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2010-10-06T18:28:14Z NordNordWest 1642x1036 (282074 Bytes) upd
2009-08-12T18:23:52Z Пакко 1536x970 (209136 Bytes) fixed Iskar Lake
2009-08-03T18:12:56Z Пакко 1534x967 (211583 Bytes) fixed some borders according to current administrative division
2008-08-25T18:52:33Z NordNordWest 1645x1038 (304442 Bytes) size correction
2008-08-12T12:25:58Z NordNordWest 548x346 (298143 Bytes) corrected
2008-08-05T20:30:09Z NordNordWest 548x346 (296113 Bytes) {{Information |Description= {{de|Positionskarte von [[:de:Bulgarien|Bulgarien]]}} Quadratische Plattkarte, N-S-Streckung 130 %. Geographische Begrenzung der Karte: * N: 44.4° N * S: 41.1° N * W: 22.1° O * O: 28.9° O {{en|
Uploaded with derivativeFX
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目前 2011年1月14日 (五) 09:54 951 × 600(165 KB) MrPanyGoff {{Information |Description={{en|Location map of Targovishte Municipality within Targovishte Province , Bulgaria.}} Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 130 %. Geographic limits of the ma
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