
File:Second Reading Book (1882) (14769828565).jpg


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Identifier: c2secondreadingb00toro (find matches)
Title: Second Reading Book
Year: 1882 (1880s)
Publisher: Toronto : Canada Publishing Co.
Contributing Library: The University of Western Ontario, Western Archives
Digitizing Sponsor: Ontario Council of University Libraries and Member Libraries

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
es twisted together, and forms it Into theshape of a ball, a little smaller than a cricket-ball.This nest, so warm and soft, Is hung amongthe stalks of the grain from twelve to eighteeninches above the ground. 6. One nest which contained eight little micewas plaited so closely that it could, without losingits shape, be rolled along the table. There was noopening through w^hich the mother could get toher young ones, so that she must have closed theentrance when she left. 7. The mother can climb to the nest withgreat ease, and she gets to the ground by windingher tail around a straw, and sliding dow^n. 6 and 7. What is meant by contained, and plaited? mows; heaps of straw or hay multiply; become plentiful. in a barn. the entrance ; the way in. runs ; roads. winding ; twistini;. Form a sentence out of each of the followini:^ groups of words:Boys, timid, are, and, sometimes, girls.The, John, nibble, a, saw, mouse, pic. Men, the, threshing, were, who, mice, the grain, many, found,a, great.
Text Appearing After Image:
SECOND READING BOOK. I 27 X.—THE WOOD-MOUSE. Pronounce distinctly :— chest nut (/ silent) in no cent for est Ob e ron mush room re g-ard ed 1. Do you know the little Wood-mouse, That pretty little thing,That sits among the forest leavesBeside the forest spring ? 2. Its fur is red as the chestnut, And it is small and slim;It leads a life most innocentWithin the forest dim. 3. I saw a little Wood-mouse once, Like Oberon in his hall,With the green moss beneath his feet,Sit under a mushroom tall. 4. I saw him sit, and his dinner eat, All under the forest tree—His dinner of chestnut ripe and red,And he ate it heartily. 2. What is meant by it leads a hfe most innocent, andthe forest dim ? I 28 RO YAL CANADIAN SERIES. 5. I wish you could have seen hun there; It did my spirit goodTo see the small thing God had madeThus eatino- in the wood. o 6. I saw that He regarded them— Those creatures weak and small;Their table in the wild is spreadBy Him who cares for all. 5. What is meant by It

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:c2secondreadingb00toro
  • bookyear:1882
  • bookdecade:1880
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookpublisher:Toronto___Canada_Publishing_Co_
  • bookcontributor:The_University_of_Western_Ontario__Western_Archives
  • booksponsor:Ontario_Council_of_University_Libraries_and_Member_Libraries
  • bookleafnumber:139
  • bookcollection:universitywesterno
  • bookcollection:toronto
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