
北方邦西部(英语:Western Uttar Pradesh;印地语:पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश),即印度北方邦西部地区,包括罗希尔坎德地区,以及其他使用印地语、乌尔都语和布拉杰语的地区,是印度斯坦语(印地—乌尔都语)的起源地[1]。北方邦西部的人口、经济和文化情况和北方邦其他地区较为不同,而更接近哈里亚纳邦和拉贾斯坦邦[2][3]。区内最大城市是加济阿巴德,第二大城市是旅游名城阿格拉。
- 萨哈兰普尔专区:萨哈兰普尔县、穆扎法尔讷格尔县、沙姆利县
- 密拉特专区:密拉特县、巴格帕特县、加济阿巴德县、乔达摩菩提那加尔县、哈普尔县、布兰德沙哈尔县
- 莫拉达巴德专区:莫拉达巴德县、比杰诺尔县、阿姆罗赫县、桑巴尔县、兰浦尔县
- 阿格拉专区:阿格拉县、马图拉县、菲罗扎巴德县、迈恩布里县
- 阿里格尔专区:阿里格尔县、埃塔县、哈特拉斯县、卡斯甘杰县
- 巴雷利专区:巴雷利县、布道恩县、皮利比特县、沙贾汉布尔县
[编辑]- ^ Taher, Mohamed. Librarianship and Library Science in India: An Outline of Historical Perspectives. Concept Publishing Company. 1994: 115. ISBN 978-81-7022-524-9 (英语).
- ^ Leaf, Murray J. Pragmatism and development: the prospect for pluralist transformation in the Third World. Greenwood Publishing Group. 1998. ISBN 978-0897895736.
... Village organization and district administration in western Uttar Pradesh is generally much more like the neighboring states of Rajasthan and Haryana than like eastern Uttar Pradesh. Eastern Uttar Pradesh is more like Bihar than western Uttar Pradesh ... Of all these regions, western Uttar Pradesh is generally regarded as having the best administration, the most productive agriculture, and the best managed canals ...
- ^ Alfred De Souza, Urban growth and urban planning: political context and people's priorities, Indian Social Institute, 1983, 1983,
... The difference in the urban settlement pattern between western and eastern Uttar Pradesh is so pronounced that one could almost feel that the two regions were located in two different countries with completely different economic systems ...
- ^ Mohamad Riad El-Ghonemy, "The Dynamics of Rural Poverty", Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986. ... Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh recorded spectacular production increases ...
- ^ V. G. Rastyannikov, "Agrarian Evolution in a Multiform Structure Society: Experience of Independent India", Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, ISBN 0710007558.
- ^ B. M. Bhatia, "Food Security in South Asia", Oxford & IHB Pub. Co., 1985.