This photo was taken by Prosperity Horizons (formerly upload self-taken pictures under the user name Exploringlife and Hk2007), which has the highest pixel of 7,952 x 5,304 within Chinese Wikipedia users. If you need to reuse, reproduce or redistribute (excepting upload to Facebook, Youtube and Twitter), also agree to comply the terms of Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, then you can use on the premise that must point out the author and abbreviated license name Wikipedia user Prosperity Horizons (CC BY-SA 4.0 license) near the image.
此照片由Prosperity Horizons (曾以Exploringlife及Hk2007的名義上載自行拍攝相片)所攝,最高像素達7,952 x 5,304,為中文維基百科照片解像度最高的用戶。若你有需要重用、重製或轉載(上傳Facebook、Youtube及Twitter除外),並同意遵守署名-相同方式共享 4.0 國際 (CC BY-SA 4.0)許可條款,那你便可以使用,前提是必須在圖像接近之位置註明作者及許可簡稱「維基百科用戶Prosperity Horizons(CC BY-SA 4.0許可)」。
描述Lam Chiu-ying, 2009 (cropped).jpg
English: Lam Chiu-ying, in 2009.
2011年1月14日 07:03:35(UTC) (Original uploaded at 2009年3月21日 16:42:34)
2009-03-21 16:42:34 | Hk2007 | 2015241 | 2736×3648 | ({{Information |Description=Lam Chiu Ying attending the last Open Day of The Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters as Director status in 2009 (林超英最後一次以台長身份出席2009年天文台總部開放日) |Source=
2009-03-21 16:38:49 | Hk2007 | 2015241 | 2736×3648 | {{Information |Description={{zh|林超英最後一次以台長身份出席2009年天文台總部開放日。}} {{en|Lam Chiu Ying attending the last Open Day of The Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters as Director status in 2009.}} |Source=
2009-03-21 16:32:18 | Hk2007 | 2015241 | 2736×3648 | {{Information |Description={{zh|林超英最後一次以台長身份出席2009年天文台總部開放日。}} {{en|Lam Chiu Ying attending the last Open Day of The Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters as Director status in 2009.}}