English: (L-R) Secretary of State for Defence the Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP and the President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma share an 'Ebola' handshake. DEFENCE Secretary, Michael Fallon, has said that UK personnel have made a vital contribution to tackle Ebola
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Sgt Paul Morrison
IMAGE: (L-R) Secretary of State for Defence the Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP meets the President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma.
DEFENCE Secretary, Michael Fallon, has said that UK personnel have made a vital contribution to tackle Ebola, during a visit to Sierra Leone.
Arriving in the West African state, Mr Fallon met with the President, His Excellency, President Ernst Bai Koromo, at the State House in Freetown. Their meeting began with an ‘Ebola handshake’, a greeting now widespread in Sierra Leone where elbows are offered, to avoid any potential transmission of the disease through body contact.
Mr Fallon then visited sites where the British military have provided key support, including the Kerry Town Treatment Unit (KTTU) where regular and reserve military medics are treating healthcare workers with Ebola; the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Argus which deployed in September and has been providing reassurance and aviation support to the people of Sierra Leone and the District Ebola Response Centre (DERC) in the town of Port Loko.
British troops stationed in Port Loko have created a command and control structure which co-ordinates numerous stakeholders, enabling progress against the disease in the district. The Port Loko DERC is one of eight in Sierra Leone overseen by the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC).