
File:Red Skelton with artwork 1948.jpg


原始檔案 (2,551 × 3,321 像素,檔案大小:3.81 MB,MIME 類型:image/jpeg


English: Photo of Red Skelton at home with one of his clown paintings, 1948.
日期 January 1948
來源 Page47 Radio Mirror.
作者 Macfadden Publications
Copyright not renewed.
  • A search for renewal was done under publications for the years 1975 and 1976. Nothing was located for Radio Mirror. There's no evidence Macfadden continues to claim on this material.
  • With regard to the painting, Skelton said he started working with art as a hobby on a regular basis in 1943. He did not offer any of his works for sale until 1964, when he was convinced by his second wife, Georgia, to show his paintings at the Sands Hotel (where he was also performing at the time) in 1964.
  • To make certain we are not displaying a copyrighted work in the photo of the painting, a second copyright search was done in artwork for the years 1943-1948. covering when Skelton began working in art as a hobby and when the magazine was published. The only information that was found relating to Red Skelton was an illustration of him done by another artist, Sam Berman, for NBC Radio. Berman was hired to create an illustration for each of the radio programs on the NBC Radio Network in 1947; since they were works for hire, the individual copyrights for each work were filed by NBC. NBC renewed the copyrights on some of the illustrations, but not for others, like File:Como stafford supper club 1947.jpg. The illustration of Skelton done by Sam Berman was renewed; there were no listings of any copyrights filed by or for Red or Richard Skelton for any artwork he created during the period of time from 1943-1948.
  • Publication is satisfied because this photo of Skelton in his home posing with one of his paintings, was taken with his consent and with the knowledge that the photo would be published in a magazine that was distributed nationwide. Anyone who bought or read the magazine was able to see the photo of Skelton and his clown painting when the January 1948 issue of the magazine went on sale.


Public domain
本作品在美國屬於公有領域,是因為該作品是在1930與1963年之間出版,沒有在該作品增加著作權聲明,且沒有進行著作權更新。除非此作品之作者已經過世一段時間,並達到公有領域所要求的條件,這類美國作品在其他不適用較短期限法則的國家或地區屬於有著作權狀態,如加拿大(作者過世後70年)、中國大陸(作者過世後50年,港澳除外)、德國(作者過世後70年)、墨西哥(作者過世後100年)、瑞士(作者過世後70年)與其他已簽署個別協議的國家。更多資訊請參考Commons:Hirtle chart

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目前2014年5月18日 (日) 01:38於 2014年5月18日 (日) 01:38 版本的縮圖2,551 × 3,321​(3.81 MB)Crisco 1492Higher resolution; same source. Adjusted for lighting and to remove half-toning.
2014年5月18日 (日) 01:25於 2014年5月18日 (日) 01:25 版本的縮圖498 × 653​(105 KB)Renamed user 995577823Xyn{{Information |Description=Photo of Red Skelton at home with one of his clown paintings, 1948. |Source=[https://archive.org/stream/radi00mac#page/n57/mode/2up Page47] ''Radio Mirror''. |Date=[https://archive.org/stream/radi00mac#page/n9/mode/2up Januar...



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