

[编辑]在十七世纪三十年代到美国革命期间,前往美洲殖民地的英国白人中约有1/2到2/3是契约劳工。[2]然而,虽然前往十三个殖民地的欧洲移民有一半是契约劳工,但是他们曾经一度被非契约劳工人数所超过,或劳工的契约已经过期。此时,(用这种话来说)欧洲人做自由工资劳工更加普遍。[3]契约工人十分重要,特别是在弗吉尼亚州北部到新泽西州。其他殖民地的契约劳工人数则偏少。在1775年前,前往所有13个殖民地的欧洲移民总数约为500,000人,其中有55,000为非自愿囚犯。(另有300,000人为被奴役的非洲人。) 其中的450,000人是自愿的,汤姆林斯(Tomlins)估计约有48%的人签了契约。[4]约有75%的人年龄未满25岁。男子成年岁数为24岁(不是21岁);超过24岁的契约年限约为3年。[5]就随行的儿童而言,加里·纳什(Gary Nash)报道称:“很多劳工其实是移民英国人的侄子、侄女、表亲或朋友的孩子,后者到达美国后用劳动来支付旅途费用。”[6]
并非所有欧洲劳工都是自愿前往的。记录中有几起案例涉及将拐卖人口送往美洲的记录,更精确地来说这是“白奴人贩子”行为。这些白奴常常与自愿签约的同事们一道成为契约劳工。众所周知的例子是彼得·威廉姆逊(Peter Williamson 1730–1799)。历史学家理查德·霍夫施塔特(R. Hofstadter)指出:“虽然当局努力进行管控,检查他们的行为,但是在十八世纪这并不重要,美洲一小部分白人殖民地是用武力建立的,这毋庸置疑,并有相当大一部分是被征集人员的谎言与误传所引诱过来的。”[9]
在十八世纪,由于英国劳工富余,他们的工资很低。农夫的平均工资是每年50先令(£2.50, 相当于2021年的£399)[20],普通无技能的工人是每年40先令(£2)。船长对跨洋运送人员,并负责在为时7-8周的旅途中提供食宿时商讨得出的价格平均是£5到£7,约合在英国4年5年的工资。[21][22]
最不值得羡慕的境遇是南方种植园的劳工,他们在黑奴身边生活,但从不在一起过日子。两方做的工作都差不多,常常受到残忍监工的监督… 甚至到了1770年,安纳波利斯的英国海关检验员威廉·艾迪斯(W. Eddis)认为马里兰的黑人比欧洲人过得好,“残忍的种植园主对他们施加的严酷顽固到了不可改变的地步。”艾迪斯认为由于黑人是终身财产,因此受到一定程度的照料,而白人被强迫要求“竭力做好自己所应该做的事情。”[28]
随着时间的推移,契约劳工的市场开始发展了,从契约的期限可以看出健康与生产力之间存在紧密的关系。高大、强壮、健康、有文化或有技能的劳工的契约期限比生产力低下、病怏怏的劳工的契约期限更短。[29][30] 同样,恶劣的境地,如西印度地区的契约期限比更加和煦的殖民地契约期限更短。[26]
This INDENTURE Witnesseth that James Best a Laborer doth Voluntarily put himself Servant to Captain Stephen Jones Master of the Snow Sally to serve the said Stephen Jones and his Assigns, for and during the full Space, Time and Term of three Years from the first Day of the said James’ arrival in Philadelphia in AMERICA, during which Time or Term the said Master or his Assigns shall and will find and supply the said James with sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and all other necessaries befitting such a Servant, and at the end and expiration of said Term, the said James to be made Free, and receive according to the Custom of the Country. Provided nevertheless, and these Presents are on this Condition, that if the said James shall pay the said Stephen Jones or his Assigns 15 Pounds British in twenty one Days after his arrival he shall be Free, and the above Indenture and every Clause therein, absolutely Void and of no Effect. In Witness whereof the said Parties have hereunto interchangeably put their Hands and Seals the 6th Day of July in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three in the Presence of the Right Worshipful Mayor of the City of London. (signatures)
Just imported, on board the Snow Sally, Captain Stephen Jones, Master, from England, A number of healthy, stout English and Welsh Servants and Redemptioners, and a few Palatines [Germans], amongst whom are the following tradesmen, viz. Blacksmiths, watch-makers, coppersmiths, taylors, shoemakers, ship-carpenters and caulkers, weavers, cabinet-makers, ship-joiners, nailers, engravers, copperplate printers, plasterers, bricklayers, sawyers and painters. Also schoolmasters, clerks and book-keepers, farmers and laborers, and some lively smart boys, fit for various other employments, whose times are to be disposed of. Inquire of the Captain on board the vessel, off Walnut-street wharf, or of MEASE and CALDWELL.
James Best, who was under Indenture of Redemption to Captain Stephen Jones now cancelled in consideration of £ 15, paid for his Passage from London bound a servant to David Rittenhouse of the City of Philadelphia & assigns three years to be found all necessaries.
男女劳工都是暴力的受害人,有时会因毒打致死。理查德·霍夫施塔特注意到在1700年后奴隶大量涌入时,弗吉尼亚的白人劳工成为“特权阶层,会被分配到较轻的工作和更加有技术含量的任务。”[28]他也注意到“报纸上常常刊登逃亡者的消息,并附有通缉悬赏,警长和公众都被要求捉拿他们 ... 北方标准惩罚虽然不一定总是得到严格执行,却是追加主人所失去的劳动时间的两倍,并常常伴有鞭刑。”[28]
这一系统一直持续到十八世纪八十年代,在美国独立战争时期出现间隙。费尔南·布劳岱尔(The Perspective of the World 1984, 第405页f)举例在一份1783年报告中“来自爱尔兰的进口贸易”里,这是船长或船主的好生意,他们:
“从都柏林或其他爱尔兰港口拉人。那些能支付旅途费用的 — 通常是100到80里弗尔左右 — 来到美洲后就可以任意从事自己想要从事的职业。那些支付不起的就得依赖船主,为了偿还费用,当到达时就张贴广告,称进口了技工、劳工或家仆,并答应为雇主服务,男人或女人通常是三年、四年或五年,儿童常常是六七年。”
[编辑]奴隶制度 |
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自十七世纪末期起,新英格兰南部和长岛的部分地区,印第安人受到债务-奴工制度越来越多的剥削,后者设计用来控制并将印第安人纳入殖民主流文化进行同化,同时将他们归入大西洋市场经济当汇中。[39]在菲利普国王战争 (1675–1676)后,该地区大多数印第安人被赶入保留地,或在殖民地城市的边缘生活。由于难以获取资源、失去土地、环境被殖民者改变,很多印第安人,特别是沿海部落,无法继续从事赖以为生的传统生产,不得不更多地依赖欧洲贸易产品 — 衣物、工具、火枪、酒精,最终食物。与印第安人打交道的商人常常欺行霸市,价格高的离谱,并且明知印第安人还不起,还给出借贷。最终,债务堆积如山,印第安人被债权人送上法庭。当他们无法用土地支付,或是用劳动支付时,就被掠走。印第安债务人成为殖民债权人的契约劳工,有的几个月,有的几年。在极少数的情况下,印第安人的契约超过了十年或终生为奴(后者情况极少)。[40] 很多印第安人在一生中反复成为契约劳工,积累形成'契约系列'现象或多次短期债务奴工,期间有短暂的'自由'间隔时期。如果债权人死了,那么印第安仆人所欠的'时间'可以被出售或由子嗣继承。在十八世纪前半叶出现了印第安劳工贸易。儿童也成为契约劳工来还父母的债,常常从6-18岁(女孩)或21岁(男孩)。[来源请求]
- Text of Whaling Indenture Contract of Isaac Pepenie (Wampanoag Indian) to James Lovell Jr. 1729.:
- “Witnesseth that Isaac Pepenie Indian of Falmouth, barnstable laborer, hath . . . of his own free will. . . Bound and obliged himself to Serve James Lovell Junr . . . a Sea faring man, on Diverse Whale Voyages in the several seasons . . . the date of these presents: viz. this winter season in . . . Barnstable, and the next Spring at Nantucket, and former season following in the sloops or vessels that . . . [Lovell] desire[s], all which respective voyages . . . and any and all materials for the performing of sd. Voyages . . . he the said Isaac Pepenie to have one eighth and diet according to costom . . . as shall be needful with his master for the sum of fifteen pounds which he the said James Lovell doth hereby agree to pay for him, . . . then the sd. Pepenie doth by these [agreements] oblige himself to attend [the] Whale Voiages at the order and direction of said James Lovell, his administrators or assigns in manner aforesaid . . . this first day of October in the Eleventh year of His Majesty's Reign ano dom 1729.
- Isaac Papenie
- Barnstable.
- We the subscribers two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for said County being present at the execution of the premesis do allow and approbate the same as just and reasonable. Danl. Parker, Joseph Lothrop”[43]
- 艾萨克·培彭尼(印第安万帕诺亚格人)为小詹姆斯·洛夫尔效劳的捕鲸契约,1729:
- “兹证明如下,法尔茅斯印第安人艾萨克·培彭尼,巴恩斯特布劳工, . . . 根据自己的自由意见. . . 为小詹姆斯·洛夫尔服役并效力 . . . 一位渔夫,在各个时令的捕鲸船上 . . . 时期如下:也就是这一冬季 . . . 巴恩斯特布,和楠塔基特的下一个春季,和前述的季节中使用单桅帆船或船只 . . . [洛夫尔]所愿意的,任意船只 . . . 随便什么材质来履行sd。出海 . . . 他即所述的艾萨克·培彭尼将会根据习俗获得1/8以及食物 . . . 必须要为主人做的总计为詹姆斯·培彭尼答应支付的15镑,. . . 而后sd。培彭尼认可这些[协定],依照所述詹姆斯·洛夫尔的要求和指令跟随捕鲸船出海,以及服从上诉所说的管理和任何。 . . . 1729年圣上统治第11年10月份第一天。
- 艾萨克·培彭尼
- 巴恩斯特布。
- 所述本郡两位皇家太平绅士出席证明了契约的执行是公正合理地许可并批准。丹尼尔·帕克,约瑟夫·洛斯罗普”[43]
[编辑]在十七世纪到十八世纪,殖民地出口工业大幅增长,自然人口增长和移民无法满足对劳工的需求。结果,契约劳工的成本大幅增加。例如,在切萨皮克湾,契约劳工的成本在十七世纪八十年代飙升了60%左右。[52]价格的增加并没有刺激欧洲劳工移民的积极性,因为当契约在港口出售时对他们的影响并不大。结果,提供契约的公司收到价格的干扰,无法充分满足需求。有些市场参与者为了刺激劳工积极性,会根据移民生产力来适当缩短契约时间。[53]有的美国公司会用支付小额工资或缩短契约时间来刺激劳工积极性。[54] 契约劳工不断上升的成本和缺乏弹性的供给迫使美国生产方选择了另一种劳工形式。奴隶相对来说更加便宜,供给丰富,这不受奴隶意愿的限制。另外,奴隶贩子直接受到价格机制的刺激,乐意扩大“生产”(以扫荡掳掠的形式),因此供给是相对弹性的。奴隶制度能更好地满足劳工需求,而在殖民地需要大量的非技能劳工(例如,加勒比的种植园)。然而,契约劳工依然在殖民地盛行,后者需要技能型劳工(训练奴隶的成本比雇佣有技能的契约劳工更贵)。阿里森·史密斯和阿伯特·E·史密斯对伦敦港口的分析显示早在十七世纪六十年代,契约移民的目的地就开始从西印度转向新英格兰了,[55]这支持了契约劳动因劳动市场动态的变化而在一些地区出现了衰落。
[编辑]移民的可支付性也降低了将契约作为财务支柱的依赖。大卫·格兰森对可支付性的分析显示在十八世纪从英国到美国移民成本从人均收入的50%降低到不到10%。[需要解释]这归功于欧洲世纪收入的增加(十八世纪经济增增的结果)和运输成本的大幅度降低。[56] 创新对运输成本有强大的影响,显著地降低了成本,削弱了对契约的需求。对于移民来说,铁路使得许多非港口城市成为更便宜的目的地。蒸汽机船虽然不一定比帆船更加便宜,但是使得跨洋旅途变得更加容易、舒适,吸引了许多高收入阶级(当然,他们不需要什么契约啦)加入移民行列。[57] 英国海军对抗海盗的努力也降低了运输成本。更安全的航线意味着更少的船员(船只就不需要携带武器了),降低了保险费用(不用担心船只被海盗掠走)。 移民也从单身汉子转变为整个家庭。单身汉子离家后常常没有存款,而家庭则常常清算在欧洲的资产来支付移民。[58][59]
契约劳工是十七世纪英国和爱尔兰常见的社会景观。在十七世纪,很多爱尔兰人被带到巴巴多斯。they were recruited elsewhere and were forcibly TAKEN to Barbados? Or did they volunteer to go to Barbados with passage paid by indenture?[需要解释]在1643年,有37,200名白人does not attempt to divide owners from indentured servants. Kind of mean nothing out of context[需要解释]在巴巴多斯(占人口的86%)。[67]在三国之战中,很多苏格兰人和爱尔兰战俘被当做契约劳工,卖到殖民地去。[68]有报道称年青人会被绑架,拐卖成为契约劳工。
[编辑]在十九世纪四十年代前,澳大利亚殖民地移民主要是罪犯,他们被雇佣为契约劳工。[72] 契约劳工也移民到新南威尔士州。[73] 冯戴曼土地公司使用有技术的契约劳工,为期7年或更短时间。[74]类似的事情出现在1829-1832年间的西澳大利亚天鹅河地区。[75]
在40年间,从十九世纪中叶到二十世纪早期,就昆士兰蔗糖种植园的劳工体制而言,澳大利亚囊括了一种强迫编制,收纳了62,000名南海岛居民作为契约劳工。这些劳工主要来自美拉尼西亚 – 主要来自所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图 – 少数人来自波利尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚群岛地区,例如萨摩亚、吉尔伯特群岛 (即基里巴斯)和埃利斯群岛(即图瓦卢)。他们统称为“肯纳卡人”[来源请求]
[编辑]- ^ William Moraley and Susan E. Klepp, The infortunate: the voyage and adventures of William Moraley an indentured servant, Google Books, page xx
- ^ Galenson 1984: 1
- ^ John Donoghue, "Indentured Servitude in the 17th Century English Atlantic: A Brief Survey of the Literature," History Compass (2013) 11#10 pp 893–902.
- ^ Christopher Tomlins, "Reconsidering Indentured Servitude: European Migration and the Early American Labor Force, 1600–1775," Labor History (2001) 42#1 pp 5–43, at p.
- ^ Tomlins (2001) at notes 31, 42, 66
- ^ Gary Nash, The Urban Crucible: The Northern Seaports and the Origins of the American Revolution (1979) p 15
- ^ Fred Shannon, Economic History of the People of the United States (1934) pp 73–79
- ^ 8.0 8.1 White Servitude (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), by Richard Hofstadter
- ^ Richard Hofstadter. America at 1750: A Social Portrait. Knopf Doubleday. 1971: 36 [2014-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-15).
- ^ William Moraley and Susan E. Klepp, The infortunate: the voyage and adventures of William Moraley an indentured servant, Google Books, page xx
- ^ James Curtis Ballagh, White Servitude In The Colony Of Virginia: A Study Of The System Of Indentured Labor In The American Colonies (1895)
- ^ Frank R. Diffenderffer, The German Immigration into Pennsylvania Through the Port of Philadelphia, 1700–1775, (1979); this book describes the indenturing process in detail for immigrants from numerous European countries.
- ^ Moraley, William; Klepp, Susan E.; Smith, Billy Gordon. The infortunate: the voyage and adventures of William Moraley, an indentured servant. Biography & Autobiography, 2nd ed. (Pennsylvania State University Press). 2005 [2014-12-27]. ISBN 0-271-02676-6. (原始内容存档于2014-06-27).
- ^ The Fort Scott Tribune, (newspaper) Fort Scott, Kansas, Monday, November 3, 1986, p.4B
- ^ Price & Associates: Immigrant Servants Database. Immigrantservants.com. [2009-07-04]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-20).
- ^ Ruth Wallis Herndon and John E. Murray, eds., Children Bound to Labor: The Pauper Apprentice System in Early America (2009)
- ^ "George Washington: Farmer (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", by Paul Leland Haworth.
- ^ "The forgotten history of Britain's white slaves (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". The Daily Telegraph. May 3, 2007.
- ^ 19.0 19.1 Galenson 1984: 3
- ^ 见英国零售价指数,数据来自Clark, Gregory. The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series). MeasuringWorth. 2017 [2022-06-11].
- ^ Shannon, Economic History of the People of the United States (1934) pp. 75–76
- ^ Kerby A. Miller et al,, eds. Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan: Letters and Memoirs from Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1675–1815. Oxford U.P. 2003: 75 [2014-12-28]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-14).
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Galenson 1984: 4
- ^ Galenson 1984: 6
- ^ Galenson 1984: 8
- ^ 26.0 26.1 Galenson March 1981: 40
- ^ Galenson March 1981: 39
- ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 White Servitude (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), by Richard Hofstadter
- ^ Grubb 1985: 868
- ^ Galenson June 1981: 462
- ^ Grubb July 1985: 328
- ^ Grubb July 1985: 334
- ^ Frank R. Diffenderffer, The German Immigration into Pennsylvania Through the Port of Philadelphia, 1700–1775, Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1979.
- ^ Pennsylvania Gazette (weekly Philadelphia newspaper), August 17, 1774
- ^ Record of Indentures, Philadelphia, 1771–1773, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1973.
- ^ Eric Foner: Give me liberty. W.W.Norton & Company, 2004. ISBN 978-0-393-97873-5.
- ^ U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2.
- ^ Laws on Indentured Servants. VirtualJamestown.org. 1619–1654 [2008-08-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-05).
- ^ The literature on New England Indian indenture, while relatively new is actually vast and growing. John A. Sainsbury, "Indian Labor in Early Rhode Island," New England Quarterly, 48, no. 3 (September 1975), 379–80; David J. Silverman, "The Impact of Indentured Servitude on the Society and Culture of Southern New England Indians, 1680–1810," New England Quarterly 74, no. 4 (Dec. 2001): 622–666; Silverman, Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha’s Vineyard, 1600–1871 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005); Daniel Mandell, Behind the Frontier: Indians in Eighteenth-Century Eastern Massachusetts (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996); Jean M. O’Brien, Dispossession by Degrees: Indian Land and Identity in Natick, Massachusetts, 1650–1790 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997); Jim Coogan, "Slavery and Identured Servitude on Cape Cod," Cape Cod Times, Sunday May 19, 2013.
- ^ Perhaps the largest source of information about these indentures are dozens of debt proceedings against Indians in David T. Konig, ed. Plymouth Court Records, 1686–1859, (Wilmington, Del.: Pilgrim Society, 1979–1981); Also important are the contracts reprinted int John Strong, "Sharecropping the Sea: Shinnecock Whalers in the Seventeenth Century," in The Shinnecock Indians: A Culture History, edited by Gaynell Stone [Readings in Long Island Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Volume VI] (Lexington, Mass.: Ginn Custom Publishing, 1983), 231–263, and in Philip Rabito-Wyppensenwah, "Discovering the Montauketts in Rediscovered Documents," and "Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Native American Whaling on Eastern Long Island," in The History and Archaeology of the Montauk, edited by Gaynell Stone [Readings in Long Island Archaeology and Ethnohistory, volume III] 2nd edition, (Stony Brook, N.Y.: Suffolk County Archaeological Association, 1993), 423–429, 437–444; Other archives containing Indian indenture contracts include contract of Elisha Osborne. Indenture contract, 23 June 1755. Archives, Mashantucket Museum and Research Center, Mashantucket, CT, MSS 191; also, The collection of the Fairfield Historical Society, Connecticut Colonial Records, Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, Volume 1 [Source: http://www.cslib.org/earlygr.html[永久失效链接]], and the library of the Falmouth Historical Society in Falmouth, Mass. has some as well, as does the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth, in Yarmouth, Mass.
- ^ Sainsbury, "Indian Labor in Early Rhode Island"; Brian D. Carroll, "From Warrior to Soldiers: New England Indians in the Colonial Military," Ph.D. dissertation (University of Connecticut, 2009); Carroll, "Savages in the Service of Empire: Native American Soldiers in Gorham's Rangers, 1744–1762," New England Quarterly 85, no. 3 (2012): 383–429.
- ^ Daniel Vickers, "The First Whalemen of Nantucket," William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. 40 (1983): 560–83, and "Nantucket Whalemen in the Deep-Sea Fishery: The Changing Anatomy of an Early American Labor Force," Journal of American History 72 (1985): 277–96; Elizabeth A. Little, "Indian Contributions to Shore Whaling," Nantucket Algonquian Studies 8 (1973): 38; Mark A. Nicholas, "Mashpee Wampanoags of Cape Cod, the Whalefishery, and Seafaring’s Impact on Community Development," American Indian Quarterly 26 (2002): 162–95; Russell Lawrence Basch, "'Colored' Seamen in the New England Whaling Industry: An Afro-Indian Consortium," in Confounding the Color Line: The Indian-Black Experience in North America, ed. James F. Brooks (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2002); John Braginton-Smith and Duncan Oliver, Cape Cod Shore Whaling: America’s First Whalemen (Yarmouth, Mass.: Historical Society of Old Yarmouth, 2004).
- ^ 43.0 43.1 Lovell Family Collection. Archives, Falmouth Historical Society, Falmouth, MA.
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Grubb Spring 1994: 6
- ^ Galenson 1984: 18
- ^ Grubb Dec. 1994: 815
- ^ Galenson 1984: 22
- ^ Galenson March 1981: 47
- ^ Grubb Spring 1994: 21
- ^ 51.0 51.1 Steinfeld, Robert J. Coercion, contract, and free labor in the nineteenth century. Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge university press. 2001. ISBN 0521774004.
- ^ Menard, Russel. From Servant to Freeholder: Status Mobility and Property Accumulation in Seventeenth-Century Maryland. William and Mary Quarterly. 1. 1973, 30: 37–64 [50].
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26 [10]. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Abbott Emerson, Smith. Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607–1776. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1947.
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26 [18]. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Taylor, Philip. The Distant Magnet: European Emigration to the U.S.A. London: Ayre & Spottiswoode. 1971.
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26 [21]. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Salinger, Sharon V. Colonial Labor in Transition: The Decline of Indentured Servitude in Late Eighteenth‐Century Philadelphia. Labor History. 2. 1981, 22: 165–191 [169]. doi:10.1080/00236568108584612.
- ^ Salinger, Sharon V. Colonial Labor in Transition: The Decline of Indentured Servitude in Late Eighteenth‐Century Philadelphia. Labor History. 2. 1981, 22: 165–191 [181]. doi:10.1080/00236568108584612.
- ^ Miller, William. The Effects of the American Revolution on Indentured Servitude. Pennsylvania History. 3. 1940, 7: 131–141 [137].
- ^ Galenson, David. The Rise and Fall of Indentured Servitude in the Americas: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Economic History. 1. 1984, 44: 1–26 [13]. doi:10.1017/s002205070003134x.
- ^ Michael D. Bordo, Alan M. Taylor, Jeffrey G. Williamson, eds. Globalization in historical perspective (2005) p. 72
- ^ Gordon K. Lewis and Anthony P. Maingot, Main Currents in Caribbean Thought: The Historical Evolution of Caribbean Society in Its Ideological Aspects, 1492–1900 (2004) pp 96–97
- ^ Alexandre Olivier Ecquemelin, The History of Buccaneers in America (1853 edition), p. 46
- ^ Lewis and Maingot (2004) p 97
- ^ Population (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Slavery and Economy in Barbados, BBC.
- ^ Higman 1997,第108页.
- ^ A failed settler society: marriage and demographic failure in early Jamaica, Journal of Social History, Vol. 28, No. 1, Autumn, 1994, by Trevor Burnard
- ^ Walton Lai, Indentured labor, Caribbean sugar: Chinese and Indian migrants to the British West Indies, 1838–1918 (1993)
- ^ Steven Vertovik, "Indian Indentured Migration to the Caribbean," in Robin Cohen, ed. The Cambridge survey of world migration (1995) pp 57–62
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- ^ p.15 Duxbury, Jennifer Colonia Servitude: Indentured and Assigned Servants of the Van Diemen's Land Company 1825-1841 Monach Publications in History 1989
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