
File:Story of the Confederate States; or, History of the war for southern independence, embracing a brief but comprehensive sketch of the early settlement of the country, trouble with the Indians, the (14739859956).jpg


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Identifier: storyofconfedera00derr (find matches)
Title: Story of the Confederate States; or, History of the war for southern independence, embracing a brief but comprehensive sketch of the early settlement of the country, trouble with the Indians, the French, revolutionary and Mexican wars ..
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Derry, Joseph Tyrone, 1841-
Subjects: United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Confederate States of America -- History
Publisher: Richmond, Va., B.F. Johnson Publishing Company
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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property of Confederateswere contrary to the Constitution. Congress alsopassed a civil-rights bill, one of the purposes of whichwas to compel hotels to receive negro guests just asthey did whites. The Supreme Court also decided thislaw to be contrary to the Constitution. Thus in thisdark hour, when partisan hatred seemed about to maketotal wreck of individual as well as State rights, theSupreme Court stood as the bulwark of liberty, andearned the lasting gratitude of every lover of freedom.9. The Carpet-bag Governments.—The State govern-ments that had been established in the South underthe reconstruction measures were notoriously corrupt.They had been organized by a few whites and all thenegroes under the lead of Northern adventurers,whom the Southern people called carpet-baggers. Thefew Southern white men who joined in with the car-pet-baggers were called scalawags. In some of theStates there were returning boards, who had power torevise election returns and throw out such votes as
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LAST MEETING OF THE CONFEDERATE CABINET.( 433 ) 434 Story of the Confederates States. they might decide to be illegal. In 1873, after Grantselection to a second term, the Louisiana returningboard seated as governor a man who had not beenelected. The Southern white people at last resolvedto put forth every effort to overthrow the so-calledcarpet-bag governments, 10. Congressional Elections of 1874.—The Democraticparty favored the wishes of the white people of theSouth. The Republicans backed up the carpet-baggovernments. On this issue mainly the two partieswent before the country in the congressional electionsof 1874, and the result was an overwhelming Dem-ocratic triumph. 11. Trouble in Louisiana.—Elections were also held inLouisiana for members of the State legislature, andthe returning board gave certificates to men who hadnot been elected. The elected men took possession ofthe State-house, but were driven out by United Statestroops. But the Democrats of Louisiana were deter-min

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  • bookid:storyofconfedera00derr
  • bookyear:1895
  • bookdecade:1890
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:Derry__Joseph_Tyrone__1841_
  • booksubject:United_States____History_Civil_War__1861_1865
  • booksubject:Confederate_States_of_America____History
  • bookpublisher:Richmond__Va___B_F__Johnson_Publishing_Company
  • bookcontributor:New_York_Public_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:442
  • bookcollection:newyorkpubliclibrary
  • bookcollection:civilwardocuments
  • bookcollection:americana
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