

(重定向自William H. Baxter
William H. Baxter
出生William Hubbard Baxter III
(1949-03-03) 1949年3月3日76岁)
国籍 美国
博士导师包拟古(Nicholas Bodman)
英语 W. Hubbart Baxter

白一平(英语:William H. Baxter,1949年),美国汉语学家。



1970年从安默斯特学院获得人类学学士学位。后进入康奈尔大学学习,1974年获得语言学硕士学位,1977年获语言学博士学位,博士论文:《中古重纽的上古来源——对汉字音的研究》。师从语言学家包拟古。1990年起任密歇根大学汉语及语言学副教授。从1994年开始与沙加尔建立统一的上古汉语构拟系统白一平-沙加尔系统Baxter-Sagart System),与郑张斯塔罗斯京的构拟系统并称上古汉语新三家。两人将成果陆续在网络上发表[1][2]


  • Baxter, William H. (1992), A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology(《汉语上古音手册》), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-012324-1.


  • Baxter, William; Sagart, Laurent. Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction. Oxford University Press. 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-994537-5. 
  • Sagart, Laurent, and William H. Baxter (2012). Reconstructing the *s- prefix in Old Chinese. Language and Linguistics 13. 29–59.
  • 沙加尔; 白一平. 上古汉语的N-和m-前缀. 汉藏语学报. 2010, (4): 62–69 [2022-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-25). 
  • 白一平. 武汉大学简帛研究中心 , 编. “埶”, “勢”, “設” 等字的構擬和中古 sy-(書母 = 審三) 的來源. 《简帛》. 2010, (第五辑): 161–178. 简明摘要. 
  • Sagart, Laurent, and William H. Baxter (2009). Reconstructing Old Chinese uvulars in the Baxter-Sagart system (version 0.99). Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale 38. 221–244.
  • Baxter, William W. Mandarin dialect phylogeny. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale. 2006, 35: 71–114. 
  • Baxter, William W. Eulogy: Sergej Anatol′evič Starostin, March 24, 1953 – September 30, 2005.. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 2006, 34 (1): 164–166. 
  • Baxter, William H. Where does the ‘Comparative Method’ come from?. Fabrice Cavoto (编). The linguist’s linguist: a collection of papers in honour of Alexis Manaster Ramer. Munich: LINCOM EUROPA. 2002: 33–52. 
  • (2000) (with Alexis Manaster Ramer) Beyond lumping and splitting: probabilistic issues in historical linguistics. In Time depth in historical linguistics, ed. by Colin Renfrew, April McMahon & Larry Trask, 167–188. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
  • Baxter, William W. Did Proto-Mandarin exist?. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 2000, 28: 100–115. 
  • (1999) "Reconstructing Proto-'Mandarin' retroflex initials". In Issues in Chinese dialect description and classification (Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monographs, 15), ed. by Richard VanNess Simmons, 1–35. Berkeley: Project on Linguistic Analysis.
  • (1999) Eulogy: Nicholas C. Bodman (1913–1997). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 27.190–191.
  • (1998) Response to Oswalt and Ringe. In Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence, ed. by Joseph C. Salmons and Brian D. Joseph, 217–236. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • (1998) Situating the language of the Lao-tzu: the probable date of the Tao-te-ching. In Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching, ed. by Livia Kohn and Michael LaFargue, 231–253. Albany: State University Press of New York, 1998.
  • (1997) (with Laurent Sagart) Word formation in Old Chinese. In New approaches to Chinese word formation, ed. by Jerome Packard, 35–76. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • (1996) Review (with Alexis Manaster Ramer) of Donald A. Ringe, Jr., On calculating the factor of chance in language comparison (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1992), Diachronica 13.371–384.
  • (1995) "'A stronger affinity … than could have been produced by accident': a probabilistic comparison of Old Chinese and Tibeto-Burman". In The Ancestry of the Chinese Language (Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monographs, 8), ed. by William S.-Y. Wang, 1–39. Berkeley: Project on Linguistic Analysis.
  • (1995) 曹逢甫; 蔡美慧 (编). Pre-Qièyùn distinctions in the Mǐn dialects. 第一屆臺灣語言國際研討會論文選集. 台北市: 文鹤. : 393–406. 
  • (1994) 李壬癸; 黄居仁; 汤志真 (编). 關於上古音的四個假設. 中國境內語言暨語言學. 第二辑‧历史语言学. 中央研究院历史语言研究所. : 41–60 [2022-10-25]. ISBN 957-671-231-9. (原始内容存档于2022-10-25). 简明摘要. 
  • (1994) Reply to Pulleyblank. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 22.139–160
  • (1994) Some phonological correspondences between Chinese and Tibeto-Burman. In Current issues in Sino-Tibetan Linguistics, ed. by Hajime Kitamura, Tatsuo Nishida, and Yasuhiko Nagano, 25–35. Osaka: The Organizing Committee, The 26th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics.
  • (1993) Review of Johanna Nichols, Linguistic diversity in space and time (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), Science 259:1927–8 (26 March 1993).
  • (1993) Pre-Qieyun distinctions in the Min dialects. First International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, Taipei.
  • (1992) A handbook of Old Chinese phonology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992.
  • (1991) Zhōu and Hàn phonology in the Shījīng. In Studies in the historical phonology of Asian languages (Current issues in linguistic theory, 77), ed. by William G. Boltz and Michael C. Shapiro, 1–34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • (1991) On the hypothesis of a genetic connection between the Sino-Tibetan languages and the Yeniseian and North-Caucasian languages’ (annotated translation of Sergei Starostin’s ‘Gipoteza o genetičeskix svjazjax sinotibetskix jazykov s enisejskimi i severno-kavkazskimi jazykami’). In Dene-Sino-Caucasian languages: materials from the First International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 8–12 November 1988, edited by Vitaly Shevoroshkin. Bochum: Brockmeyer.
  • (1989) Review of Marie-Claude Paris, Problèmes de syntaxe et de sémantique en linguistique chinoise, Mémoires de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, vol. 20 (Paris: Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1981). Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 24.111–118
  • (1987) Review of E. G. Pulleyblank, Middle Chinese: a study in historical phonology (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1984). Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 47.635–656.
  • (1986) Old Chinese *-u and *-iw in the Shi-jing. In Contributions to Sino-Tibetan studies (Cornell linguistic contributions, 5), ed. by John McCoy and Timothy Light, 258–282. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • (1986) Chinese and Japanese CAI at the University of Michigan. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 21.19–26.
  • (1985) Tibeto-Burman cognates of Old Chinese *-ij and *-ɨj. In Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan area: the state of the art—papers presented to Paul K. Benedict for his 71st birthday (Pacific linguistics, series C, no. 87), ed. by Graham Thurgood, James A. Matisoff, and David Bradley, 242–263. Canberra: The Australian National University.
  • (1985) Language and language policy in Singapore. Social Education 49:116–117 (1985).
  • (1985) Review of W. South Coblin, A handbook of Eastern Han sound glosses (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1983). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 48.170–171.
  • (1984) Formal semantics of a fragment of Chinese. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 19.37–52.
  • (1983) A look at the history of Chinese color terminology. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 18.2.1–25.
  • (1983) Shànggǔ Hànyǔ *sr- de fāzhǎn 上古汉语 *sr- 的发展’ (The development of Old Chinese *sr–). Yǔyán Yánjiū 语言研究 (Wǔhàn) 4.22–26.
  • (1982) Review of Paul Fu-Mien Yang, Chinese dialectology: a selected and classified bibliography (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1981). Journal of Asian Studies 41.158–159.
  • (1982) Some proposals on Old Chinese phonology. In Contributions in historical linguistics: issues and materials (Cornell linguistic contributions, 3), ed. by Frans van Coetsem and Linda R. Waugh, 1–33. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

