
File:Wasp 1877-08-18 (pg 40) - Local Chips (cropped).jpg


Wasp_1877-08-18_(pg_40)_-_Local_Chips_(cropped).jpg (649 × 405 像素,檔案大小:95 KB,MIME 類型:image/jpeg


English: Description on page 35: On pages 40 and 41, our artist has illustrated a number of the more prominent phases of San Francisco street-life and character with such fidelity to nature that most San Franciscans will be able to recognize them. Probably no city in the Union offers a richer field for the pencil of the artist than San Francisco. Our streets reflect to a considerable extent the life, habits and character of our people. It will be seen by a glance at our " Local Chips" that the happiest points of street life have been effectively portrayed. Every one will recognize the millionaire as he stands discussing his humble lunch in a five cent beer saloon. The Chinese wash-house before and after the riot is cleverly introduced, and a forcible point made where the picture shows the working classes assisting in the support of the heathen, whom they so much denounce. The Italian vegetable merchant is contrasted with his Chinese competitor of the swinging baskets. What our artist calls the "Filth Hotel" at the foot of 6th and adjoining streets, is a disgrace to the city and should be immediately abolished. The wily political demagogue is entrancing his hearers with his views on the issues of the day. Jack ashore and Jack aboard present a forcible contrast. Another eyesore of the street is presented in the California street empiric who sell his deadly nostrums to the thoughtless with a brilliant fanfare made of light and music. The rush for the San Jose train and the leisure of the expressman are shown with equal fidelity. Every one will recognize "Old Git your Razors ground." Equally striking is the picture of the countryman before and after his negociations for a suit of clothes. His purchase does not seem to fit him exactly like the conventional "paper on ze wall." He is trying to reconcile his stiff brimmed hat with his twelve inch high collar with little hope of success. That picture of the French bouquet seller might be called a portrait, so true is it to life. Horses standing on the sidewalk, appear to threaten the wayfayer. Schultz's dog looks as if he was in his last legs. The boy's trick with the brick in the hat excites a wail of anguish from his inquisitive victim. The lady and the dog-catcher appear to be draw it pretty fine — for the dog. A specimen special, a Pacific street slop-shop and the exquisites at the Fair complete a series of "Local Chips" which for spirit, finish and truthfulness have never been approached by any illustration on the Pacific Coast. This number should be preserved for reference or sent abroad as a characteristic sketch of San Francisco street-life and manners.
來源 https://archive.org/details/waspvol21877unse/page/40/mode/1up
作者 Unknown/uncredited illustrator(s) for The Wasp
:​Wasp 1877-08-18 (pg 40) - Local Chips.jpg


Public domain




目前2021年2月14日 (日) 19:15於 2021年2月14日 (日) 19:15 版本的縮圖649 × 405​(95 KB)Mliu92File:Wasp 1877-08-18 (pg 40) - Local Chips.jpg cropped 47 % horizontally, 77 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.



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