模板:Infobox Christian leader
(重定向自Template:Infobox Pope)
![]() | 本个人信息框模板的设计与内容,应符合维基百科的可供查证、信息框模板设计手册与传记格式手册。对于生者,则会有更严谨的规范。纵然此文件可能会澄清使用于此信息框模板的特定应用细节,但主要的重点是在解释用法,而不是维基百科的政策与格式。 |
{{{honorific-prefix}}} {{{name}}} {{{honorific-suffix}}} | |
{{{title}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
原文名 | {{{native_name}}} |
教会 | {{{church}}} |
总教区 | {{{archdiocese}}} |
教省 | {{{province}}} |
都主教区 | {{{metropolis}}} |
教区 | {{{diocese}}} |
主教区 | {{{see}}} |
当选 | {{{elected}}} or {{{appointed}}} |
任期 | {{{term}}} or {{{term_start}}} / {{{term_end}}} |
撤销 | {{{quashed}}} |
前任 | {{{predecessor}}} |
继任 | {{{successor}}} |
对立 | {{{opposed}}} |
其他职位 | {{{other_post}}} |
圣秩 | |
晋铎 | 由{{{ordained_by}}} 于{{{ordination}}}晋铎 |
晋牧 | 由{{{consecrated_by}}} 于{{{consecration}}}晋牧 |
擢升枢机 | 由{{{created_cardinal_by}}} 于{{{cardinal}}}擢升 |
等级 | {{{rank}}} |
个人资料 | |
本名 | {{{birth_name}}} |
出生 | {{{birth_date}}} {{{birth_place}}} |
逝世 | {{{death_date}}} {{{death_place}}} |
葬于 | {{{buried}}} or {{{tomb}}} {{{resting_place_coordinates}}} |
国籍 | {{{nationality}}} |
教派 | {{{religion}}} |
居住地 | {{{residence}}} |
父母 | {{{parents}}} |
配偶 | {{{spouse}}} or {{{partner}}} |
儿女 | {{{children}}} |
职业 | {{{occupation}}} |
专业 | {{{profession}}} or {{{previous_post}}} |
教育程度 | {{{education}}} |
母校 | {{{alma_mater}}} |
格言 | {{{motto}}} |
签名 | [[File:{{{signature}}}|125px|{{{name}}}'s signature|alt={{{signature_alt}}}]] |
牧徽 | [[File:{{{coat_of_arms}}}|50px|{{{name}}}'s coat of arms|alt={{{coat_of_arms_alt}}}]] |
圣徒 | |
纪念日 | {{{feast_day}}} |
尊者 | {{{venerated}}} |
圣人称号 | {{{saint_title}}} |
宣福 | 由{{{beatified_by}}} 于{{{beatified_date}}} 在{{{beatified_place}}}宣福 |
封圣 | 由{{{canonized_by}}} 于{{{canonized_date}}} 在{{{canonized_place}}}封圣 |
象徴 | {{{attributes}}} |
主保 | {{{patronage}}} |
朝圣地 | {{{shrine}}} |
禁止敬礼 | {{{suppressed_date}}} |
{{{module}}} | |
[[教宗{{{other}}}|参见其他以“{{{other}}}”为名号的教宗]] |
{{Infobox Christian leader | type = | honorific-prefix = | name = | honorific-suffix = | title = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | church = | archdiocese = | province = | metropolis = | diocese = | see = | elected = <!-- or | appointed = --> | term = <!-- or term_start / term_end --> | quashed = | predecessor = | successor = | opposed = | other_post = <!---------- Orders ----------> | ordination = | ordained_by = | consecration = | consecrated_by = | cardinal = | created_cardinal_by = | rank = <!---------- Personal details ----------> | birth_name = | birth_date = <!-- {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | birth_place = <!-- City, administrative region, sovereign state (per [[Template:Infobox person]]) --> | death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) --> | death_place = <!-- as birth_place --> | buried = <!-- or | tomb = --> | resting_place_coordinates = | nationality = | religion = | residence = | parents = | spouse = <!-- or | partner = --> | children = | occupation = | profession = <!-- or | previous_post = --> | education = | alma_mater = | motto = | signature = | signature_alt = | coat_of_arms = | coat_of_arms_alt = <!---------- Sainthood ----------> | feast_day = | venerated = | saint_title = | beatified_date = | beatified_place = | beatified_by = | canonized_date = | canonized_place = | canonized_by = | attributes = | patronage = | shrine = | suppressed_date = <!---------- Other ----------> | module = | other = }}
{{{honorific-prefix}}} {{{name}}} {{{honorific-suffix}}} | |
{{{title}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
教会 | {{{church}}} |
总教区 | {{{archdiocese}}} |
教省 | {{{province}}} |
都主教区 | {{{metropolis}}} |
教区 | {{{diocese}}} |
主教区 | {{{see}}} |
就任 | {{{term_start}}} |
卸任 | {{{term_end}}} |
前任 | {{{predecessor}}} |
继任 | {{{successor}}} |
对立 | {{{opposed}}} |
其他职位 | {{{other_post}}} |
圣秩 | |
晋铎 | 于{{{ordination}}}晋铎 |
晋牧 | 于{{{consecration}}}晋牧 |
擢升枢机 | 由{{{created_cardinal_by}}} 于{{{cardinal}}}擢升 |
等级 | {{{rank}}} |
个人资料 | |
本名 | {{{birth_name}}} |
出生 | {{{birth_date}}} {{{birth_place}}} |
逝世 | {{{death_date}}} {{{death_place}}} |
葬于 | {{{buried}}} {{{resting_place_coordinates}}} |
国籍 | {{{nationality}}} |
教派 | {{{religion}}} |
居住地 | {{{residence}}} |
父母 | {{{parents}}} |
配偶 | {{{spouse}}} or {{{partner}}} |
儿女 | {{{children}}} |
职业 | {{{occupation}}} |
专业 | {{{profession}}} or {{{previous_post}}} |
母校 | {{{alma_mater}}} |
格言 | {{{motto}}} |
签名 | [[File:{{{signature}}}|125px|{{{name}}}'s signature|alt={{{signature_alt}}}]] |
牧徽 | [[File:{{{coat_of_arms}}}|50px|{{{name}}}'s coat of arms|alt={{{coat_of_arms_alt}}}]] |
圣徒 | |
纪念日 | {{{feast_day}}} |
尊者 | {{{venerated}}} |
圣人称号 | {{{saint_title}}} |
宣福 | 由{{{beatified_by}}} 于{{{beatified_date}}} 在{{{beatified_place}}}宣福 |
封圣 | 由{{{canonized_by}}} 于{{{canonized_date}}} 在{{{canonized_place}}}封圣 |
象徴 | {{{attributes}}} |
主保 | {{{patronage}}} |
朝圣地 | {{{shrine}}} |
禁止敬礼 | {{{suppressed_date}}} |
[[教宗{{{other}}}|参见其他以“{{{other}}}”为名号的教宗]] |
{{Infobox Christian leader | type = Pope <!-- or Cardinal or Antipope or Coptic Pope --> | honorific-prefix = | name = | honorific-suffix = | title = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | church = | archdiocese = | province = | metropolis = | diocese = | see = | term_start = | term_end = | predecessor = | successor = | opposed = | other_post = <!---------- Orders ----------> | ordination = | consecration = | cardinal = | created_cardinal_by = | rank = <!---------- Personal details ----------> | birth_name = | birth_date = <!-- {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | birth_place = <!-- City, administrative region, sovereign state (per [[Template:Infobox person]]) --> | death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) --> | death_place = <!-- as birth_place --> | buried = | resting_place_coordinates = | nationality = | religion = | residence = | parents = | spouse = <!-- or | partner = --> | children = | occupation = | profession = <!-- or | previous_post = --> | alma_mater = | motto = | signature = | signature_alt = | coat_of_arms = | coat_of_arms_alt = <!---------- Sainthood ----------> | feast_day = | venerated = | saint_title = | beatified_date = | beatified_place = | beatified_by = | canonized_date = | canonized_place = | canonized_by = | attributes = | patronage = | shrine = | suppressed_date = <!---------- Other ----------> | other = }}
- 参数“elected”与“appointed”为互斥参数。
- 参数“profession”与“previous_post”为互斥参数。
- Field term (which gives "In Office") is alternative to "enthroned"/"began"/"term_start" and it disables "ended"/"term_end". It can be used to show in one line the description of the period (e.g. |term=1466–1471 ). It can be also used to list multiple terms, separated by a new-line (e.g. |term=1466–1471<br>1488–1490 ).
本模板使用了hCard 微格式标记,被标记的人物资料可以被电脑分析读取,以便将其自动归类,或者透过专门的浏览器取得资料讯息,例如将讯息加入通讯录。关于在维基百科使用微格式的详细讯息,请参见微格式维基专题。
出生日期(bday)参数只能使用于包含了 {{bd}} 或 {{Birth date and age}} 模板的信息框。
- adr
- bday
- county-name
- fn(必须)
- honorific-prefix
- honorific-suffix
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- role
- vcard