原盖龟科![]() 化石时期:白垩纪,
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古巨龟,史上最大的海龟之一 | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 爬行纲 Reptilia |
目: | 龟鳖目 Testudines |
亚目: | 曲颈龟亚目 Cryptodira |
演化支: | 美洲鳄龟类 Americhelydia |
演化支: | 泛海龟类 Panchelonioidea |
总科: | 海龟总科 Chelonioidea |
科: | †原盖龟科 Protostegidae Cope,1872 |
属 | |
†古巨龟属 Archelon |
[编辑]尽管原盖龟科的全部物种已绝灭,但通过对其成员的古生态研究已查明原盖龟科的生态角色。通过对其器官化石的分析表明其胃里有贝类化石。[1]有猜想说当时这些龟会被大型肉食动物捕食,因为在化石中找到当时鼠鲨的牙齿痕。[3]已发现Protostega gigas的两个品种都有来自大型鲨鱼的牙齿痕。 另外,至少在一具原盖龟Protostega骨骼中发现已灭绝的白垩刺甲鲨Cretoxyrhina mantelli的牙齿嵌在其骨头上。[4]
[编辑]原盖龟科中最最早出现的是Santanachelys gaffneyi,1998年在巴西发掘到这种龟的化石。这个物种首次出现是在白垩纪早期。作为一种早期的海龟,Santanachelys的身体构造与今天见到的海龟有点不同,例如在其手部仍可见其指,并有蹼相连。后期其亲缘的龟的脚蹼完全融为一体,使之更便于游泳。[1]作为中生代最大的动物群,原盖龟科Protostegidae在白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件中绝灭了,这起事件也导致恐龙的绝灭。[5]通过种系发生学的分析,与原盖龟科最亲近且仍应健在的科为棱皮龟科,而且这两者都是单系群。[6]
1994年,日本古生物学者平山廉根据支序分类学的分析提出将海龟总科细分为三个科,而原盖龟科Protostegidae当时在物种分类中已有完整且正规的资料使之成为一个科,该科还包括许多已绝灭的物种,如古巨龟Archelon和先前未描述过的原盖龟。[8]而对于其他所有未分类的品种也于1998年得到发现,例如Santanachelys gaffneyi。在新物种被发现后,Santanachelys gaffneyi所属的属(Santanachelys)也列入到原盖龟科中。后来经过分析,确定这个物种是原盖龟科中最古老的。[1]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hirayama, Ren. Oldest known sea turtle. Nature. 1998-04-16, 392 (6677): 705–708 [2007-09-04]. doi:10.1038/33669. (原始内容存档于2007-09-29).
- ^ Lutz, Peter L.; John A. Musick. The Biology of Sea Turtles. CRC PRess. 1996: 432pp. ISBN 0849384222.
- ^ Shimada, Kenshu; M.J. Everhart, G. E. Hooks III. Ichthyodectid fish and protostegid turtle bitten by the Late Cretaceous lamniform shark, Cretoxyrhina mantelli. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2002, 22 (3): 106.
- ^ Shimada, Kenshu; G. E. Hooks III. Shark-bitten protostegid turtles from the upper Cretaceous Mooreville chalk, Alabama. Journal of Paleontology. January 2004, 78 (1): 205–210. doi:10.1666/0022-3360(2004)078<0205:SPTFTU>2.0.CO;2. (原始内容存档于2011-09-29).
- ^ Zangerl, Rainer. The vertebrate fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama, Part III. The turtles of the Family Protostegidae. Chicago Field Museum Mem. May 1953, 3 (3).
- ^ Meylan, Peter A.; Ren Hirayama. The Paleontology and Phylogenetics of "Sea Turtles". Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Conservation and Biology. September 2000, 19: 104. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-443.
- ^ Baur, George. On the Classification of the Testudinata. The American Naturalist. June 1890, 24 (282): 530–536. JSTOR 2450882. doi:10.1086/275138.
- ^ Hirayama, Ren. Phylogenetic systematics of chelonioid sea turtles. Island Arc. December 1994, 3 (4): 270–284 [2007-09-04]. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.1994.tb00116.x.[永久失效链接]
[编辑]- Lutz, Peter L.; John A. Musick. The Biology of Sea Turtles. CRC PRess. 1996: 432pp. ISBN 0849384222.
- Kazlev, M. Alan. Mesozoic Marine Reptiles. Palaeos Mesozoic. Palaeos. 2003-09-15 [2007-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-15).
- Case, E. C. On the osteology and relationships of Protostega. Journal of Morphology. 1897, 14: 21–60. doi:10.1002/jmor.1050140103.
- Cope, Edward Drinker. A description of the genus Protostega. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1872: 422–433.
- Cope, Edward Drinker. Note of fossils obtained by Mr. Russell S. Hill, including bones of Protostega gigas. The American Naturalist. 1878, 12: 137. doi:10.1086/272052.
- Hay, O.P. On certain portions of the skeleton of Protostega gigas. Field Columbian Museum, Publications, Zoological Series. 1895, 1: 57–62.
- Hay, O.P. On Protostega, the systematic position of Dermochelys, and the morphogeny of the chelonian carapace and plastron. The American Naturalist. 1898, 32: 929–948. doi:10.1086/277069.
- Sternberg, C.H. Protostega gigas and other Cretaceous reptiles and fishes from the Kansas chalk. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1905, 19: 123–128.
- Wieland, G. R. The protostegan plastron. American Journal of Science. 4. 1898, 5: 15–20. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-5.25.15.
- Wieland, G. R. The osteology of Protostega. Carnegie Museum, Memoirs. 1906, 2: 279–298.
- Wieland, G. R. Plastron of the Protosteginae. Carnegie Museum, Annals. 1906, 4: 8–14.
- Wieland, G. R. Revision of the Protostegidae. American Journal of Science. 4. 1909, 27: 101–130. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-27.158.101.
- Williston, S. W. On the hind limb of Protostega. American Journal of Science. 4. 1902, 13: 276–278. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-13.76.276.