File:University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba (42164584120).jpg

原始文件 (5,184 × 3,888像素,文件大小:6 MB,MIME类型:image/jpeg)
描述University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba (42164584120).jpg |
The University of Manitoba (U of M, UManitoba, or UM) is a public research university in the province of Manitoba, Canada. Its main campus is located in the Fort Garry neighbourhood of southern Winnipeg with other campuses throughout the city. Founded in 1877, it is the first university of western Canada. The university maintains a reputation as a top research-intensive post-secondary educational institution and conducts more research annually than any other university in the region. The U of M is the largest university both by total student enrollment and campus area in the province of Manitoba, and the 17th-largest in all of Canada. The campus boasts dozens of faculties and hundreds of degree programs. The U of M is a member of the U15 and of Universities Canada, while its global affiliations include the International Association of Universities and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Its increased global outreach has resulted in one of the most internationally diverse student bodies in Canada, while its competitive academic and research programs have consistently ranked among the top in the Canadian Prairies. The Manitoba Bisons represent the team in athletics as a member of U Sports and Canada West Universities Athletic Association (CWUAA). University of Manitoba alumni include Nobel Prize recipients, Academy Award winners, Order of Merit recipients, and Olympic medalists, among many others. As of 2019, there have been 99 Rhodes Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba, more than that of any other university in western Canada. Likewise, the university has produced countless government figures, including provincial premiers, Supreme Court justices, and Members of Parliament (MPs). Research at the U of M has produced various world-renowned contributions, including the creation of canola oil in the 1970s. Along with the Fort Garry campus as its central hub, the University of Manitoba operates three other major locations: the Bannatyne Campus, the James W. Burns Executive Education Centre, and the William Norrie Centre. Additionally, the university also administers its French-language affiliate, Université de Saint-Boniface in the Saint Boniface ward of Winnipeg. <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> |
日期 | |
来源 | University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba |
作者 | Ken Lund from Reno, Nevada, USA |

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这幅图片原始出处为Flickr的 ,作者为Ken Lund 。经机器人FlickreviewR 2在2021年12月22日审查后确定为采用cc-by-sa-2.0的协议授权使用。 |
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9 8 2018
曝光时间 简体中文(已转写)
0.005 秒钟
焦距比数 简体中文(已转写)
焦距 简体中文(已转写)
24.031 毫米
ISO速度 简体中文(已转写)
日期/时间 | 缩略图 | 大小 | 用户 | 备注 | |
当前 | 2021年12月22日 (三) 21:56 | ![]() | 5,184 × 3,888(6 MB) | Mindmatrix | Transferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons |
相机制造商 | Canon |
相机型号 | Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
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数据生成日期时间 | 2018年8月9日 (四) 16:36 |
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文件修改日期时间 | 2018年8月9日 (四) 16:36 |
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数字化日期时间 | 2018年8月9日 (四) 16:36 |
每个色彩组分意义 |
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闪光灯 | 闪光灯未点亮、闪光灯强制关闭 |
修改时间厘秒数 | 14 |
数据生成时间厘秒数 | 14 |
数字化时间厘秒数 | 14 |
支持的Flashpix版本 | 1 |
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数字变焦比率 | 1 |
场景拍摄类型 | 标准 |
GPS标签版本 | |
评分(满分5分) | 0 |