
康達效應(英語:Coandă effect)即附壁效應[1],又譯寬德效應、柯恩達效應,簡言之,是射流附着在凸面上的傾向[2][3]。
康達效應詳言之,是當噴流(射流)流經曲面時,流體(水流或氣流)與它流過的物體表面之間有表面摩擦,近物體表面的流體流速會減緩,近面流體離開原本的流動方向,改為隨著凸出的物體表面流動之傾向,並使周圍遠面流體逸入此一噴流中;由於流體流速的減緩和移動方向的改變(流線彎曲)使得噴流外界的壓力(大氣壓力)大於噴流內側和曲面交界處的壓力,因此噴流依附在曲面壁流動。噴流的附壁效應,會使曲面壁上的壓力小於噴流外界的大氣壓力,而產生向曲面壁的吸力,此稱附壁吸力(Coandă force)。
部分飛機特別使用引擎吹出的氣流來增加附壁作用,用以提高昇力。美國波音的YC-14 及前蘇聯的安-72都是把噴射發動機裝在機翼上方的前面,配合襟翼,吹出的氣流可以提高低速時機翼的升力。波音C-17環球霸王III亦有透過附壁作用增加升力,但所產生的升力較少。
直昇機的「無尾旋翼」(英語:No Tail Rotor)技術,亦是透過吹出空氣在機尾引起附壁作用,造成推力平衡主旋翼產生的反扭矩。
[編輯]- ^ 附壁效應 coanda effect (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)-謝勝己《力學名詞辭典》(2002年12月)
- ^ Tritton, D.J., Physical Fluid Dynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977 (reprinted 1980), Section 22.7, The Coandă Effect.
- ^ 存档副本. [2018-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-22).
- ^ "The Coanda effect is a phenomenon that was first observed in 1910 by a mathematician and engineer named Henri Coandă. He discovered that when air was ejected from a rectangular nozzle, it would attach itself to an inclined flat plate connected to the nozzle exit. Emphasizing the need for a sharp angle between the nozzle and the flat plate, Coandă then applied the principle to a series of deflecting surfaces, each at a sharp angle to the previous one, and succeeded in turning flows through angles as large as 180. He stated that "when a jet of fluid is passed over a curved surface, it bends to follow the surface, entraining large amounts of air as it does so," and this phenomenon has become known as the Coandă Effect. On Some Recent Applications of the Coanda Effect Caroline Lubert International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2011 http://www.iiav.org/ijav/content/volumes/16_2011_1739941303237209/vol_3/237_firstpage_856831320254369.pdf (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- ^ Coandă effect. (2013). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. Digital version available here: http://www.answers.com/topic/coanda-effectarchiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120118131611/[失效連結] archivedate=2012-01-18
- ^ "Mechanics of Fluids, 4th edition 1979, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, ISBN 0-442-30245-2, Fig, 3.12
- ^ "Understanding Aerodynamics Arguing from the Real Physics" Doug McLean, 2013, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester, ISBN 978-1-119-96751-4, Figure 7.3.6