
File:The marvelous land of Oz; being an account of the further adventures of the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman a sequel to the Wizard of Oz (1904) (14566659598).jpg


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Identifier: marvelouslandofo00baum (find matches)
Title: The marvelous land of Oz; being an account of the further adventures of the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman ... a sequel to the Wizard of Oz
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919 Neill, John R. (John Rea), ill
Subjects: Fantasy
Publisher: Chicago : The Reilly & Britton co.
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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derful set of brains? Theres no humbug about my heart, announcedthe Tin Woodman, glaring indignantly at the Wog-gle-Bug. Perhaps I was misinformed, stammered theInsect, shrinking back; I never knew the Wizardpersonally. Well, we did, retorted the Scarecrow, and hewas a very great Wizard, I assure you. It is truehe was guilty of some slight impostures, but unlesshe was a great Wizard how—let me ask — couldhe have hidden this girl Ozma so securely that noone can find her? I—I give it up! replied the Woggle-Bug, meekly. That is the most sensible speech youve made,said the Tin Woodman. I must really make another effort to discoverwhere this girl is hidden, resumed the Sorceress,thoughtfully. I have in my library a book in whichis inscribed every action of the Wizard while he wasin our land of Oz — or, at least, every action thatcould be observed by my spies. This book I willread carefully tonight, and try to single out the actsthat may guide us in discovering the lost Ozma. In 242
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GLINDA SEARCHES THE RECORDS. The Scarecrow Appeals to Glinda i the meantime, pray amuse yourselves in mypalace and command my servants as if they wereyour own. I will grant you another audiencetomorrow. With this gracious speech Glinda dismissed theadventurers, and they wandered away through thebeautiful gardens, where they passed several hoursenjoying all the delightful things with which theQjjeen of the Southland had surrounded her royalpalace. On the following morning they again appearedbefore Glinda, who said to them: I have searched carefully through the records ofthe Wizards actions, and among them I can findbut three that appear to have been suspicious. Heate beans with a knife, made three secret visits to oldMombi, and limped slightly on his left foot. Ah! that last is certainly suspicious! exclaimedthe Pumpkinhead. Not necessarily, said the Scarecrow; he mayhave had corns. Now, it seems to me his eatingbeans with a knife is more suspicious. Perhaps it is a polite custom in Om

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