
信号完整性(英语:Signal integrity, SI)是对于电子信号品质的一系列度量标准。在数字电路中,一串二进制的信号流是通过电压(或电流)的波形来表示。然而,自然界的信号实际上都是模拟的,而非数字的,所有的信号都受噪音、扭曲和损失影响。在短距离、低比特率的情况里,一个简单的导体可以忠实地传输信号。而长距离、高比特率的信号如果通过几种不同的导体,多种效应可以降低信号的可信度,这样系统或设备不能正常工作。信号完整性工程是分析和缓解上述负面效应的一项任务,在所有水平的电子封装和组装,例如集成电路的内部连接、集成电路封装、印制电路板等工艺过程中,都是一项十分重要的活动。
[编辑]- Howard Johnson, Martin Graham. High-speed signal propagation : advanced black magic. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR. 2002. ISBN 0-13-084408-X. Advanced-level reference text for experienced digital designers who want to press their designs to the upper limits of speed and distance.
- Eric Bogatin. Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified, Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2009 [2011-09-10]. ISBN 978-0-13-234979-6. (原始内容存档于2011-09-10). From the backcover: Draws from author's industrial experience and his work teaching more than five thousand engineers.
- Stephen H. Hall, Garrett W. Hall, James A. McCall. High speed digital system design : a handbook of interconnect theory and design practices. New York: Wiley. 2000. ISBN 0471360902.
- William J. Dally; John W. Poulton. Digital systems engineering. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. 1999. ISBN 0-52-159292-5. Textbook on the problems of building digital systems, including signal integrity.
- Douglas Brooks. Signal integrity issues and printed circuit board design. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR. 2003. ISBN 0-13-141884-X. This book approaches electrical engineering and signal integrity principles from a basic level, assuming little prior understanding.
- Vikas Shukla,. Signal Integrity for PCB Designers. Reference Designer. ISBN 0-9821-3690-0.
- Geoff Lawday, David Ireland, and Greg Edlund. A signal integrity engineer's companion : real-time test and measurement and design simulation. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2008. ISBN 0-13-186006-2.
- Madhavan Swaminathan, A. Ege Engin. Power integrity modeling and design for semiconductors and systems. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2008. ISBN 9780136152064. Using realistic case studies and downloadable software examples, two leading experts demonstrate today's best techniques for designing and modeling interconnects to efficiently distribute power and minimize noise. The authors carefully introduce the core concepts of power distribution design, systematically present and compare leading techniques for modeling noise, and link these techniques to specific applications. Their many examples range from the simplest (using analytical equations to compute power supply noise) through complex system-level applications.
- Altera Signal Integrity Center
- Basic Principles of Signal Integrity (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Agilent EEsof EDA - Signal Integrity Analysis Resources[失效链接]
- "Design tip: Model instruments to improve signal integrity simulation", EETimes, John Olah, 2007-October-25
- Topics in signal integrity were discussed at DesignCon 2008 February 4, 2008 to February 7, 2008
- "Understanding Signal Integrity - Signal integrity is becoming a more significant problem as clock frequencies increase" by Eric Bogatin, GigaTest Labs, Agilent Application Note 5988-5978EN, April 2002, 8 pages, PDF, 0.9MB
- "Signal Integrity Analysis Series Part 1: Single-Port TDR, TDR/TDT, and 2-Port TDR" (Agilent Application Note 5989-5763EN, February 2007, 72 pages, PDF, 5.2MB)
- "Signal Integrity Analysis Series Part 2: 4-Port TDR/VNA/PLTS" (Agilent Application Note 5989-5764EN, February 2007, 56 pages, PDF, 3.6MB)
- "Signal Integrity Analysis Series Part 3: The ABC's of De-Embedding" (Agilent Application Note 5989-5765EN, July 2007, 48 pages, PDF, 2.5MB)