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存档 |
关于 Template:巴黎名胜 等模板的删除
[编辑]大佬,很抱歉打扰到您。今天看到 Template:巴黎名胜 等 25 个模板被您判定删除了,但没有找到任何解释。我对您的判定非常不解,特来请教,还望百忙之中作个简短的解释。
- 提删者提出的理由“无有效合理固定收录标准”,既不是方针所认可的理由,也无法获得共识,为什么您会认为它是个充分的删除理由?
- 以在下愚见,如果理由不充分的话,那结果应该是(○)保留才对。
- 支持删除者以“原创研究”为由,但又无法指出模板暗示了什么(无法查证的)观点,为什么您会认可这种理由?
- 以在下愚见,既然指控它原创研究,总得能说出它原创了什么内容(暗示了什么观点)吧?否则就好比,指控某人强奸,一直在强调他有作案工具和作案动机,却说不出他强奸了谁。这……您让他辩护他都不知道辩护什么啊,是不是?
--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月24日 (五) 12:17 (UTC)
- 在我看来这个删除讨论,很明显意见倾向于删除。--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年1月24日 (五) 13:35 (UTC)
- 哦?是因为他们人多,还是他们说得有理?另外,您是否参考了这里的讨论?--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月24日 (五) 16:14 (UTC)
- WP:DP#REASON列出的只是常见的删除理由而已,并不是说未列出的就不能算是删除理由--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年1月25日 (六) 11:58 (UTC)
- 对,我不反对可以提出其它理由,但这个理由应当是合理的吧?应当是无异议的吧?但根据前面提到的讨论,这个理由显然无法得到大家的共识,所以不应被视为一个合理的理由。(另外吐槽一下,另一位管理员同样选择性忽略了我说“这个理由无法获得共识”这半句话……)--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月25日 (六) 12:55 (UTC)
- 但无共识为何会被删除?存废讨论不是点票运作的--千村狐兔(留言) 2025年1月26日 (日) 02:48 (UTC)
- 您好!
- 对呀,应该看谁说的有道理对不对?
- 您觉得,有部分编者编了一个理由,既不是方针,又无法获得共识,但是还能当方针用,这有道理?
- 您觉得,说一个模板原创研究,却说不出它暗示了什么(无法查证的)观点,这有道理?--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月26日 (日) 11:09 (UTC)
- @Shizhao、Manchiu:二位大佬过年好!不知道有没有人愿意解答我的疑问?--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年2月5日 (三) 01:17 (UTC)
- @Shizhao、Manchiu:二位大佬,为什么不肯回答我的问题呢?--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年2月17日 (一) 05:29 (UTC)
- @Shizhao、Manchiu:二位大佬好。昨天有人说我这是在
,我觉得他说得有道理。故此,特来向二位表达歉意。多有打搅,抱歉。以后会避免。--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年3月4日 (二) 03:54 (UTC)
- 但无共识为何会被删除?存废讨论不是点票运作的--千村狐兔(留言) 2025年1月26日 (日) 02:48 (UTC)
- 对,我不反对可以提出其它理由,但这个理由应当是合理的吧?应当是无异议的吧?但根据前面提到的讨论,这个理由显然无法得到大家的共识,所以不应被视为一个合理的理由。(另外吐槽一下,另一位管理员同样选择性忽略了我说“这个理由无法获得共识”这半句话……)--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月25日 (六) 12:55 (UTC)
- WP:DP#REASON列出的只是常见的删除理由而已,并不是说未列出的就不能算是删除理由--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年1月25日 (六) 11:58 (UTC)
- 哦?是因为他们人多,还是他们说得有理?另外,您是否参考了这里的讨论?--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年1月24日 (五) 16:14 (UTC)
如果对于模板删除有异议,可以考虑维基百科:存废复核请求,前提是您需要有新的理由及依据来说明为何需要保留这些模板。--2402:7500:93E:22FF:C4C1:CB5C:C980:80C7(留言) 2025年2月17日 (一) 05:35 (UTC)
- 好的,谢谢!不过,我想先问问清楚怎么回事。--Ma3r(铁塔) 2025年2月17日 (一) 06:08 (UTC)
[编辑]阿里嘎多。--碟之舞📀💿 2025年2月11日 (二) 10:25 (UTC)
[编辑]https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js,只要更新这一个文件。--碟之舞📀💿 2025年2月12日 (三) 12:31 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:2025年亚洲冬季运动会男子冰壶比赛 § 一垒,二垒,三垒的问题(社会、体育运动与文化主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:41 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:孝穆纪太后 § 关于孝穆纪太后条目中明宪宗,万贵妃,纪太后和明孝宗历史记载的中立性与准确性(历史与地理主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:42 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:中国新闻周刊 § “周刊”与“週刊”(社会、体育运动与文化主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:42 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:娜罗虫 § 关于“周小姐虫”、“伪那罗虫”是否应当重定向为“那罗虫”的讨论(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:43 (UTC)
有用户正就Template talk:文物保护单位 § 编辑请求(维基百科技术议题与模板主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:43 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:朝鲜世宗 § 古代朝鲜人名的谚文写法(历史与地理主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:44 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:法拉欣 § 关于"费拉"与"法拉欣"的消歧义以及条目名称问题(历史与地理主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:45 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:环球唱片 (台湾) § 重定向与分类命名(媒体、艺术与建筑主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:45 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:西藏和平解放 § 关于本条目之命名问题(政治、政府与法律主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:47 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:默勒布勒姆县 § 是否有“马拉普兰”这种译法?(语言及语言学主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月13日 (四) 09:48 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:争议解决指引 § 重修争议解决相关规则并升格方针(维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月14日 (五) 04:11 (UTC)
有用户正就Template talk:Wiki-accessibility-CHN § 建议移除HTTP一栏,增加IPv6的连接情况(维基百科技术议题与模板主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月14日 (五) 13:51 (UTC)
可被替代的非自由档案File:The War of the Worlds (novel).png快速删除通知
感谢您上传File:The War of the Worlds (novel).png。我注意到这份档案已宣称依据合理使用原则进行利用。然而,我认为这样的使用方式符合快速删除方针的F10准则。这一条准则说明该档案必需在没有相同的自由授权内容条件下,才能声明以合理使用方式进行利用;也就是说,如果该档案可以完全被自由授权档案替代,或者可以使用文字进行说明,就不能在维基百科使用。尤其注意维基媒体计划禁止使用受到著作权保护的在世人物的照片用来描述其相貌。如果您认为这份档案无法被替换:
- 请您至这份档案的描述页面进入编辑画面,并在第一行增加
{{hang on|<您的理由>}}
,其中请将“<您的理由>”替换成简短解释,说明为何该档案不能被替换。 - 在这份档案的讨论页撰写完整解释,说明为何您认为该档案无法被替换。
如果您上传了其他非自由档案,也请记得检查这些档案页面有没有特别标明并完全符合相关的合理使用依据。您可以点选这个连结寻找您曾经编辑过的档案页面。请留意,即使您依据上述的步骤1与步骤2完成动作,如果您的解释无法得到其他维基人的认同,将会依据快速删除方针,在标记快速删除标签5日后执行删除。如果您有任何问题,请在互助客栈求助区提问。感谢您。--GZWDer(留言) 2025年2月16日 (日) 08:19 (UTC)
[编辑]- 修复2017编辑器预览链接样式消失问题;
- 修复移动版源代码预览链接样式消失问题。
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.css => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.css
谢谢。--碟之舞📀💿 2025年2月16日 (日) 13:26 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-08
[编辑]Please be bold and help translate this article!
A constitutional referendum was held in Madagascar on 17 November 2010, in which voters approved a proposal for the state's fourth Constitution. The Malagasy people were asked to answer "Yes" or "No" to the proposed new constitution, which was considered to help consolidate Andry Rajoelina's grip on power. At the time of the referendum, Rajoelina headed the governing Highest Transitional Authority (HAT), an interim junta established following the military-backed coup d'état against then President Marc Ravalomanana in March 2009.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年2月17日 (一) 01:21 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #667
week leading up to 2025-02-17. Missed the previous one? See issue #666
- Open request for CheckUser: Lymantria (RfP scheduled to end at 19 February 2025 04:22 UTC)
- New request for comments: Anna's Archive - The RFC is about whether Wikidata should import and store metadata from Anna's Archive, considering legal, copyright, and technical challenges.
- Upcoming:
- Data Reuse Days, starting on February 18th. Check out the program and don't forget to register on wiki to receive the access link.
- How to the use the w:20th Century Press Archives as Source (Digitaler Themenabend: Das Pressearchiv 20. Jahrhundert als Quelle - in German) will introduce into research in the archives and into the work of Wikipedia Projekt Pressearchiv - Tuesday, February 18, at 18:00 UTC (informal registration)
- New Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series! We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series session on Tuesday, 18 February, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET Time Zone Converter. Eric Willey will be facilitating a series of four sessions focused on starting a Wikidata project from the foundation up at your institution. The second session will focus on choosing your project. Event page
- (workshop) Wikidata Lab XLIV: Launch of QuickStatements 3.0 on February 24 at 15:00 UTC. Register here and watch it on WMB's YouTube channel!
- Wikidata and Wikibase: Curriculum Transformation in the Digital Humanities. Talk on Wednesday, 5 March. By Information Services, University of Edinburgh. (register)
- Past:
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- From Open Collaboration to Customized Control: Transitioning from Wikidata to Wikibase. Presented by John Samuel, this talk explores Wikibase, a self-hosted platform that brings the power of Wikidata to your own infrastructure.
- (Ukranian) The Role of Wikidata in the development of the Crimean Tatar Wikipedia. This talk discusses how Wikidata has been used to support populating a small language Wikipedia with content.
- (Portuguese) Mapping etymology on OpenStreetMaps with Wikidata Tiago Lubjana demonstrates how to map etymology in OpenStreetMaps with Wikidata, using the streets of the Butantanã Institute as an example.
- Podcasts: Between The Brackets Episode 173: Adam Shorland, Tom Arrow and Ollie Hyde
Tool of the week
- Fedipol (Fediverse Activity Tracker) is a Wikidata-based tool used for tracking activity and analyzing accounts related to German political parties, institutions, and instances on the Fediverse.
- OpenRefine 3.9.0 was released
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Call for Projects and Mentors for Outreachy Round 30 is open! The deadline to submit projects on the Outreachy website is March 4, 2025 at 4pm UTC and the project list will be finalized by March 14, 2025.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- land acknowledgement (acknowledgement of indigenous or native people who live and whose ancestors lived at a location)
- study or design for this work (preliminary work for this finished work)
- Newest External identifiers: Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, ESPN.com football match ID, WPBSA.com player ID, World Snooker Tour tournament ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, EJU judoka ID, Yandex Music track ID, Video Game History Foundation Library agent ID, Video Game History Foundation Library subject ID, Video Game History Foundation Library resource ID, Toonopedia ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, ERR keyword ID, El Watan topic ID, BGSU Historical Collections of the Great Lakes entry ID, CPC Zone game ID, New York Post topic ID, National Trust Heritage Records ID, Records of Early English Drama ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, PWBA.com player ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- The College of Cardinals Report (ID of the person on the The College of Cardinals Report website)
- Nation Ranking (secondary) (Nation Ranking (primary))
- Peh-oe-ji (writing system for {{Q|36778|Taiwan Taigi}} or other {{Q|36495}} language varieties in Fujian and South East Asia.)
- Taiwanese Taigi Romanization System (romanization system for {{Q|36778|Taiwan Taigi}} or other {{Q|36495}} language varieties in Fujian and South East Asia.)
- leader of organization (This property identifies the top executive leader of an organization, regardless of the specific title used by the organization.)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: National Gallery ID, SteamDB developer ID, Steam Group ID, Identifiant d'une personne dans le Dictionnaire de la déportation gardoise, Digital Scriptorium Catalog item ID, DRTV IDs, Cultural Heritage Online (Japan) special ID, Hiking Note plant identifier, Identifiant d'une personnalité sur Calindex, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur Calindex, Identifiant dans le dictionnaire de la BnF, The Atlantic topic ID, Kulturenvanteri place ID, Global Energy Monitor Wiki ID, VGC IDs, Audiomack artist-ID, Audiomack album-ID, Audiomack sang-ID, Wikishire Page ID, Kulturdatenbank-ID, TERMDAT ID, United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database ID, Homosaurus ID (V4), IRIS UNIL author ID, Kantonsspital St.Gallen Author ID, Platform for Taiwan Religion and Folk Culture ID, Big Finish Release ID, TermTerm UUID, FU-Lexikon ID, Miraheze wiki ID, Eurobasket.com club ID, domain name
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Showcase Items: Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex (Q183529) - stadium in Kyiv, Ukraine
- Showcase Lexemes: hacer (L39182) - Spanish verb that can mean "do", "create", "pretend" or "play a role".
- Search: We are continuing the work on the improved search that lets you limit your search more easily to other entity types besides Items like Lexemes and Properties (phab:T321543)
- RDF: We are working on aligning the RDF export to the Query Service prefixes (phab:T384344)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Cuba
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
有用户正就Talk:朝圣 (通俗) § 建议更名:“朝聖 (通俗)”→“聖地巡禮”(社会、体育运动与文化主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月18日 (二) 07:31 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:史普尼克危机 § 命名中立性(社会、体育运动与文化主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月18日 (二) 21:41 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia:互助客栈/其他 § 重启Automoderator部署讨论(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月19日 (三) 14:56 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia:互助客栈/其他 § 关于Automoderator错误报告的处理问题(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月19日 (三) 14:57 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:共识/讨论页及共识方针试行案 § 因应WP:CON/RULES通过,本试行案是否应提升为正式方针(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月19日 (三) 14:58 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:收录标准/音乐 § 2025年2月榜单标准再讨论(媒体、艺术与建筑主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月19日 (三) 15:00 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:漩涡鸣人 § 请求建立第七代火影重定向(媒体、艺术与建筑主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月19日 (三) 15:02 (UTC)
[编辑]暂不论傀儡调查的问题,对象账号反复刷编辑的状况,包含恶作剧琐碎小编辑的问题,是否可以优先处理?目前只有我自己处理他稍忙不过来。这则讯息会转发2-3次到不同ADMIN对话页,这是第1次 Rastinition(留言) 2025年2月20日 (四) 08:52 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:命名常规/钱币学 § 升格钱币学命名常规为方针(维基百科格式与命名主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月22日 (六) 04:22 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:白客 § 关于同人配音(媒体、艺术与建筑主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年2月23日 (日) 19:41 (UTC)
[编辑]该分类被刻意删除页面才变成O4空分类,请问重建有没有问题?--平埔独立国(留言) 2025年2月24日 (一) 01:52 (UTC)
- 如你所言的话,就没有问题--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年2月24日 (一) 02:53 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-09
[编辑]Please be bold and help translate this article!
The Cooler Heads Coalition is a politically conservative "informal and ad-hoc group" in the United States, financed and operated by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The group, which rejects the scientific consensus on climate change, made efforts to stop the government from addressing climate change.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年2月24日 (一) 02:23 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #668
week leading up to 2025-02-24. Missed the previous one? See issue #667
- New requests for permissions/Bot: MatSuBot_10 - Task(s): Import aliases from Female form of Label (P2521) and Male form of Label(P3321).
- New request for comments: Certify the Wikidata trainers? - Initially discussed in Project Chat, this RfC looks to establish a clear community-endorsed policy on how Wikidata Trainers can be appropriately certified and their skills demonstrated and recognized.
- Ongoing events: Data Reuse Days, until February 28th: watch the sessions that you missed and check the program for this week.
- Upcoming events:
- International Mother Language Day 2025 Datathon - online event by WikiProject India from 21-28 February 2025.
- OpenStreetMap X Wikidata Meetup #74 March 10 Time: 19:30-21:00 UTC+8 at Taipei 摩兹工寮 (Q61752245)
- Past:
- Wikidata and Bangla Wikisource: When two cool kids play together! at Wikisource Conference 2025
- Wiki Movimento Brasil unveil QuickStatements 3.0 - A livetsreamed workshop showcasing the latest version of QuickStatements. Discover the new features implemented based on community research.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Videos:
- Live Wikidata Editing - User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 return for a Wikidata live edit session for Data Reuse Days.
- (Czech) Wikibase as a tool for database operation in a memory institution Linda Jansová presents this session on Wikibase (first streamed 9 November, 2024) at the 13th Wikiconference 2024, hosted by WM Česká republika.
- Podcasts: Using Wikidata to connect constituents with their government - User:Ainali (Co-founder of Wikimedians for Sustainable Development discusses their knowledge about Wikidata and how it underpins Govdirectory, their vision for the future impact of Wikidata.
Tool of the week
- The WikidataDiffAnalyzer is a Ruby gem designed to parse and analyze differences between Wikidata revisions, providing detailed statistics on changes to claims, labels, descriptions, aliases, site links, and more, while also supporting analysis of merges, redirects, and other edit types.
- German Political parties and politicians tracked on the Fediverse - Powered by Wikidata, this Fediverse tracker aggregates social media links to official channels of German politicians. (toot)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Job Vacancy: Senior UX Designer for Wikidata - If you have a passion for UX design and open and free knowledge, please consider applying!
- [Wikibase] Bug Fixes: Wikibase Suite Deploy 1.0.2, 3.0.4, Wikibase 1.0.2, 3.0.3
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- software used for creation (software that was used to create this media or work)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- Newest External identifiers: PWBA.com player ID, IATI organisation ID, Oorlogsbronnen ID, DIF historia player ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, critify.de game ID, Digital Scriptorium Catalog item ID, Patristic Text Archive author ID, Patristic Text Archive work ID, Patristic Text Archive manuscript ID, Patristic Text Archive person ID, Patristic Text Archive organization ID, The New Yorker topic ID, CriticDB author ID, Rate Your Music music video ID, Eurosport person ID, Soccerbase season ID, nesdb.se game ID, Albin Michel author ID, National Gallery ID, Wine AppDB ID developer ID, Brussels Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Brussels Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Date filed (Filing date for a document, e.g. a patent or court case. Alternative names include <code>date submitted</code>, <code>submission date</code>, <code>filing date</code>, etc. These are all distinct from dates of issuance, granting, acceptance, publication, etc. that are public-facing and have to do with the last stage in a publication process. Searches for [https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=date+filed&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns120=1 similar] terms yielded [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=filing&ns120=1&fulltext=Search+for+a+property&fulltext=Search no results], so apologies if this is redundant.)
- API documentation (API documentation URL)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Euronews topic ID, NES Directory game ID, Friends of Friendless Churches ID, Bane NOR station ID, Meine Abgeordneten ID, Wikidot article ID, Breitbart tag ID, SMB-digital asset ID, Authority control/Korean National Species list ID, FMJD person ID, KNDB person ID, Radiomuseum.org vacuum tube transitor ID, Lenape Talking Dictionary ID, Thinky Games database game ID, Encyclopædia Universalis index ID, Archives in Bavaria ID, CBFC record ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Puerto Rican Cultural Heritage - serves as a central hub for various initiatives highlighting Puerto Ricans and Puerto Rican culture in Wikidata
- Newest database reports: SPARQL: Federation report - Check the status of different SPARQL endpoints.
- Showcase Items: The Incredible Hulk (Q466611) - 2008 superhero film directed by Louis Leterrier
- Showcase Lexemes: år (L743600) - Nynorsk noun that can mean "a vein", "road", "talent", "an ore", "insect wing part" or "small stripe with a different colour from its surroundings."
- Hosting the Data Reuse Days
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on a search endpoint for the API (phab:T383126)
- Search: We are continuing to work on the search field that lets you search other entity types as well and not just Items (phab:T321543
- Mobile editing: We are designing prototypes for first testing sessions
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Uganda
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]
[编辑]- 向移动版加入滑动手势支持;
- 优化无障碍支持;
- 其他小优化。
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.js
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.css => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp.css
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp-settings.js => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp-settings.js
- https://zh.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp-settings.css => MediaWiki:Gadget-ilhpp-settings.css
以上。--碟之舞📀💿 2025年2月25日 (二) 15:53 (UTC)
完成--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年2月26日 (三) 02:56 (UTC)
- 发现一处bug,已经修复,请再次部署,谢谢。--碟之舞📀💿 2025年3月2日 (日) 04:12 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 February 2025
[编辑]- Serendipity: Guinea-Bissau Heritage from Commons to the World
- Technology report: Hear that? The wikis go silent twice a year
- In the media: The end of the world
- Recent research: What's known about how readers navigate Wikipedia; Italian Wikipedia hardest to read
- Opinion: Sennecaster's RfA debriefing
- Tips and tricks: One year after this article is posted, will every single article on Wikipedia have a short description?
- Community view: Open letter from French Wikipedians says "no" to intimidation of volunteer contributors
- Traffic report: Temporary scars, February stars
[编辑]Shizhao前辈您好。2025年6月10日是电子游戏专题创办二十周年,想在此特别之际想对身为专题创始人的您进行访谈,未知您有无意愿回答几个和维基百科以及电子游戏专题有关的问题?(具体问题我还在想,体例大体同之前的采访)--For Each element In group ... Next 2025年2月27日 (四) 12:52 (UTC)
您好,您因为是管理员、过滤器编辑者或过滤器助理而收到了这则消息。社群已于近日通过Wikipedia:过滤器编辑者,并建立了两个站外讨论渠道(邮件列表和 Telegram 群组)供受信用户使用。为了更好地协调反破坏工作,方便管理员、过滤器编辑者和过滤器助理交流互鉴,我在此谨邀请您加入防滥用过滤器的受信用户站外讨论渠道,详情请见此页面。如有打扰,还望谅解。谢谢。
本条消息是由Iming于2025年3月1日 (六) 06:23 (UTC)通过群发消息功能发送给您的。如果您不希望在未来接受所有使用本功能发送的消息,请在您的讨论页加入Category:不接受消息发送这一分类。
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-10
[编辑]Please be bold and help translate this article!

Transmissor de Ondas é um equipamento precursor do rádio, desenvolvido por Roberto Landell de Moura na década de 1890, capaz de transmitir áudio via ondas eletromagnéticas, com sua primeira demonstração pública documentada tendo ocorrido no dia 16 de julho de 1899.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年3月3日 (一) 01:50 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:繁简处理 § WP:专名合并字扩大到所有简体模式(维基百科格式与命名主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月3日 (一) 09:02 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #669
week leading up to 2025-03-03. Missed the previous one? See issue #668
- Other: Email Chain "Elephant in the room" - discussing the large number of Wikidata Items lacking Statements, Sitelinks or Labels/Descriptions.
- Upcoming events:
- All the information you need to start working on your Wikimania 2025 program submissions is now available on the Wiki. Deadline: March 31 st, Anywhere on Earth.
- New Wikidata Event! The upcoming "Wikidata and Sister Projects" event (May 29–June 1) is looking for speakers to share how Wikidata connects with other Wikimedia projects - if you are interested, request more info or submit your session idea here.
- New Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series! We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series session on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET Time Zone Converter Eric Willey will be facilitating a series of four sessions focused on starting a Wikidata project from the foundation up at your institution. The third session will focus on making the most of your time and work. Event page.
- Wikidata and Wikibase - Curriculum Transformation in the Digital Humanities - Join for 4 free talks showcasing how linked open data can support teaching, research and collections. March 5, 1500 - 1700 GMT (UTC-0).
- Wiki Workshop 2025 CfP - Call for Papers (Submission deadline: March 9)
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2025 March 9 Time: 09:30-17:30 UTC+8 at Taipei Humanities Building (Q122750631)
- Wiki Mentor Africa (WMA) Hackathon 2025 - Registration & Scholarship Now Open. Date: 28th - 30th March 2025. Who Can Participate? African developers, Wikimedia contributors, and anyone interested in Wikimedia projects.
- Ongoing:
- Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 - annual global contest aimed at documenting and sharing the diverse customs and traditions observed during the month of Ramadan. Date: 25 February 2025 – 16 April 2025. Register here!
- Items with P31 (instance of) = human settlement without a country has dropped from 7600 to below 4600 Items. You can help to get it even lower.
- Wikidata & OpenStreetMap Datathon & Mapathon as part of International Open Data Day 2025 from 1st - 15th March 2025 by WikiProject India (Q11037573).
- Past events: Data Reuse Days 2025: you can watch the sessions that you missed at your own pace.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- UK universities educate the most national leaders globally, analysis (based on Wikidata) shows. By The Guardian
- Two Wikimedians-in-Residence appointed to increase Maltese literature representation on Wikipedia and Wikidata Times of Malta
- Videos
- (French) PasseGares: Bug fixes and data imports from Wikidata YouTube
- Adding Wikidata label and descriptions, from the Wali Language Art+Feminism Editathon (Ghana 2025) YouTube
- Workshop showcasing QuickStatements 3.0! Learn how this updated tool streamlines your workflow and discover new features. YouTube
- Contributing to Wikidata 101, a series of demonstrations organised by WM Community UG Uganda Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Optimize SPARQL queries to avoid timeouts: Efficiently count entities sharing values YouTube
- Data Reuse Days playlist and live-editing session with User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 YouTube
- LUDAP: Shared authority file for Luxembourg's Scientific and Cultural Heritage, with Wikibase YouTube
Tool of the week
- QuickStatements 3.0 - new version of the original QuickStatements with enhanced functionality, performance, and user experience.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- On March 17, Vector 2022 will become the default skin on Wikidata
- Jobs
- Senior UX Designer for Wikidata - Apply online
- Product Manager for Wikibase Suite - Apply online
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- thesis submitted for degree (the academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- Newest External identifiers: Korean National Species list ID, NES Directory game ID, Miraheze wiki ID, Global Energy Monitor Wiki ID, FU-Lexikon ID, MACM artwork ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, domain name, TechRaptor game ID, TechRaptor company ID, TechRaptor genre ID, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- copy present in institution (copy present in institution)
- single extrait de l'album (indicates the album from which the item is taken)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: HelloAsso organization ID, europlayers.com club ID, eLIBRARY Document Number, LIBRIS Library ID, parlament.fyi person ID, Embryo Project Encyclopedia ID, factordb id, Yukon Register of Historic Places ID, Our Campaigns container ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (glossary and index of terms) ID, badmintoncn.com star ID, Game Input Database ID, Historia Hispánica ID, Coasterpedia ID, Captain Coaster coaster ID, Captain Coaster park ID, Dark Ride Database IDs
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Climate Change Policies - aims to model policies related to Climate change on Wikidata.
- Newest database reports: Most linked category Items
- Showcase Items: Basshunter (Q383541) - Swedish singer, record producer, and DJ
- Showcase Lexemes: baguette (L7347) - French noun that can mean "elongated type of bread loaf", "elongated type of bread loaf", "conductor's baton", "chopsticks", "drum sticks" or "magic wand".
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on the simple Item search (phab:T383126)
- Dumps: We fixed an issue that prevented the dumps from being generated (phab:T386401)
- Search: We are continuing to work on the search UI that will let you search not just Items but also other entity types (phab:T321543)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Australia
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[编辑]关于今日登首页的文郁生的条目,什么是“当时英国政府内部的共产主义专家”?当什么时?1980年代?2010年代?整段介绍没有给予年份,完全不知道在说什么和应当扣连哪个时空,这是刻意叫读者竞猜?请检视和改善一下。--Clithering(MMXXV) 2025年3月4日 (二) 02:04 (UTC)
- 这是昨天的吧--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年3月4日 (二) 02:59 (UTC)
Growth Newsletter #33
A quarterly update from the Growth team on our work to improve the new editor experience.
This year, the Growth team is exploring ways to help more new account holders start editing—and do so constructively, meaning their edits are not reverted. Our latest experiments include:
- Gradual rollout of "Add a Link" at English Wikipedia – We are gradually introducing the "Add a Link" structured task to newcomers at English Wikipedia (T386029). This serves as a natural A/B test to measure its impact on activation, retention, and revert rates (T382603). Previous experiments on pilot wikis showed that "Add a Link" increases newcomer participation, particularly by helping them make constructive (non-reverted) edits.
- Testing in-article suggestions for first-time editors – Many new account holders want to contribute but don’t know where to start. To help, we’re piloting a feature that surfaces structured task suggestions directly in an article’s read view for brand-new editors (T385343). These suggestions will appear for logged-in users with no edits, providing a clear, simple way to begin contributing that is surfaced while they read.
Newcomers often struggle to find their place in Wikipedia’s collaborative environment. While experienced editors easily discover events like edit-a-thons and writing campaigns, newcomers often miss out.
- To bridge this gap, we launched the Community Updates module for the Newcomer Homepage. This module is disabled by default, allowing Community Admins to decide how (or if) to use it.
- If your community hosts events, consider setting up a Community Update to engage and welcome newcomers! Learn more on Diff. To configure, visit Special:CommunityConfiguration.
Community Configuration is now available across all wikis, including non-Wikipedia projects (T383910). Community Configuration allows admins to customize various features like Growth features and Automoderator for their communities, and more recently the Babel extension now allows admins to modify configuration:
- Babel customization – Admins can now configure Babel settings (T374348), including category naming, automatic category creation, and more. See an example on Wikimedia Commons.
- Upcoming configurable features – Projects exploring community configuration options include: Incident Reporting System (T374113) and Cite backlinks (T378807).
Mentors play a key role in guiding new editors. If you’re interested in mentoring, or turning mentorship on at your wiki, check out the Mentorship FAQ
- Starting February 17, 100% of new accounts at English Wikipedia will be assigned a mentor (T384505).
- At Spanish Wikipedia, on 50% of newcomers get a mentor. Experienced contributors are encouraged to join mentorship so that Spanish Wikipedia can provide a mentor to all new users.
Looking Ahead
[编辑]In the coming months, we will continue balancing maintenance work—such as deprecating EditGrowth Config (T367574) and migrating Statslib (T359352) — with user-facing improvements that support new editors and foster the next generation of contributors.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2025年3月4日 (二) 19:00 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:中华民国大选 § “中华民国大选”条目自动转向“中华民国大陆时期选举列表”恐非合宜,提议补充政府迁台后之选举(政治、政府与法律主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月5日 (三) 04:42 (UTC)
有用户正就Template talk:耶稣 § 建议删除或更改耶稣模版图像(宗教与哲学主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月5日 (三) 05:11 (UTC)

帮助:互助客栈 · 删除指导 · 存废复核请求 · IRC聊天频道--浩浩冰雪融解 眼看梅花吐蕊🌸 2025年3月5日 (三) 08:01 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia:互助客栈/其他 § 请求社群协助判断一傀儡调查案件(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月7日 (五) 04:09 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:保护 § 提议将Mediawiki保护改名及设立图标(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月8日 (六) 04:42 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia talk:命名常规 § 重提在条目标题中正确使用书名号(维基百科格式与命名主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月8日 (六) 20:03 (UTC)
[编辑]请问一下,你提删的潮州和长治公交线路列表移动到维基学院,那些条目在维基学院的名字叫什么来着?(我在维基学院没搜到)—梦夕琳 如有事,请快来沟通 2025年3月9日 (日) 13:44 (UTC)
- 应该是transwiki开头的吧。另外,这些条目不是我提删的--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2025年3月10日 (一) 03:30 (UTC)
- 好吧,我再去找别人问下。—梦夕琳 如有事,请快来沟通 2025年3月12日 (三) 07:13 (UTC)
有用户正就Talk:2016年达拉斯警察枪击案 § 请求评级(政治、政府与法律主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月10日 (一) 02:49 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-11
[编辑]Please be bold and help translate this article!

Smoky (Los Angeles, 1931 o 1932 - Los Angeles, aprile 1934), occasionalmente scritto Smokey, è stato un cane che divenne la mascotte del villaggio olimpico estivo del 1932 e, successivamente, dell'evento generale. Pur non essendo oggi riconosciuto dal CIO, è stato, seppur non in modo ufficiale, la prima mascotte olimpica dei Giochi, oltre che a essere attualmente l'unica a essere stata un animale vero. Le successive edizioni non ebbero mascotte, dovendo aspettare i X Giochi olimpici invernali di Grenoble nel 1968 per ritrovarne una ufficialmente riconosciuta, lo sciatore stilizzato Schuss, allora non considerato ufficiale ma successivamente riconosciuto come tale.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年3月10日 (一) 02:51 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #670
week leading up to 2025-03-10. Missed the previous one? See issue #669
- Upcoming events: Tuscan Women & Wikidata - data entry lab for shared memory, 5 March.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- WMDE Blog - Highlights of Data Reuse Days: The post showcases 3 excellent apps: WikiFlix (public domain full-length films), KDE Itinerary (travel assistant app) and Scribe Keyboard (easier writing in secondary languages). These are just some of the applications built using Wikidata; check out more at the Data Reuse Days pages.
- (German) Digital Stumbling Blocks – How the Wiki Community Drives Remembrance Culture: User:Cookroach highlights the efforts of Wikimedians across projects (Wikidata, Wikipedia, Commons) to digitally document the Stolpersteine, brass-plaques laid to commemorate victims of the National Socialism.
- (German) Digital History Berlin: Field research with LOD - a write-up of the methods, experiences data-model and SPARQl queries of the field research conducted as part of the WikiProject: Field Survey Digital Humanities.
- (Italian) Wikipedia & Wikidata project for Cesare Alfieri - an introduction to the project to expand articles and data of the archives of Cesare Alfieri University of Florence.
- Communicating Ontology: Technical approaches for facilitating use of our Wikibase data (Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute)
Tool of the week
- zelph: A new tool for detecting logical contradictions and making inferences in Wikidata, using a rule-based system to improve data quality and derive new facts. Check it out on GitHub or explore results on the project website.
- New Tool for Women’s Day: Scheherazade identifies women without articles in your Wikipedia but present in many others, helping editors prioritize creating missing biographies.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Research Fund had launched. You're encourage to submit proposals around Wikidata. The deadline to submit your proposal is April 16, 2025.
- The 4th iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course will begin from March 17 until April 30. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- model number (identifier for a product model)
- provides data for property (dataset associated with this external ID usually contains data applicable to this other Wikidata property)
- items classified (class of items that this classification system classifies)
- presented works (works of art or creative works performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- Newest External identifiers: Thinky Games game ID, Lenape Talking Dictionary ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, LEMAC ID, Bane NOR station ID, Sutian entry ID, Platform for Taiwan Religion and Folk Culture ID, Meine Abgeordneten ID, Hiking Note plant ID, VGC game ID, VGC company ID, VGC people ID, Archives in Bavaria ID, VGC theme ID, Steam group ID, AllGame game ID (archived)
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- kigo of (the season the sense denotes in haiku in Japanese)
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised score (score that the subject have received on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised psychological assessment tool as administered by a suitably qualified and experienced clinician under scientifically controlled and licensed conditions, standardized conditions)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Archaeological site (Japan) ID, Hmong Studies Citations ID, GitLab topic, Christchurch City Council Park ID, Clio-online researcher ID, Clio-online web resource ID, Clio-online organization ID, Congress.gov committee ID, AGORHA ID, Crunchyroll artist ID, ZOOM Platform product ID, GCMD keyword ID, KnowWhereGraph entity ID, VejinBooks author ID, SteamDB tech ID, Identifiant Cartofaf d'une organisation, Saarland Biografien ID, Murderpedia ID, Big Fish Games game ID, Danskefilmstemmer.dk work ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Obscure units of measurement and where to find them
- Female scientists with most number of sitelinks (but not English Wikipedia)
- Newest WikiProjects: AncientCoinsAndModernMedals
- WikiProject Highlights:
- WikiProject Biology: List of Mushrooms - revived by User:Prototyperspective, help catalogue all known fungal friends, and join the subreddit (for all Wikidata topics): r/WData
- India/Police Stations
- Newest database reports: List of free software without an image set - This is a table of Wikidata items about a free software missing an image.
- Showcase Items: Doctor Strange (Q18406872) - 2016 film directed by Scott Derrickson
- Showcase Lexemes: felle (L476372) - Bokmål verb that can mean "to make something fall", "to kill", "to force a resignation", "to prove guilt", "to let lose", "to announce" or "to join."
- Search: The search team at the WMF has added a new search keyword for Lexemes. You can use the keyword "inlanguage:en" or "inlanguage:Q1860" to limit your search to Lexemes with Lexeme language English and so on. Here is an example search for "bank" within English Lexemes: https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=L%3Abank+inlanguage%3Aen (phab:T271776)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: February 2025
This Month in Education: February 2025
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 14 • Issue 2 • February 2025
- Activities series at the Shefit Hekali school in Peqin, Albania
- Wikimedia Brazil has formed a partnership with a public policy research institute
- Preserving Heritage: Tuluvas Aati Month Educational Wikimedia Programs
- Reflecting on our Past: Farewell to the Auckland Museum Summer Students
- Successful Conclusion of the Second Phase of "Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom" in Yemen
- Wiki Workshop in Mitrovica
- Wikimedia MKD' Education: Lots of new trained users, lots of new articles
- Wikimedia Serbia receives accreditation from the National Library of Serbia for the Wiki Senior seminar
有用户正就Wikipedia:征求意见/历史与地理 § top(政治、政府与法律主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2025年3月13日 (四) 06:15 (UTC)
有用户正就Wikipedia:征求意见/历史与地理 § top(政治、政府与法律主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。