民革职,以及将亲王的财政与国家财政分家。 [3] [4]
1910年3月上旬,由 Suffren Peymond、Théodore Gastaud、André Marsan 和 Charles Bellando de Castro 组成的代表团向亲王发出最后通牒。 [5] [6]在 3 月内,亲王默许了他们的要求。 [7]在当年余下的时间,人们继续抗议法国对摩纳哥政府和经济的支配地位。 [8]亲王宫被愤怒的暴徒袭击和抢劫。 [9]亲王在卫队队协助下逃离了王宫并留在法国,直至骚乱平息。 亲王卫队士兵试图在长达一天的骚乱中保卫宫殿,但最终失败。
[编辑]1911年1月5日,新宪法颁布。尽管如此,阿尔伯特一世亲王在第一次世界大战期间仍然拥有相当大的权力,并于战时暂停行使宪法。 1922 年阿尔伯特一世亲王去世后, 《纽约时报》发表了 1921 年对亲王的采访,内容涉及这一系列过程以及他对 1911 年革命必要性的看法。 [10]
[编辑]- 摩纳哥亲王阿尔伯特一世
- 卡米尔·布兰科
[编辑]- ^ EVENTS THAT MADE THE HISTORY OF 1910---WHAT THEY WERE, WHERE THEY HAPPENED AND THE CHIEF ACTORS IN THEM; Crash of Absolutism and the Growth of Republican Ideas (PDF). The New York Times. January 1, 1911 [2010-10-29].
- ^ MONACO GETS CONSTITUTION.; Prince Albert Proclaims It as Gift to His 1,200 Subjects. (PDF). The New York Times (Monte Carlo). January 8, 1911 [2010-10-29].
- ^ MORE REFORM IN MONACO.; Prince Albert Surrenders Control of the Government Finances. (PDF). The New York Times (Monte Carlo). October 16, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ RIVIERA SEASON OPENING.; Changes Wrought by the New Political Status of Monaco. (PDF). The New York Times (Monte Carlo). October 23, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ Radoman, Milena. La constitution a 100 ans. Monaco Hebdo. January 27, 2011 [December 26, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13).
- ^ THRONE OF THE PRINCE OF MONACO IN DANGER; "Constitution or Revolution" the Ultimatum from Half the Subjects of the Little Kingdom. (PDF). The New York Times. March 13, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ MONACO TO HAVE PARLIAMENT; Prince, Heretofore Absolute, Decides to Meet Wishes of Subjects. (PDF). The New York Times (Monte Carlo). March 29, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ MONACO IS SHOWING ENMITY TO FRANCE; French Government Following Events in Little Principality with Close Attention. (PDF). The New York Times (Paris). November 27, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ IS MONACO DOOMED? OTHER NATIONS WANT IT; Germany, Italy and France Cast Envious Eyes on the Little Principality and Its Own People Demand a Republic. (PDF). The New York Times. December 11, 1910 [2010-10-29].
- ^ THE PARADOX; How Late Prince Had Fairly to Force Constitution on His Reluctant People Usual Jubilation Absent. The Prince's Explanation. A Personal Appeal. The Gambling Contract.. The New York Times. July 2, 1922 [2011-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-07).