注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge及Safari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
// <nowiki>
* ===============================================================
* FileUploadWizard.js
* Zh-localized project-led by AlexanderMisel
* Script for uploading files through a dynamic questionnaire.
* This is the code to accompany [[Wikipedia:File Upload Wizard]].
* ===============================================================
var fuwTesting = false;
var fuwDefaultTextboxLength = 60;
var fuwDefaultTextareaWidth = '90%';
var fuwDefaultTextareaLines = 3;
// ================================================================
// Constructor function of global fuw (= File Upload Wizard) object
// ================================================================
function fuwGlobal() {
// Loading the accompanying .css
mw.loader.load( mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') +
'text/css' );
// see if user is logged in, autoconfirmed, experienced etc.
fuwSetVisible('warningLoggedOut', (this.userStatus == 'anon'));
fuwSetVisible('warningNotConfirmed', (this.userStatus == 'notAutoconfirmed'));
this.disabled = (this.userStatus == 'anon') || (this.userStatus == 'notAutoconfirmed');
if (this.disabled) {
fuwSetVisible('fuwStartScriptLink', false);
// create the form element to wrap the main ScriptForm area
// containing input elements of Step2 and Step3
var frm = fuwGet('fuwScriptForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "fuwScriptForm";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderScriptForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.ScriptForm = frm;
// create the TargetForm element that contains the file selector
frm = fuwGet('TargetForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "TargetForm";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderTargetForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.TargetForm = frm;
// For the testing version, create a third form that will display
// the contents to be submitted, at the bottom of the page
if (fuwTesting) {
frm = fuwGet('fuwTestForm');
if (! frm) {
frm = document.createElement('form'); = "fuwTestForm";
var area = fuwGet('placeholderTestForm');
var parent = area.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(frm, area);
this.TestForm = frm;
// objects to hold cached results during validation and processing
this.opts = { };
this.warn = { };
// create the input filename box
var filebox = document.createElement('input'); = 'file'; = 'file';
filebox.type = 'file';
filebox.size = fuwDefaultTextboxLength;
filebox.onchange = fuwValidateFile;
filebox.accept = 'image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/svg+xml,image/tiff,image/x-xcf,application/pdf,image/vnd.djvu,audio/ogg,video/ogg,audio/rtp-midi';
fuwAppendInput('file', filebox);
// Default values for API call parameters
this.UploadOptions = {
filename : '',
text : '',
comment : '',
ignorewarnings : 1,
watch : 1
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwMakeHiddenfield('title', mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/sandbox", 'SandboxTitle');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('token', mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'), 'SandboxToken');
fuwMakeHiddenfield('recreate', 1, 'SandboxRecreate');
if (fuwTesting) {
// create the sandbox submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = 'SandboxButton';
btn.value = '沙盒'; = 'Sandbox';
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = 'button'; = '12em';
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitSandbox;
fuwAppendInput('SandboxButton', btn);
// create the real submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = "SubmitButton";
btn.value = wgULS("上传", "上傳"); = "Upload";
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitUpload; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('SubmitButton', btn);
// create the Commons submit button
btn = document.createElement('input'); = "CommonsButton";
btn.value = wgULS("在共享资源上传", "在共享資源上傳" ); = "Upload_on_Commons";
btn.disabled = true;
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwSubmitCommons; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('CommonsButton', btn);
// create reset buttons
for (i = 1; i<=2; i++) {
btn = document.createElement('input'); = 'ResetButton' + i;
btn.value = wgULS("重置表单", "重設表單" ); = "Reset form";
btn.type = "button";
btn.onclick = fuwReset; = '12em';
fuwAppendInput('ResetButton' + i, btn);
// names of radio button fields
var optionRadioButtons = {
// top-level copyright status choice
'FreeOrNonFree' : ['OptionFree','OptionNonFree','OptionNoGood'],
// main subsections under OptionFree
'FreeOptions' : ['OptionOwnWork', 'OptionThirdParty', 'OptionFreeWebsite',
'OptionPDOld', 'OptionPDOther'],
// main subsections under OptionNonFree
'NonFreeOptions': ['OptionNFSubject','OptionNF3D','OptionNFExcerpt',
// response options inside warningFileExists
// choice of evidence in OptionThirdParty subsection
'ThirdPartyEvidenceOptions' :
// choice of PD status in OptionPDOld subsection
'PDOldOptions' : ['PDUS1923','PDURAA','PDFormality','PDOldOther'],
// choice of PD status in OptionPDOther subsection
'PDOtherOptions': ['PDOtherUSGov','PDOtherOfficial','PDOtherSimple',
// whether target article is wholly or only partly dedicated to discussing non-free work:
'NFSubjectCheck': ['NFSubjectCheckDedicated','NFSubjectCheckDiscussed'],
'NF3DCheck' : ['NF3DCheckDedicated','NF3DCheckDiscussed'],
// choice about copyright status of photograph in OptionNF3D
'NF3DOptions' : ['NF3DOptionFree','NF3DOptionSame']
for (var group in optionRadioButtons) {
var op = optionRadioButtons[group];
for (i=0; i<op.length; i++) {
fuwMakeRadiobutton(group, op[i]);
this.ScriptForm.NoOverwrite.checked = true;
// input fields that trigger special
// onchange() event handlers for validation:
fuwMakeTextfield('InputName', fuwValidateFilename);
fuwMakeTextfield('NFArticle', fuwValidateNFArticle);
// names of input fields that trigger normal
// validation event handler
var activeTextfields = [
'NFSubjectPurpose', 'NF3DOrigDate', 'NF3DPurpose',
for (i=0; i<activeTextfields.length; i++) {
// names of multiline textareas
var activeTextareas = [
for (i=0; i<activeTextareas.length; i++) {
var checkboxes = [
for (i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++) {
var licenseLists = {
'OwnWorkLicense' :
// array structure as expected for input to fuwMakeSelection() function.
// any entry that is a two-element array will be turned into an option
// (first element is the value, second element is the display string).
// Entries that are one-element arrays will be the label of an option group.
// Zero-element arrays mark the end of an option group.
[wgULS("允许任何对你署名,并以相同方式共享的人使用", "允許任何對你標示姓名,並以相同方式分享的人使用" )],
wgULS("知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0")],
[wgULS("允许任何对你署名的人使用", "允許任何對你標示姓名的人使用")],
wgULS("知识共享 署名 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示 4.0")],
[wgULS("不保留权利", "不保留權利")],
wgULS("CC0 通用公有领域贡献", "CC0 通用公有領域貢獻")],
'ThirdPartyLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择正确的许可协议...", "請選擇正確的授權條款...")],
[wgULS("自由许可:", "自由授權:")],
['cc-by-sa-4.0', wgULS("知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0")],
['cc-by-4.0', wgULS("知识共享 署名 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示 4.0")],
['GFDL', wgULS("GNU 自由文件许可协议", "GNU 自由文件授權條款")],
[wgULS("不保留权利:", "不保留權利:")],
['PD-author', wgULS("公有领域", "公有領域")],
[wgULS("其他(见下)", "其他(見下)")],
'FreeWebsiteLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择正确的许可协议...", "請選擇正確的授權條款...")],
[wgULS("自由许可:", "自由授權:")],
['cc-by-sa-4.0', wgULS("知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0")],
['cc-by-4.0', wgULS("知识共享 署名 4.0", "創用CC 姓名標示 4.0")],
['GFDL', wgULS("GNU 自由文件许可协议", "GNU 自由文件授權條款")],
['YouTube CC-BY', wgULS("来自YouTube的知识共享署名许可(允许再利用)协议", "來自YouTube的創用 CC 姓名標示授權 (允許再利用)協議 ")],
[wgULS("不保留权利:", "不保留權利:")],
['PD-author', wgULS("公有领域", "公有領域")],
[wgULS("其他(见下)", "其他(見下)")],
'USGovLicense' :
['PD-USGov', wgULS("美国联邦政府", "美國聯邦政府")],
['PD-USGov-Military-Navy',wgULS("美国海军", "美國海軍")],
['PD-USGov-NOAA',wgULS("美国国家海洋及大气管理局", "美國國家海洋及大氣管理局")],
['PD-USGov-Military-Air_Force',wgULS("美国空军", "美國空軍")],
['PD-USGov-Military-Army',wgULS("美国陆军", "美國陸軍")],
['PD-USGov-CIA-WF',wgULS("美国中央情报局世界概况", "美國中央情報局世界概況")],
['PD-USGov-USGS',wgULS("美国地质调查局", "美國地質調查局")]
'IneligibleLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择一个...", "請選擇一個...")],
['PD-shape',wgULS("文件仅由简单的几何图形组成", "檔案僅由簡單的幾何圖形組成")],
['PD-simple',wgULS("文件仅由几个单独的单词或字母组成", "檔案僅由幾個單獨的單詞和字母組成")],
['PD-textlogo',wgULS("仅由字母和简单几何图形组成的标志或类似文件", "僅由字母和簡單幾何圖形組成的標誌或類似檔案")],
['PD-chem',wgULS("化学结构式", "化學結構式")],
['PD-ineligible',wgULS("其他类型的没有原始作者信息的文件", "其他類型的沒有原始作者訊息的檔案")],
['PD-signature',wgULS("典型签名", "典型簽名")],
['Semi-PD-ineligible',wgULS("在美国属于公有领域但在其原始国家拥有版权的图像", "在美國屬於公有領域但在其原始國家擁有版權的圖像")]
'NFSubjectLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择一个...", "請選擇一個...")],
['Non-free 2D art', wgULS("平面艺术作品(绘画、素描等)", "平面藝術作品(繪畫、素描等)")],
['Non-free historic image', wgULS("独特历史图像", "獨特歷史圖像")],
['Non-free fair use in', wgULS("其他事物(请在描述栏上进行描述)", "其他事物(請在描述欄上進行描述)")]
'NF3DLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择一个...", "請選擇一個...")],
['Non-free architectural work', wgULS("建筑工程", "建築工程")],
['Non-free destroyed architecture', wgULS("被毁建筑", "被毀建築")],
['Non-free 3D art', wgULS("其他立体艺术品(雕塑等)", "其他立體藝術品(雕塑等)")]
'NFCoverLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择一个...", "請選擇一個...")],
['Non-free book cover', wgULS("书籍封面", "書籍封面")],
['Non-free album cover', wgULS("音乐作品(专辑、单曲、歌曲、CD)的封面", "音樂作品(專輯、單曲、歌曲、CD)的封面")],
['Non-free game cover', wgULS("电子游戏的封面", "電子遊戲的封面")],
['Non-free magazine cover', wgULS("杂志封面", "雜誌封面")],
['Non-free newspaper image', wgULS("报纸页面", "報紙頁面")],
['Non-free video cover', wgULS("录像带或光碟封面", "錄像帶或光碟封面")],
['Non-free software cover', wgULS("软件产品的封面", "軟體產品的封面")],
['Non-free product cover', wgULS("一些商品的封面", "一些商品的封面")],
['Non-free title-card', wgULS("电视节目的标题画面", "電視節目的標題畫面")],
['Non-free movie poster', wgULS("电影海报", "電影海報")],
['Non-free poster', wgULS("活动的官方海报", "活動的官方海報")],
['Non-free fair use in', wgULS("其他事物(请在描述栏上进行描述)", "其他事物(請在描述欄上進行描述)")]
'NFExcerptLicense' :
['', wgULS("请选择一个...", "請選擇一個...")],
['Non-free television screenshot', wgULS("电视屏幕截图", "電視螢幕截圖")],
['Non-free film screenshot', wgULS("电影画面截图", "電影畫面截圖")],
['Non-free game screenshot', wgULS("游戏截图", "遊戲截圖")],
['Non-free video screenshot', wgULS("视频截图", "影音截圖")],
['Non-free music video screenshot', wgULS("MV截图", "MV截圖")],
['Non-free software screenshot', wgULS("软件截图", "軟體截圖")],
['Non-free web screenshot', wgULS("网页截图", "網頁截圖")],
['Non-free speech', wgULS("语音片段", "語音片段")],
['Non-free audio sample', wgULS("音频样本", "音頻樣本")],
['Non-free video sample', wgULS("视频样本", "影音樣本")],
['Non-free sheet music', wgULS("代表音乐作品的乐谱", "代表音樂作品的樂譜")],
['Non-free comic', wgULS("连环画、漫画书的单页", "連環畫、漫畫書的單頁")],
['Non-free character', wgULS("漫画书、电子游戏或电视、电影动画角色", "漫畫書、電子遊戲或電視、電影動畫角色")],
['Non-free computer icon', wgULS("电脑图标", "電腦圖示")],
['Non-free newspaper image', wgULS("报纸页面", "報紙頁面")],
['Non-free fair use in', wgULS("其他事物(请在描述栏上进行描述)", "其他事物(請在描述欄上進行描述)")]
'NFLogoLicense' :
['Non-free logo', wgULS("公司、组织等的标志", "公司、組織等的標誌")],
['Non-free seal', wgULS("官方印章、徽章等", "官方印章、徽章等")],
['Non-free school logo', wgULS("学术机构的标志", "學術機構的標誌")],
['Non-free Scout logo', wgULS("童军或女童军事物的标志", "童軍或女童軍事物的標誌")],
['Non-free Olympics media', wgULS("奥林匹克运动事件或组织的标志", "奧林匹克運動事件或組織的標誌")],
['Non-free symbol', wgULS("其他官方标志", "其他官方標誌")]
'NFMiscLicense' :
['Non-free fair use in', wgULS("其他事物(请在描述栏上进行描述)", "其他事物(請在描述欄上進行描述)")],
['Non-free historic image', wgULS("历史图像", "歷史圖像")],
['Non-free 2D art', wgULS("平面艺术作品(绘画、素描等)", "平面藝術作品(繪畫、素描等)")],
['Non-free currency', wgULS("描述货币(纸币、硬币等)", "描述貨幣(紙幣、硬幣等)")],
['Non-free architectural work', wgULS("建筑工程", "建築工程")],
['Non-free 3D art', wgULS("其他立体艺术品(雕塑等)", "其他立體藝術品(雕塑等)")],
['Non-free book cover', wgULS("书籍封面", "書籍封面")],
['Non-free album cover', wgULS("音乐作品(专辑、单曲、歌曲、CD)的封面", "音樂作品(專輯、單曲、歌曲、CD)的封面")],
['Non-free game cover', wgULS("电子游戏的封面", "電子遊戲的封面")],
['Non-free magazine cover', wgULS("杂志封面", "雜誌封面")],
['Non-free video cover', wgULS("录像带或光碟封面", "錄像帶或光碟封面")],
['Non-free software cover', wgULS("软件产品的封面", "軟體產品的封面")],
['Non-free product cover', wgULS("一些商品的封面", "一些商品的封面")],
['Non-free title-card', wgULS("电视节目的标题画面", "電視節目的標題畫面")],
['Non-free movie poster', wgULS("电影海报", "電影海報")],
['Non-free poster', wgULS("活动的官方海报", "活動的官方海報")],
['Non-free television screenshot', wgULS("电视屏幕截图", "電視螢幕截圖")],
['Non-free film screenshot', wgULS("电影画面截图", "電影畫面截圖")],
['Non-free game screenshot', wgULS("游戏截图", "遊戲截圖")],
['Non-free video screenshot', wgULS("视频截图", "影音截圖")],
['Non-free music video screenshot', wgULS("MV截图", "MV截圖")],
['Non-free software screenshot', wgULS("软件截图", "軟體截圖")],
['Non-free web screenshot', wgULS("网页截图", "網頁截圖")],
['Non-free speech', wgULS("语音片段", "語音片段")],
['Non-free audio sample',wgULS("音频样本", "音頻樣本")],
['Non-free video sample', wgULS("视频样本", "影音樣本")],
['Non-free sheet music', wgULS("代表音乐作品的乐谱", "代表音樂作品的樂譜")],
['Non-free comic', wgULS("连环画、漫画书的单页", "連環畫、漫畫書的單頁")],
['Non-free computer icon', wgULS("电脑图标", "電腦圖示")],
['Non-free character', wgULS("漫画书、电子游戏或电视、电影动画角色", "漫畫書、電子遊戲或電視、電影動畫角色")],
['Non-free newspaper image', wgULS("报纸页面", "報紙頁面")],
['Non-free logo', wgULS("公司、组织等的标志", "公司、組織等的標誌")],
['Non-free seal', wgULS("官方印章、徽章等", "官方印章、徽章等")],
['Non-free symbol', wgULS("其他官方标志", "其他官方標誌")],
['Non-free sports uniform', wgULS("体育队伍的制服", "體育隊伍的制服")],
['Non-free stamp', wgULS("邮票", "郵票")]
'NFExtraLicense' :
['', wgULS("无", "無")],
[wgULS("皇家版权和其他政府来源", "皇家著作權和其他政府來源")],
['Non-free Crown copyright', wgULS("英国皇家版权", "英國皇家著作權")],
['Non-free New Zealand Crown Copyright', wgULS("新西兰皇家版权", "紐西蘭皇家著作權")],
['Non-free Australian Crown Copyright', wgULS("澳大利亚皇家版权", "澳大利亞皇家著作權")],
['Non-free Canadian Crown Copyright', wgULS("加拿大皇家版权", "加拿大皇家著作權")],
['Non-free AUSPIC', wgULS("AUSPIC(澳大利亚议会图像数据库)", "澳大利亞議會圖像數據庫")],
['Non-free Hong Kong Government', wgULS("香港政府版权或立法会版权", "香港政府版權或立法會版權")],
['Non-free Philippines government', wgULS("菲律宾政府", "菲律賓政府")],
['Non-free Finnish Defence Forces', wgULS("芬兰国防军", "芬蘭國防軍")],
[wgULS("其他单独来源", "其他單獨來源")],
['Non-free Denver Public Library image', wgULS("丹佛公共图书馆", "丹佛公共圖書舘")],
['Non-free ESA media', wgULS("ESA(欧洲太空总署)", "ESA(歐洲太空總署)")],
['Microsoft screenshot', wgULS("微软产品的屏幕截图", "微軟產品的屏幕截圖")],
['Non-free Mojang Media', wgULS("该文件的版权属于Mojang Studios", "該文件的版權屬於Mojang Studios")],
['Touhou screenshot', wgULS("东方Project系列游戏的屏幕截图", "東方Project系列遊戲的屏幕截圖")],
['Moegirlpedia', wgULS("本图出自萌娘百科", "本圖出自萌娘百科")],
[wgULS("在其他国家可能属于公有领域", "在其他國家可能屬於公有領域")],
['Non-free Old-50', wgULS("作者去世超过50年了", "作者去世超過50年了")],
['Non-free Old-70', wgULS("作者去世超过70年了", "作者去世超過70年了")],
[wgULS("允许一些权限,但不是完全自由(请提供相应证据,否则请勿选择以下选项)", "允許一些權限,但不是完全自由(請提供相應證據,否則請勿選擇以下選項)")],
['Non-free with NC', wgULS("仅允许用于教育和非商业用途", "僅允許用於教育和非商業用途")],
['Non-free with ND', wgULS("不允许衍生作品", "不允許衍生作品")],
['Non-free with permission', wgULS("仅允许用于维基百科", "僅允許用於維基百科")],
['Non-free with NC and ND', wgULS("仅允许用于教育和非商业用途并不允许衍生作品", "僅允許用於教育和非商業用途並不允许衍生作品")],
for (var group in licenseLists) {
fuwMakeSelection(group, licenseLists[group]);
this.knownCommonsLicenses = {
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|Cc-zero' : 1,
'PD-self' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-4.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-4.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-3.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|GFDL|cc-by-3.0|migration=redundant' : 1,
'self|cc-by-sa-4.0' : 1,
'self|cc-by-sa-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-4.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-sa-2.5' : 1,
'cc-by-4.0' : 1,
'cc-by-3.0' : 1,
'cc-by-2.5' : 1,
'FAL' : 1,
'PD-old-100' : 1,
'PD-old' : 1,
'PD-Art' : 1,
'PD-US' : 1,
'PD-USGov' : 1,
'PD-USGov-NASA' : 1,
'PD-USGov-Military-Navy' : 1,
'PD-ineligible' : 1,
'Attribution' : 1,
'Copyrighted free use' : 1
// textfields that don't react directly
// to user input and are used only for assembling stuff:
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwMakeTextfield('SandboxSummary', function(){void(0);});
fuwMakeTextarea('SandboxText', function(){void(0);});
fuwGet('SandboxText').rows = 12;
// set links to "_blank" target, so we don't accidentally leave the page,
// because on some browsers that would destroy all the input the user has already entered
$('.fuwOutLink a').each(function() { = '_blank';
// make main area visible
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', true);
// ======================================
// end of fuwGlobal constructor function
// ======================================
function fuwRadioClick(e) {
var ev = e || event;
var src = || ev.srcElement;
//alert('onclick event from ' + src + ' (' + src.value + ')');
return true;
* =============================================================
* function fuwUpdateOptions
* =============================================================
* This is the onchange event handler for most of the input
* elements in the main form. It changes visibility and disabled
* status for the various sections of the input form in response
* to which options are chosen.
function fuwUpdateOptions() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
var warn = fuw.warn;
var opts = fuw.opts = { };
opts.InputFilename = $('#TargetForm input#file').val();
var widgets = fuw.ScriptForm ? fuw.ScriptForm.elements : [];
for (i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
var w = widgets[i];
if (w.type == "radio") {
var nm =;
var id =;
var vl = w.checked && !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
opts[id] = vl;
if (vl) opts[nm] = id;
else {
var id =;
var active = !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
if (active) {
var value = ((type == 'checkbox') ? w.checked : w.value);
opts[id] = value;
opts.MainOption = opts.FreeOptions || opts.NonFreeOptions;
// some parts of the input form are re-used across sections
// and must be moved into the currently active input section:
// minimality section is shared between all NF sections
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFSubject', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNF3D', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFExcerpt', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFCover', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFLogo', (opts.OptionNFLogo)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFPortrait', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFMinimalitySection', 'detailsNFMisc', true);
// AnyOtherInfo section is shared between all
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait) ||
fuwMove('AnyOtherInfo', 'detailsNFMisc', opts.OptionNFMisc);
// author input field is shared between all sections except "Own Work".
// (will serve for the immediate/photographic author, in those cases where there
// are two author fields)
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteAuthor', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderPDOldAuthor', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderPDOtherAuthor', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFSubjectAuthor', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNF3DAuthor', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFExcerptAuthor', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFCoverAuthor', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFPortraitAuthor', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderNFMiscAuthor', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Author', 'placeholderAuthor', true);
// source input field is shared between all sections except "Own Work".
// (will serve for immediate/web source, in those cases where there are two
// source fields involved)
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteSource', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderPDOldSource', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderPDOtherSource', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFSubjectSource', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNF3DSource', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFExcerptSource', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFCoverSource', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFLogoSource', (opts.OptionNFLogo)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFPortraitSource', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderNFMiscSource', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Source', 'placeholderSource', true);
// date input field is shared between all sections except "Logo", which doesn't need it.
// will serve for derived/photographic date in the case of 3D items
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderFreeWebsiteDate', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderThirdPartyDate', (opts.OptionThirdParty)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderPDOldDate', (opts.OptionPDOld)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderPDOtherDate', (opts.OptionPDOther)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFSubjectDate', (opts.OptionNFSubject)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNF3DDate', (opts.OptionNF3D)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFExcerptDate', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFCoverDate', (opts.OptionNFCover)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFPortraitDate', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderNFMiscDate', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Date', 'placeholderDate', true);
// permission field is shared between ThirdParty and FreeWebsite sections
fuwMove('Permission', 'placeholderFreeWebsitePermission', (opts.OptionFreeWebsite)) ||
fuwMove('Permission', 'placeholderPermission', true);
// publication field is shared between PDOld, NFPortrait and NFMisc
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderNFPortraitPublication', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderNFMiscPublication', (opts.OptionNFMisc)) ||
fuwMove('Publication', 'placeholderPublication', true);
// Purpose, Commercial, Replaceable and ReplaceableText FUR fields are shared
// between some but not all of the non-free sections
fuwMove('NFPurpose', 'placeholderNFExcerptPurpose', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFPurpose', 'placeholderNFPurpose');
fuwMove('NFCommercial', 'placeholderNFPortraitCommercial', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFCommercial', 'placeholderNFCommercial');
fuwMove('NFReplaceable', 'placeholderNFPortraitReplaceable', (opts.OptionNFPortrait)) ||
fuwMove('NFReplaceable', 'placeholderNFReplaceable');
fuwMove('NFReplaceableText', 'placeholderNFExcerptReplaceable', (opts.OptionNFExcerpt)) ||
fuwMove('NFReplaceableText', 'placeholderNFReplaceableText', true);
// submit button goes to Step1 if user has chosen a plain overwrite of an existing file,
// and to the active section of Step3 if otherwise
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'UploadScriptStep1', (warn && warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame)) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait) ||
fuwMove('fuwSubmit', 'fuwSubmitHost', true);
// Show and hide warnings:
// filename-related warnings:
if(!warn) warn = {};
fuwSetVisible('warningIllegalChars', warn.IllegalChars);
fuwSetVisible('warningBadFilename', warn.BadFilename);
fuwSetVisible('warningImageOnCommons', warn.ImageOnCommons);
fuwSetVisible('warningImageExists', warn && warn.ImageExists);
fuwMove('warningImageThumb', 'warningImageOnCommons', warn.ImageOnCommons, true) ||
fuwMove('warningImageThumb', 'warningImageExists', true, true);
// notices related to the top-level options:
fuwSetVisible('warningWhyNotCommons', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetVisible('warningNF', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('warningNoGood', opts.OptionNoGood);
// warnings related to non-free "used in" article
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleNotFound', warn.NFArticleNotFound);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleNotMainspace', warn.NFArticleNotMainspace);
fuwSetVisible('warningUserspaceDraft', warn.UserspaceDraft);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFArticleDab', warn.NFArticleDab);
fuwSetVisible('NFArticleOK', warn.NFArticleOK);
// warnings depending on user status:
//if (fuw.userStatus.match(/problem|newbie|notAutoconfirmed/)) {
fuwSetVisible('warningFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite);
fuwSetVisible('warningOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork);
fuwSetVisible('warningPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther);
fuwSetVisible('warningNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject);
// hide main sections in case of intended plain overwrite:
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptStep2', !(warn && warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame));
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptStep3', !(warn && warn.ImageExists && opts.OverwriteSame));
// show/hide top-level options
fuwSetVisible('detailsFreeStatus', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetVisible('sendToCommons', opts.OptionFree);
// show/hide details sections
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFArticle', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFWorkType', opts.OptionNonFree);
fuwSetVisible('detailsOwnWork', opts.OptionOwnWork);
fuwSetVisible('detailsThirdParty', opts.OptionThirdParty);
fuwSetVisible('detailsFreeWebsite', opts.OptionFreeWebsite);
fuwSetVisible('detailsPDOld', opts.OptionPDOld);
fuwSetVisible('detailsPDOther', opts.OptionPDOther);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFSubject', opts.OptionNFSubject);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNF3D', opts.OptionNF3D);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFExcerpt', opts.OptionNFExcerpt);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFCover', opts.OptionNFCover);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFLogo', opts.OptionNFLogo);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFPortrait', opts.OptionNFPortrait);
fuwSetVisible('detailsNFMisc', opts.OptionNFMisc);
fuwSetVisible('EditSummaryDiv', opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent);
// set enabled/disabled
// It might be useful to adapt this to be more liberal about
// the order of input, at least for experienced users.
//fuwSetEnabled('Artist3D', opts.PD3D);
//fuwSetEnabled('Country3D', opts.FOP3D);
fuwSetEnabled('ThirdPartyEvidenceLink', opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink);
fuwSetEnabled('ThirdPartyOTRSTicket', opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS);
fuwSetEnabled('NFSubjectPurpose', opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed);
fuwSetEnabled('NF3DPurpose', opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed);
fuwSetEnabled('NF3DPermission', opts.NF3DOptionFree);
fuwSetEnabled('USGovLicense', opts.PDOtherUSGov);
fuwSetEnabled('PDOfficialPermission', opts.PDOtherOfficial);
fuwSetEnabled('IneligibleLicense', opts.PDOtherSimple);
fuwSetEnabled('PDOtherPermission', opts.PDOtherOther);
fuwSetEnabled('AnyOther', true);
// need to re-collect the remaining (non-radiobutton) input into the opts object again,
// preparing for validation:
for (i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
var w = widgets[i];
var type = w.type;
if (type != "radio") {
var id =;
var active = !w.disabled && fuwIsVisible(w);
if (active) {
var value = ((type == 'checkbox') ? w.checked : w.value);
opts[id] = value;
// final step of validation: check if input is sufficient for
// setting the submit buttons active
var valid = fuw.validateInput();
var validForCommons = valid && opts.OptionFree && !(opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent)
&& !opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionNone;
fuwSetVisible('sendToCommons', opts.OptionFree);
fuwSetEnabled('CommonsButton', validForCommons);
fuwGet('fuwSubmitText').innerHTML = opts.OptionFree ?
(wgULS("<b>不</b>,我希望在本地上传此文件。<br/>", "<b>不</b>,我希望在本地上傳此文件。") +
wgULS("<small>这样它只能用在中文维基百科上。但是,其他人仍然可能會決定", "<small>這樣它只能用在中文維基百科上。但是,其他人仍然可能會決定") +
wgULS("將其转移到<a href='/wiki/WP:COMMONS' target='_blank'>维基共享资源</a>、", "將其轉移到<a href='/wiki/WP:COMMONS' target='_blank'>維基共享資源</a>、") +
wgULS("或在其他地方使用它。如果您不希望您的文件被转移到共享资源,", "或在其他地方使用它。如果您不希望您的文件被轉移到維基共享資源,") +
wgULS("请考虑添加{{Userspace file}}(仅用于用户页的文件)或", "請考慮添加{{Userspace file}}(僅用於用戶頁的文件)或") +
wgULS("{{Esoteric file}}(仅用于非条目及相关模板等的文件)标签。</small>", "{{Esoteric file}}(僅用於非條目及相關模板等的文件)標籤。</small>")) :
wgULS("上传此文件。", "上傳此檔案。");
fuwGet('SubmitButton').value = validForCommons ? wgULS("上传至本地", "上傳至本地") : wgULS("上传", "上傳");
fuwSetEnabled('EditSummary', true);
fuwSetEnabled('SubmitButton', valid && (fuw.userStatus != 'notAutoconfirmed'));
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetEnabled('SandboxButton', valid);
// if we're in testing mode, update the Sandbox display fields
// after each input change. In normal mode, collectInput() will
// only be needed on submit.
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', true);
// ============================================================
// methods of the global fuw object
// ============================================================
// ============================================================
// report validation status of filename information
// ============================================================
// This is called from within fuw.validateInput(), i.e. every
// time anything in the whole form is changed. It only reports
// results that have previously been cached in the opts and warn
// objects. The actual checking is done in the event handler
// of the file input boxes.
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidFilename = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid =
opts.InputName &&
opts.InputFilename &&
!warn.BadFilename &&
!warn.ImageOnCommons &&
// if image exists on zhwiki, accept only if user has confirmed overwrite:
!(warn && warn.ImageExists && !(opts.OverwriteSame || opts.OverwriteDifferent));
//alert("HasValidFilename: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// validation status for common input elements for all free
// options
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidCommonFreeInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid = opts.InputDesc;
//alert("HasValidCommonFreeInput: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// validation status for common input elements for all non-free
// options
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.hasValidCommonNFInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid =
opts.OptionNonFree &&
opts.InputDesc &&
opts.NFArticle &&
opts.Source &&
opts.NFMinimality &&
!warn.NFArticleNotFound &&
!warn.NFArticleNotMainspace &&
//alert("hasValidCommonNFInput: " + valid);
return valid;
// ============================================================
// Main validation routine. Modify this to tweak which fields
// are to be considered obligatory for each case group
// ============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.validateInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var warn = this.warn;
var valid = (
(! (opts.OverwriteDifferent && ! opts.EditSummary))
( // overwriting is okay if there is an edit summary
opts.OverwriteSame && opts.EditSummary
( // free options
this.hasValidCommonFreeInput() &&
(opts.OptionOwnWork &&
opts.Date &&
(opts.OptionThirdParty &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
opts.Permission &&
(opts.ThirdPartyOtherLicense || opts.ThirdPartyLicense) &&
((opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink && opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceLink) ||
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS ||
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRSForthcoming ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
(opts.FreeWebsiteOtherLicense || opts.FreeWebsiteLicense) &&
(opts.OptionPDOld &&
opts.Author &&
opts.PDOldAuthorLifetime &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.Date &&
opts.Source &&
opts.PDOldOptions &&
(! (opts.PDOldOther && ! opts.PDOldPermission)))
(opts.OptionPDOther &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Source &&
((opts.PDOtherUSGov && opts.USGovLicense) ||
(opts.PDOtherOfficial && opts.PDOfficialPermission) ||
(opts.PDOtherSimple && opts.IneligibleLicense) ||
(opts.PDOtherOther && opts.PDOtherPermission)))
) // end of free options
( // non-free options
this.hasValidCommonNFInput() &&
(opts.OptionNFSubject &&
opts.NFSubjectLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDedicated ||
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed && opts.NFSubjectPurpose)))
(opts.OptionNF3D &&
opts.NF3DLicense &&
opts.NF3DCreator &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.NF3DOptionSame ||
(opts.NF3DOptionFree || opts.NF3DPermission)) &&
(opts.NF3DCheckDedicated ||
(opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed && opts.NF3DPurpose)))
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt &&
opts.NFExcerptLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.OptionNFCover &&
opts.NFCoverLicense &&
opts.Author &&
(opts.OptionNFLogo &&
opts.NFLogoLicense &&
(opts.OptionNFPortrait &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.NFPortraitDeceased &&
opts.Author &&
opts.NFPortraitCheckDedicated &&
opts.NFReplaceable &&
(opts.OptionNFMisc &&
opts.NFMiscLicense &&
opts.Author &&
opts.Publication &&
opts.NFPurpose &&
opts.NFReplaceableText &&
opts.NFReplaceable &&
) // end of non-free options
return valid;
// =============================================================
// return which template name will be used as the main
// description template
// =============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getDescriptionTemplateName = function() {
// standard "Information" template for free files:
if (this.opts.OptionFree) return "Information";
// experimental new version of fair-use rationale template,
// designed to fit the fields used in the wizard
else if (this.opts.OptionNonFree) return "Non-free use rationale 2";
return undefined;
// =============================================================
// get the license tag code from the appropriate input element
// =============================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getStandardLicense = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
fuwGlobal.prototype.getLicense = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
// ThirdParty and FreeWebsite have alternative input fields
// for manual entry of other licenses:
var license = {};
if (opts.PDOtherOther || opts.PDOldOther) {
license.special = opts.PDOtherOther ? opts.PDOtherPermission : opts.PDOldPermission;
if (! (license.special.match(/^\s*\{\{.+\}\}\s*$/))) {
license.special = '{{PD-because|' + license.special + '}}';
else {
license.special =
opts.ThirdPartyOtherLicense ||
opts.FreeWebsiteOtherLicense ||
(opts.PDOtherOfficial ? (wgULS("{{PD-because|在其原创国法律上无版权的官方物品}}", "{{PD-because|在其原創國法律上無著作權的官方物品}}")) : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFPortrait ? ('{{Non-free biog-pic|' + opts.NFArticle + '}}') : null);
if (! license.special) {
// standard, non-parametrized tag licenses from dropdownbox.
var simpleLicense = (opts.OptionOwnWork ? opts.OwnWorkLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionThirdParty ? opts.ThirdPartyLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite ? opts.FreeWebsiteLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFSubject ? opts.NFSubjectLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNF3D ? opts.NF3DLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt ? opts.NFExcerptLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFCover ? opts.NFCoverLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFLogo ? opts.NFLogoLicense : null) ||
(opts.OptionNFMisc ? opts.NFMiscLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDOtherUSGov ? opts.USGovLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDOtherSimple ? opts.IneligibleLicense : null) ||
(opts.PDUS1923 ? 'PD-US-1923' : null) ||
(opts.PDURAA ? 'PD-URAA' : null) ||
(opts.PDFormality ? 'PD-US' : null);
// "PD-author" needs parameter, at least on Commons
if (simpleLicense == 'PD-author') {
license.special = '{{PD-author|' + opts.Author + '}}';
else if (this.knownCommonsLicenses[simpleLicense]) {
// make sure we send only those licenses as "standard" licenses
// that exist in the Commons license dropdown box
license.standard = simpleLicense;
else {
license.special = '\{\{' + simpleLicense + '\}\}';
return license;
function fuwSubst(template) {
return '{{subst:' + template + '}}';
// ===================================================================
// Produce code for local tracking categories
// ===================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getTrackingCategory = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
var cat = "";
if (opts.OptionFreeWebsite) { cat = wgULS("来自自由授权的外部来源的文件", "來自自由授權的外部來源的檔案"); }
else if (opts.OptionThirdParty) { cat = wgULS("由第三方许可的文件", "由第三方授權的檔案"); }
else if (opts.PDOtherOther || opts.PDOldOther) { cat = wgULS("非标准公有领域声明的文件", "非標準公有領域聲明的檔案"); }
else if (opts.OptionNFSubject || opts.OptionNF3D) { cat = wgULS("作为注解对象上传的非自由文件", "作為註解對象上傳的非自由檔案"); }
if (cat) {
cat = "\n\{\{Category ordered by date|" + cat + "|" +
fuwSubst("CURRENTYEAR") + "|" + fuwSubst("CURRENTMONTH") + "|" + fuwSubst("CURRENTDAY2") + "\}\}";
return cat;
// ===================================================================
// Get or create an edit summary for the upload
// ===================================================================
// Note: if we work with the api.php interface, we can have separate
// data for the edit summary and the description page, which is far
// better than the way the index.php interface does it.
// TO DO: need to actually define an input element for a manually
// entered edit summary. Must be obligatory when overwriting files.
// In other cases we'll use an automatic edit ummary.
// ===================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.getEditSummary = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
return (
(opts.EditSummary ? (opts.EditSummary + ' ([[' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + wgULS("|文件上传向导]]上传)", "|檔案上傳精靈]]上傳)")) : null)||
("使用[[" + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + wgULS("|文件上传向导]]上传", "|檔案上傳精靈]]上傳") +
(opts.OptionOwnWork ? wgULS("自制文件", "自製檔案") : false) ||
(opts.OptionThirdParty ? wgULS("来自其他人的自由版权文件", "來自其他人的自由著作權檔案") : false) ||
(opts.OptionFreeWebsite ? wgULS("来自自由出版来源的文件", "來自自由出版來源的檔案") : false) ||
(opts.OptionPDOld ? wgULS("以前的公有领域作品", "以前的公有領域作品") : false) ||
(opts.OptionPDOther ? wgULS("公有领域作品", "公有領域作品") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFSubject ? wgULS("作为评论对象的非自由版权作品", "作為評論對象的非自由著作權作品") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNF3D ? wgULS("非自由版权3D艺术作品描摹", "非自由著作權3D藝術作品描摹") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFExcerpt ? wgULS("非自由版权作品摘录", "非自由著作權作品摘錄") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFCover ? wgULS("非自由版权封面艺术", "非自由著作權封面藝術") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFLogo ? wgULS("非自由版权标志", "非自由著作權標誌") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFPortrait ? wgULS("非自由版权历史画像", "非自由著作權歷史畫像") : false) ||
(opts.OptionNFMisc ? wgULS("非自由版权文件", "非自由著作權檔案") : "")
function fuwPackInfo(text, forCommons) {
if (forCommons) {
// reformat wikilinks embedded in description fields to adapt them for Commons
text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g,
function(str, p1, offset, s) {
// mark File links as local
if (p1.match(/^:(File|Image):/)) {
return "[[:zh" + p1 + "]]";
// leave prefixed links unchanged:
else if (p1.match(/^:[\w\-]+:/)) {
return str;
// if the link is piped, add a prefix only
else if (p1.match(/.+\|/)) {
return "[[:zh:" + p1 + "]]";
// introduce a pipe
else {
return "[[:zh:" + p1 + "|" + p1 + "]]";
return "{{zh|" + text + "}}";
} else return text;
// ================================================================
// This is the main method called by the event handler for the
// (experimental) submit button. Its main task is to collect the
// input into a single string of wikitext for the description page.
// ================================================================
fuwGlobal.prototype.collectInput = function() {
var opts = this.opts;
// object representing template fields for filling in
// the description template. Pre-loaded with some
// standard settings:
var descFields = this.descFields = {
'Description' : opts.InputDesc,
'Author' : opts.Author,
'Date' : opts.Date,
'Source' : opts.Source
// "other information" (outside the template)
this.otherInfo = null;
if (opts.OptionNonFree) {
descFields.Article = opts.NFArticle;
// add/modify option-specific fields:
switch (opts.MainOption) {
case 'OptionOwnWork':
// use standard "source" field for optional "how created?" and
// "previously published" input fields.
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
(opts.OwnWorkCreation || "{{own}}"),
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''先前发布''':", "'''先前釋出''':"), opts.OwnWorkPublication)]);
var username = mw.user.getName();
descFields.Author = '[[User:' + username + '|' + username + ']]';
case 'OptionThirdParty':
// use standard "permission" field for a compilation of the
// "permission" input field and the various "evidence" options
var evidence = (
opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionLink ?
(wgULS("授权声明所在网址:", "授權聲明所在網址") + opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceLink) :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRS ?
(wgULS("授权协议已转交给VRT", "授權協議已轉交給VRT") +
fuwSurroundString(" Ticket: ", opts.ThirdPartyOTRSTicket) + "\{\{subst:VRT pending/auto\}\}") :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionOTRSForthcoming ?
wgULS("许可协议将很快转交给VRT\{\{subst:VRT pending/auto", "授權條款將很快轉交給VRT\{\{subst:VRT pending/auto") + "\}\}" :
(opts.ThirdPartyEvidenceOptionNone ?
wgULS("将按要求提供", "將按要求提供") : null))));
descFields.Permission = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''证据''':", "'''證據''':"), evidence)]);
case 'OptionFreeWebsite':
descFields.Permission = opts.Permission;
case 'OptionPDOld':
// add "lifetime" input to "author" field
descFields.Author = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("(存活时间:", "(存活時間:"), opts.PDOldAuthorLifetime, ")")
// combine original and direct source into standard "source" field:
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''原始出版物''':", opts.Publication),
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''直接来源''':", "'''直接來源''':"), opts.Source)
// no standard tag available for "lack-of-registration" PD-US. Need
// to put this into the "permission" field
if (opts.PDFormality)
descFields.Permission =
wgULS("因为该作品未经版权声明发布", "因為該作品未經著作權聲明釋出") +
wgULS("或没有必要的版权注册,所以版权过期。", "或沒有必要的著作權註冊,所以著作權過期。");
// add optional "explanation" input to "permission" field
if (opts.PDOldPermission) {
descFields.Permission = fuwAppendLines([
case 'OptionPDOther':
// Need "permission" field in case of "official item" option
if (opts.PDOtherOfficial)
descFields.Permission = opts.PDOfficialPermission;
case 'OptionNFSubject':
// most FUR elements can be automatically provided:
descFields.Purpose = (
opts.NFSubjectCheckDedicated ?
(wgULS("这张图片是条目描述的主题。", "這張圖片是條目描述的主題。") +
wgULS("整篇条目就是在讨论此作品。", "整篇條目就是在討論此作品")) :
(opts.NFSubjectCheckDiscussed ?
(wgULS("在本条目中支撑百科全书讨论此作品。", "在本條目中支撐百科全書討論此作品。") +
wgULS("该图是为了支撑以下几点:", "該圖是為了支撐以下幾點:") +
"<br/>\n" + opts.NFSubjectPurpose) : null)
// I hate FURs filled with trivial/predictable/redundant verbiage,
// so we'll just cut it short. And don't anybody dare complain that
// that's not a valid FUR.
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNF3D':
// complex case: we need to assemble attribution and FUR both for the
// original 3D work and for the photographic depiction. Both might be
// non-free.
descFields.Author = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''原创作品''':", "'''原創作品''':"), opts.NF3DCreator),
fuwSurroundString("'''作品描述''': ", opts.Author)
descFields.Date = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''原创作品''':", "'''原創作品''':"), opts.NF3DOrigDate),
fuwSurroundString("'''作品描述''': ", opts.Date)
descFields.Purpose = (
opts.NF3DCheckDedicated ?
(wgULS("这张图片是条目描述的主题。", "這張圖片是條目描述的主題。") +
wgULS("整篇条目就是在讨论此作品。", "整篇條目就是在討論此作品。")) :
(opts.NF3DCheckDiscussed ?
(wgULS("在本条目中支撑百科全书讨论此作品。", "在本條目中支撐百科全書討論此作品") +
wgULS("该图是为了支撑以下几点:", "該圖是為了支撐以下幾點:") +
"<br/>\n" + opts.NF3DPurpose) : null)
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
descFields["Other information"] = (
opts.NF3DOptionSame ?
(wgULS("该图像由同一作者创建并发布,", "該圖像由同一作者創建並釋出,") +
wgULS("作者亦拥有原作的权利,", "作者亦擁有原作的權利,") +
wgULS("但不能适当地创建替代描述。", "但不能適當地創建替代描述。")) :
(wgULS("该图象的作者已经根据自由许可协议发布摄影作品,", "該圖像的作者已經根據自由授權條款釋出攝影作品,") +
wgULS("或者图象属于公有领域:", "或者圖像屬於公有領域:") + opts.NF3DPermission)
case 'OptionNFExcerpt':
// FURs for screenshots etc. don't normally need to bother
// about replaceability (with free images) and with commercial role,
// but do need to bother about purpose and about replaceability with text.
descFields.Purpose = opts.NFPurpose;
descFields.Replaceability_text = opts.NFReplaceableText;
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFCover':
// cover art gets standard rationales.
descFields.Purpose =
wgULS("在条目顶部作为视觉辨识", "在條目頂部作為視覺辨識") +
wgULS("有关作品的主要途径。", "有關作品的主要途徑。");
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFLogo':
// logos get standard rationales.
descFields.Purpose =
wgULS("在条目顶部作为视觉辨识", "在條目頂部作為視覺辨識") +
wgULS("有关实体的主要途径。", "有關實體的主要途徑。");
descFields.Replaceability = "n.a.";
descFields.Commercial = "n.a.";
case 'OptionNFPortrait':
// as with other historic photographs, it is useful to have both
// original publication and direct source
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
fuwSurroundString("'''原始出版物''':", opts.Publication),
fuwSurroundString(wgULS("'''直接来源''':", "'''直接來源''':"), opts.Source)
descFields.Purpose =
wgULS("在人物传记条目顶部作为视觉辨识", "在人物傳記條目頂部作為視覺辨識") +
wgULS("有关人物的主要途径。", "有關人物的主要途徑。");
descFields.Replaceability = opts.NFReplaceable;
descFields.Commercial = opts.NFCommercial;
descFields['Other information'] =
wgULS("照片中人物已于", "照片中人物已於") + opts.NFPortraitDeceased + "去世";
case 'OptionNFMisc':
descFields.Source = fuwAppendLines([
wgULS("<br/>\n'''直接来源''':", "<br/>\n'''直接來源''':")),
descFields.Purpose = opts.NFPurpose;
descFields.Replaceability = opts.NFReplaceable;
descFields.Replaceability_text = opts.NFReplaceable_text;
descFields.Commercial = opts.NFCommercial;
if (opts.OptionNonFree) {
// common stuff for all non-free files:
// Minimality field (same for all NF options):
descFields.Minimality = opts.NFMinimality;
// append optional "extra license" selector and "AnyOther" fields
// to "Other information" field:
descFields['Other information'] = fuwAppendLines([
descFields['Other information'],
fuwSurroundString('\{\{', opts.NFExtraLicense, '\}\}'),
else {
// common stuff for all free files:
descFields.Other_versions = '';
this.otherInfo = fuwAppendLines([this.otherInfo, "\n\n", opts.AnyOther]);
fuwGlobal.prototype.formatOutput = function(forCommons) {
var baseForm = this.ScriptForm;
var targetForm = this.TargetForm;
if (fuwTesting) {
var testForm = this.TestForm;
var opts = this.opts;
var otherInfo = this.otherInfo;
var descFields = this.descFields;
var summary = "{{" + this.getDescriptionTemplateName();
// assemble all fields into the wikitext of the description page:
var fieldOrder = [
'Source', 'Date', 'Author', 'Permission', 'Other_versions',
'Article', 'Purpose', 'Replaceability', 'Replaceability_text',
'Minimality', 'Commercial', 'Other information'
summary += "\n|Description = " + fuwPackInfo(descFields['Description'], forCommons);
for (var i = 0; i < fieldOrder.length; i++) {
if (descFields[fieldOrder[i]]) {
summary += "\n|" + fieldOrder[i] + " = " + descFields[fieldOrder[i]];
summary += "\n}}\n";
if (otherInfo) {
summary += wgULS("\n;其他信息:\n", "\n;其他訊息:\n") + fuwPackInfo(otherInfo, forCommons) + "\n";
var editSummary = this.getEditSummary();
var license = this.getLicense();
if (forCommons) {
// pack our description info into an url pointing to the
// standard Commons Special:Upload
// with pre-loaded description fields
summary = summary.replace(/\{\{VRT pending\}\}/g, fuwSubst("PP"));
if (license.special) {
// manually format the whole description page including the license tag, if it
// isn't one of the bare standard licenses in the dropdown box. Otherwise,
// submit description summary and license as two separate url parameters.
summary = summary + "\n\n" + license.special;
return (fuwGetCommonsURL() +
"?title=Special:Upload" +
"&wpUploadDescription=" +
encodeURIComponent(summary) +
(license.standard ?
("&wpLicense=" + encodeURIComponent(license.standard)) : '') +
"&wpDestFile=" +
else {
// pack all description into a single "text" parameter to be submitted
// to the local api.php upload.
summary = "==摘要==\n" +
summary +
wgULS("\n==授权协议==\n", "\n==授權協議==\n") +
(license.standard ? ("\{\{" + license.standard + "\}\}") : license.special) +
if (fuwTesting) {
// Testing mode: show our data in the dummy form
// at the bottom of the page.
fuwGet('placeholderSandboxFilename').innerHTML = opts.InputName;
this.TestForm.SandboxSummary.value = editSummary;
this.TestForm.SandboxText.value = summary;
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', true);
// Set up API call parameters
this.UploadOptions.filename = opts.InputName;
this.UploadOptions.text = summary;
this.UploadOptions.comment = editSummary;
function fuwHasUserGroup(group) {
// workaround because old IE versions don't have array.indexOf :-(
for (i = 0; i < mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').length; i++) {
if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')[i] == group) {
return true;
return false;
fuwGlobal.prototype.getUserStatus = function() {
// function to determine the experience status and userrights of the current user:
// 'anon': not logged in; can't use script.
// 'notAutoconfirmed': can't use local upload, but may use script to prepare upload for Commons
// 'newbie': autoconfirmed but editcount < 100
// (may be used in future to adapt instructions more to newbie needs)
// 'problem': 自动确认用户但最近的用户讨论记录中有3次或更多图片相关的警告或存废讨论
// (may be used in future to produce more strongly worded instructions)
// 'autoconfirmed': regular user
// 'sysop'
if (mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
if (fuwHasUserGroup('sysop')) {
this.userStatus = 'sysop';
else if (fuwHasUserGroup('autoconfirmed') || fuwHasUserGroup('confirmed') || fuwHasUserGroup('eventparticipant')) {
this.userStatus = 'autoconfirmed';
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
meta : 'userinfo',
uiprop: 'editcount',
prop : 'revisions',
titles: 'User talk' + mw.config.get('wgUserName'),
rvprop: 'comment|user',
rvlimit: 30
success: function(data) {
// callback func
var fuw = window.fuw;
if (data) {
var ui = data.getElementsByTagName('userinfo');
if (ui) {
var editcount = ui[0].getAttribute('editcount');
if (editcount < 100) {
fuw.userStatus = 'newbie';
var revs = data.getElementsByTagName('rev');
var countWarn = 0;
for (i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) {
var rev = revs[i];
var usr = rev.getAttribute('user');
var cmt = rev.getAttribute('comment');
if ((usr == 'ImageTaggingBot') ||
( for deletion of \[\[File)|(Uploading files missing)|(File (source and )?copyright licensing problem)|(Speedy deletion nomination of \[\[File)|(Notification: listing at \[\[possibly unfree files)/) >= 0)) {
countWarn += 1; //这里的search需要改成中文的匹配
} //注意:中文维基没ImageTaggingBot这个机器人
if (countWarn >= 3) {
fuw.userStatus = 'problem';
else {
this.userStatus = 'notAutoconfirmed';
else {
this.userStatus = 'anon';
// =================================================================
// Convenience function for getting the regular index.php
// interface of Commons. Not very elegant.
// =================================================================
function fuwGetCommonsURL() {
if (document.URL.match(/^https:/))
return "";
return "";
// ==================================================================
// functions for building form elements
// ==================================================================
fuwMakeRadiobutton = function(group, option, checked, event) {
// Stupid IE7 doesn't get "value" attribute unless it's created in this convoluted way.
// Annoying.
var node = $('<input type="radio" id="' + option + '" name="' + group + '" value="' + option + '"></input>')[0];
if (checked) node.checked = true;
node.onclick = event || fuwRadioClick;
node.onclick = event || fuwRadioClick;
fuwAppendInput(option, node);
fuwMakeTextfield = function(label, event) {
var node = document.createElement('input');
node.type = 'text'; = label;
node.size = fuwDefaultTextboxLength;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
// only for testing:
//node.value = label;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeTextarea = function(label, event) {
var node = document.createElement('textarea'); = label;
node.rows = fuwDefaultTextareaLines; = fuwDefaultTextareaWidth;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
//only for testing:
//node.innerHTML = label;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeCheckbox = function(label, checked, event) {
var node = document.createElement('input'); = label;
node.type = 'checkbox';
//only for testing:
//node.title= label;
node.checked = checked;
node.onchange = event || fuwUpdateOptions;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeHiddenfield = function(name, value, id) {
var node = document.createElement('input'); = name;
node.type = 'hidden';
node.value = value;
fuwAppendInput((id || name), node);
fuwMakeAnchor = function(label, href, content) {
var node = document.createElement('a'); = label; "_blank";
node.href = href;
node.innerHTML = content;
fuwAppendInput(label, node);
fuwMakeSelection = function(name, values) {
var root = document.createElement('select');
var current = root;
try {
for (i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
var line = values[i];
var entry;
if (line.length === 0) {
current = root;
else if (line.length === 1) {
entry = document.createElement('optgroup');
entry.setAttribute('label', line[0]);
current = entry;
else {
entry = document.createElement('option');
entry.setAttribute('value', line[0]);
entry.setAttribute('title', '{{' + line[0] + '}}');
entry.innerHTML = line[1];
if (line.length > 2) {
entry.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
} catch (e) { alert("Name: " + name + ", i=" + i); } = name;
root.onchange = fuwUpdateOptions;
fuwAppendInput(name, root);
function fuwMakeWikilink(place, target, redlink, display) {
place = fuwGet(place);
var id =;
var anchor;
if (place.tagName == 'A') {
anchor = place;
else {
anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = mw.util.getUrl(target);
anchor.title = target;
anchor.innerHTML = target;
anchor.className = (redlink ? 'new' : null);
function fuwAppendInput(label, content) {
// append a newly created input element to an existing
// span element marked as id="placeholderXYZ"
var node = fuwGet('placeholder' + label);
var old = fuwGet(label);
if (old) {
} = || label;
if (node) {
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
// ======================================================
// move an element away from its current position
// and append it to a target element if condition is true
// ======================================================
function fuwMove(mv, tg, condition, toStart) {
if (condition) {
move = fuwGet(mv);
target = fuwGet(tg);
if (move && target) {
var parent = move.parentNode;
if (target!==parent) {
if (toStart) {
target.insertBefore(move, target.firstChild);
else {
else {
alert("找不到元素:move=" + mv + "(" + move + "), target=" + tg + "(" + target + ")");
return condition;
// ===================================================
// make an element visible/invisible
// ===================================================
function fuwSetVisible(tg, condition) {
target = fuwGet(tg);
if (target) {
if (condition) {
else {
else {
alert("找不到元素:" + (tg.nodeType ? : tg));
// ===================================================
// set enabled/disabled status for an element and/or
// all input controls contained in it.
// ===================================================
function fuwSetEnabled(tg, condition) {
target = fuwGet(tg);
try {
var elements = (target.tagName.match(/^(input|textarea|select|button|a)$/i) ?
[target] :
$('#' + + ' *'));
for (i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].tagName.match(/^(input|textarea|select|button|a)$/i)) {
elements[i].disabled = (condition ? null : "disabled");
} catch (e) { alert("Element not found: " + (tg.nodeType ? : tg)); }
// ===================================================
// convenience function to check whether a given
// element is currenly visible. Needs to check display
// property of the element and its ancestors
// ===================================================
function fuwIsVisible(el) {
element = fuwGet(el);
if (!element) return false;
el =;
var visible = true;
while (element !== document.body) {
if ( == "none") {
visible = false;
element = element.parentNode;
return visible;
// ===================================================
// cleanup filename
// ===================================================
function fuwCleanFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var oldname = name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
if (name) {
// strip accidentally added [[ ]] or [[: ]] brackets
name = name.replace(/(^\[\[:?)|(\]\]$)/g, "");
// strip accidentally added "File:" prefix
name = name.replace(/^(File|Image):/, "");
// replace underscores with spaces
name = name.replace(/_/g, " ");
// uppercase first letter
name = name.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
if (oldname != name) {
nameBox.value = name;
// always return true so the next validation step will proceed:
return true;
// ==================================================
// check filename for technically illegal
// characters, trying to fix them automatically
// ==================================================
function fuwCheckLegalFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var oldname = name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
if (name) {
// resolve accidentally entered html entities and URI-encoded %XX character codes
name = name.replace(/\&[a-z]+;/g, fuwHtmlEntityDecode);
name = name.replace(/(\%[A-F0-9]{2,2})/g, decodeURI);
// remove illegal characters # < > [ ] | { } /:
// using a best guess for an acceptable replacement
name = name.replace(/[<\[\{]/g, "(");
name = name.replace(/[>\]\}]/g, ")");
name = name.replace(/[#:\|]/g, ",");
name = name.replace(/\//g, "-");
// remove sequences of tildes
name = name.replace(/\~{3,}/g, "---");
// remove initial slash
name = name.replace(/^\//, "");
if (oldname != name) {
window.fuw.warn.IllegalChars = true;
nameBox.value = name;
return false;
else {
window.fuw.warn.IllegalChars = false;
return true;
function fuwHtmlEntityDecode(str) {
// hack to translate accidentally entered html entity code
// into actual characters
var ta=document.createElement('textarea');
return ta.value;
// =======================================================
// Check against various common patterns of poorly chosen
// filenames (too short / too generic)
// =======================================================
function fuwCheckPoorFilename() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
name = name.replace(/\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|tiff|tif|oga)$/i, "");
// name should be at least 10 characters long, excluding file type extension
var tooShort = (name.length < 5);
// common generic filename patterns:
// IMG......jpg
// Image....jpg
// DSC......jpg
// Picture......jpg
// Pic..........jpg
// anything that has fewer than 3 alphabetic letters and then just numbers
var pattern = /^(img|image|dsc|picture|pic)?(\\s*|\\_*|[a-z]{,3})?\\d+$/i;
var auto = name.match(pattern);
window.fuw.warn.BadFilename = (tooShort || auto);
return !tooShort && !auto;
// =======================================================
// check if file extensions match between local filename
// and target filename input box. Automatically append
// appropriate extension to target filename if they don't.
// =======================================================
function fuwCheckFileExtension() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
var fileBox = window.fuw.TargetForm.file;
var file = fileBox.value;
// cancel check if no filename has been provided yet
if (!file || !name) return true;
var extensions = /.+\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|tiff|tif|oga)$/i;
var mimetypes = {
"png" : "image/png",
"gif" : "image/gif",
"jpg" : "image/jpeg",
"jpeg" : "image/jpeg",
"xcf" : "image/x-xcf",
"pdf" : "application/pdf",
"mid" : "audio/rtp-midi",
"ogg" : "audio/ogg",
"ogv" : "video/ogg",
"svg" : "image/svg+xml",
"djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu",
"tiff" : "image/tiff",
"tif" : "image/tiff",
"oga" : "video/ogg"
var found = extensions.exec(file);
var fileExt = found ? found[1].toLowerCase() : "";
found = extensions.exec(name);
var nameExt = found ? found[1].toLowerCase() : "";
var mime = mimetypes[fileExt];
if (fileExt && mime && (mimetypes[nameExt] != mime)) {
nameBox.value = name.replace(/\.?$/, ('.' + fileExt));
return true;
// ============================================================
// Check if a file under the chosen name already exists,
// either locally or on Commons.
// Store results in the fuw.warn object, so warnings will
// be displayed on the next fuwUpdateOptions() call
// ============================================================
function fuwCheckFileExists() {
// this is an asynchronous AJAX function.
// results won't yet be present when this function returns.
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.InputName;
var name = $.trim(nameBox.value);
// using the jQuery wrapper for the Ajax functionality:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: 'File:' + name,
prop : 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url|user',
iiurlwidth: 120
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
// see if the request has returned info from an existing image:
var foundlist = resp.getElementsByTagName('ii');
var exists = (foundlist.length >= 1);
var isCommons = false;
if (exists) {
// extract description data from http response.
// see
// for structure of API response
var foundImg = foundlist[0];
isCommons = (foundImg.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('imagerepository')=='shared');
// need this data for creating our own image thumb link
var width = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbwidth');
var height = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbheight');
var thumbURL = foundImg.getAttribute('thumburl');
var lastUser = foundImg.getAttribute('user');
var descURL = foundImg.getAttribute('descriptionurl');
// API returns link to local description page even for Commons images.
// However, we want a direct link to Commons.
if (isCommons) {
descURL = descURL.replace(/zh\.wikipedia\.org/, "");
descURL = descURL.replace(/\/\/secure\.wikimedia\.org\/wikipedia\/en/, "");
// build the image info into the warning section of our page:
thumbDiv = fuwGet('warningImageThumb');
if (thumbDiv) {
// make all links point to description page:
var thumbA = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (i = 0; i<thumbA.length; i++) {
thumbA[i].setAttribute('href', descURL);
// insert the image itself:
var thumbImg = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (thumbImg.length > 0) {
thumbImg = thumbImg[0];
thumbImg.setAttribute('src', thumbURL);
thumbImg.setAttribute('width', width);
thumbImg.setAttribute('height', height);
// insert the name of the last uploader:
var thumbSpan = fuwGet('existingImageUploader');
// TO DO: turn this into a proper link
if (thumbSpan) thumbSpan.innerHTML = lastUser;
warn = window.fuw.warn;
warn.ImageOnCommons = exists && isCommons;
warn.ImageExists = exists && !isCommons;
// ===========================================================
// onchange event handler for the local filename box
// ===========================================================
fuwValidateFile = function() {
// ===========================================================
// onchange event handler for the name input box
// ===========================================================
fuwValidateFilename = function() {
if (
fuwCheckLegalFilename() &&
fuwCheckPoorFilename() &&
fuwCheckFileExtension()) {
// after fuwCheckFileExists(),
// fuwUpdateOptions will be triggered
// by the callback function after Ajax completion
else {
// if there's been no Ajax call.
// ==========================================================
// function fuwValidateNFArticle()
// ==========================================================
// This is the validation routine for the obligatory
// article-to-be-used-in field for non-free files. It queries
// api.php about the target article through an Ajax call.
// It will store error info in the fuw.warn object,
// triggering the following error on the next updateOptions():
// * warningNFArticleNotFound : target page doesn't exist.
// * warningNFArticleNotMainspace : target is not an article.
// * warningNFArticleDab : target is a disambiguation page.
// Redirects will automatically be substituted.
// ==========================================================
fuwValidateNFArticle = function() {
var nameBox = window.fuw.ScriptForm.NFArticle;
oldname = name = nameBox.value;
// cleanup article name:
// automatically fix accidentally added [[ ... ]] and
// regularize underscores
name = $.trim(name);
name = name.replace(/(^\[\[)|(\]\]$)/g, "");
// automatically fix article names entered as full urls:
name = name.replace(/^https?:\/\/zh\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\//, "");
name = name.replace(/^https?:\/\/zh\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/index\.php\?title=/, "");
name = name.replace(/_/g, " ");
if (name != oldname) nameBox.value = name;
// do nothing more if field was blank
if (!name) return;
// using the jQuery wrapper for the Ajax functionality:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: name,
prop : 'info|categories|links'
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
var errorType = 0;
var pg = resp.getElementsByTagName('page')[0];
var title = pg.getAttribute('title');
var target = title;
if (pg.getAttribute('missing') != null) {
// no page found under this title.
errorType = 1;
else {
var userspace = false;
var ns = pg.getAttribute('ns');
var rd = pg.getAttribute('redirect');
if (ns != 0) {
// not a mainspace page!
errorType = 2;
// try to detect if the target might be a user space draft:
if (title.match(new RegExp("User( talk)?:" + mw.config.get('wgUserName')))) {
userspace = true;
else if (rd != null) {
// redirect page
// API returns an empty redirect="" attribute if
// the page is a redirect
// New array to store excluded link titles
var excludedTitles = ["简化字", "繁体字"];
var targets = pg.getElementsByTagName('pl');
for (i=0; i<targets.length; i++) {
var link = targets[i];
// Check if link title is in excluded list
if (excludedTitles.includes(link.getAttribute('title'))) {
if (link.getAttribute('ns')==0) {
target = link.getAttribute('title');
errorType = 3;
else {
// check for disambiguation categories
var cats = pg.getElementsByTagName('cl');
for (i=0; i<cats.length; i++) {
var cat = cats[i];
if (cat.getAttribute('title') == wgULS("Category:全部消歧义页面", "Category:全部消歧义页面")) {
errorType = 4;
warn = window.fuw.warn;
warn.NFArticleNotFound = (errorType==1);
warn.NFArticleNotMainspace = (errorType==2);
warn.UserspaceDraft = ((errorType==2) && userspace);
warn.NFArticleDab = (errorType==4);
warn.NFArticleOK = (errorType==0);
// fix links in error messages:
if (warn.NFArticleNotFound) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleNotFound').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target, true);
else if (warn.NFArticleNotMainspace) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleNotMainspace').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
else if (warn.NFArticleDab) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('warningNFArticleDab').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
else if (warn.NFArticleOK) {
fuwMakeWikilink(fuwGet('NFArticleOK').getElementsByTagName('A')[0], target);
if (errorType==3) {
// automatically replace title with redirect target
window.fuw.ScriptForm.NFArticle.value = target;
// need to recursively call validation again now
//if (confirm(name + " is a redirect. Follow it to " + target + "?")) {
else {
// ================================================
// manually reload script (just for testing)
// ================================================
function fuwReload() {
mw.loader.load( 'http://localhost/script/uploadscript.js' );
// ================================================
// reset forms
// TO DO: add a button that actually triggers this.
// ================================================
function fuwReset() {
var forms = mw.util.$content[0].getElementsByTagName('form');
for (i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
window.fuw.warn = { };
window.fuw.opts = { };
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', true);
fuwSetVisible('fuwSuccess', false);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', false);
// ===============================================
// convenience functions for string handling
// ===============================================
function fuwAppendLines(parts) {
// assemble a string from an array of strings.
// treat every second element as a conditional
// separator that will be included only if
// surrounding elements are non-empty.
var build = "";
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
if (parts[i]) {
if (build) build += parts[i - 1];
build += parts[i];
return build;
function fuwSurroundString(prefix, content, suffix) {
// put a prefix and a suffix on a string,
// if the input string is non-empty.
if (content)
return (prefix ? prefix : "") + content + (suffix ? suffix : "");
else return "";
// ========================================================
// handler for the API response.
// TO DO: expand stub to add real notification of success,
// link to new file page, instructions about how to include
// file in articles, etc.
// ========================================================
function fuwUploadCompleted(doc) {
if (doc) {
fuwSetVisible('successThumb', false);
var fuw = window.fuw;
var name = fuw.opts.InputName;
var uploads = doc.getElementsByTagName('upload');
var success = false;
for (i = uploads.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (uploads[i].getAttribute('result') == 'Success') {
success = true;
// need to get the real resulting filename here; might be different from the requested one in some cases.
name = uploads[i].getAttribute('filename');
if (success) {
// need another ajax call to check the file is actually there,
// and to retrieve its direct thumb img url:
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
traditional : true,
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'query',
titles: 'File:' + name,
prop : 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url',
iiurlwidth: 120
success: function(resp) {
// callback function, called when API query has succeeded:
// see if the request has returned info from an existing image:
var foundImg = resp.getElementsByTagName('ii')[0];
if (foundImg) {
// need this data for creating our own image thumb link
var width = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbwidth');
var height = foundImg.getAttribute('thumbheight');
var thumbURL = foundImg.getAttribute('thumburl');
var lastUser = foundImg.getAttribute('user');
var descURL = foundImg.getAttribute('descriptionurl');
// build the thumbnail in the success message:
thumbDiv = fuwGet('successThumb');
// make link point to description page:
var thumbA = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
thumbA.href = descURL;
// insert the image itself:
var thumbImg = thumbDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
thumbImg.setAttribute('src', thumbURL);
thumbImg.setAttribute('width', width);
thumbImg.setAttribute('height', height);
fuwSetVisible(thumbDiv, true);
'File:' + name);
fuwGet('placeholderExFilename1').innerHTML = name;
fuwGet('placeholderExFilename2').innerHTML = name;
fuwSetVisible('fuwSuccess', true);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', false);
else {
var err = doc.getElementsByTagName('error');
if (err) {
var info = err[0].getAttribute('info');
var details = err[0].getElementsByTagName('detail');
var add = "";
for (i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
if (add.length > 0) add += ", ";
add += details[i].textContent;
if (add) {
info = info + " (" + add + ")";
alert(wgULS("上传失败:", "上傳失敗:") + info);
else {
alert(wgULS("未知错误:上传可能失败。", "未知錯誤:上傳可能失敗。"));
// ========================================================
// Event handler for the real submit button
// ========================================================
function fuwSubmitUpload() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
if (fuwTesting) {
fuwSetVisible('placeholderTestForm', false);
fuwSetVisible('UploadScriptArea', false);
fuwGet('fuwSuccessLink').getElementsByTagName('a')[0], 'File:' + fuw.opts.InputName);
fuwSetVisible('fuwWaiting', true);
// Upload the file, then add success notification etc.
// Note that mw.Api doesn't have special support for the XML format, so even when the API
// returns an error, this won't be detected and it will call the success handler.
var api = new mw.Api({
parameters : { format : 'xml' },
ajax : { dataType : 'xml' }
api.upload(fuw.TargetForm.file, fuw.UploadOptions).then(fuwUploadCompleted);
var opts = window.fuw.opts;
// the API won't overwrite the description page text while overwriting
// a file, which is really, really, really annoying and stupid.
// So in the opts.OverwriteDifferent scenario, we need to edit
// the description page through a separate ajax call. Dang.
if (opts.OverwriteDifferent) {
url : mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'xml',
data : {
format : 'xml',
action : 'edit',
title : 'File:' + opts.InputName,
token : mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
summary : opts.EditSummary,
text : fuw.UploadOptions.text
// =======================================================
// Event handler for the Commons submit button
// =======================================================
function fuwSubmitCommons() {
var fuw = window.fuw;
var url = fuw.formatOutput(true);
alert(wgULS("您现在将跳转到共享资源。\n请使用共享资源上传表单为文件描述添加类别,然后完成上传。", "你現在將跳轉到共享資源。\n請使用共享資源上傳表單位檔案描述添加類別,然後完成上傳。"));
window.location = url;
// =======================================================
// Event handler for the test submit button
// (write description string to sandbox only)
// =======================================================
function fuwSubmitSandbox() {
var frm = window.fuw.TestForm;
url : mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'xml',
data: {
format: 'xml',
action: 'edit',
title : mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/sandbox",
token : mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
recreate : 1,
summary : frm.SandboxSummary.value,
text : frm.SandboxText.value
success: function(resp) {
alert("Sandbox page edited!");
// ========================================================
// convenience wrapper function to replace calls to
// document.getElementById()
// to avoid browser incompatibility
// ========================================================
function fuwGet(target) {
if (target && target.nodeType) return target;
else {
var found = $('#' + target);
if (found) return found[0];
return undefined;
// ========================================================
// onload hook function, loading this script
// ========================================================
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api']).then(function() {
$(function() {
if (fuwGet('UploadScriptArea')) {
window.fuw = new fuwGlobal();
if (! window.fuw.disabled) {
// </nowiki>