
File:PIA07738 Tethys mosaic contrast-enhanced.jpg


原始檔案 (3,200 × 3,200 像素,檔案大小:2.05 MB,MIME 類型:image/jpeg


English: With this full-disk mosaic, Cassini presents the best view yet of the south pole of Saturn's moon Tethys.

The giant rift Ithaca Chasma cuts across the disk. Much of the topography seen here, including that of Ithaca Chasma, has a soft, muted appearance. It is clearly very old and has been heavily bombarded by impacts over time.

Many of the fresh-appearing craters (ones with crisp relief) exhibit unusually bright crater floors. The origin of the apparent brightness (or "albedo") contrast is not known. It is possible that impacts punched through to a brighter layer underneath, or perhaps it is brighter because of different grain sizes or textures of the crater floor material in comparison to material along the crater walls and surrounding surface.

The moon's high southern latitudes, seen here at the bottom, were not imaged by NASA's Voyager spacecraft during their flybys of Tethys 25 years ago.

The mosaic is composed of nine images taken during Cassini's close flyby of Tethys (1,071 kilometers, or 665 miles across) on Sept. 24, 2005, during which the spacecraft passed approximately 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) above the moon's surface.

This view is centered on terrain at approximately 1.2 degrees south latitude and 342 degrees west longitude on Tethys. It has been rotated so that north is up.

The clear filter images in this mosaic were taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera at distances ranging from 71,600 kilometers (44,500 miles) to 62,400 kilometers (38,800 miles) from Tethys and at a Sun-Tethys-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 21 degrees. The image scale is 370 meters (1,200 feet) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

The original NASA image has been processed to enhance contrast. Thus, this image is NOT a duplicate of Image:Tethys PIA07738.jpg

File:Tethys PIA07738.jpg or http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA07738

本圖像或影音收錄於美國國家航空暨太空總署 (NASA)噴射推進實驗室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory),其照片編號為: PIA07738

作者 NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute


Public domain 本作品由NASA創作,屬於公有領域。根據NASA的版權政策:“NASA的創作除非另有聲明否則不受版權保護。”(參見:Template:PD-USGov/zhNASA版權政策JPL圖像使用政策







目前2008年10月30日 (四) 07:11於 2008年10月30日 (四) 07:11 版本的縮圖3,200 × 3,200​(2.05 MB)WolfmanSF{{Information |Description={{en|1=With this full-disk mosaic, Cassini presents the best view yet of the south pole of Saturn's moon Tethys. The giant rift Ithaca Chasma cuts across the disk. Much of the topography seen here, including that of Ithaca Chas


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