
File:Prof. William James Beal.jpg


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Identifier: historyoftremant01trem (find matches)
Title: The history of the Treman, Tremaine, Truman family in America; with the related families of Mack, Dey, Board and Ayers; being a history of Joseph Truman of New London, Conn. (1666); John Mack of Lyme, Conn. (1680); Richard Dey of New York city (1641); Cornelius Board of Boardville, N.J. (1730); John Ayer of Newbury, Mass. (1635); and their descendants
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Authors: Treman, Ebenezer Mack, 1850-
Subjects: Treman family Tremaine family Truman family Mack family Day family Board family Ayers family Truman, Joseph, d. 1697 Mack, John, 1669-1734 Dey, Dirck Jansen Board, Cornelius, d. 1745 Ayer, John, 1590?-1657
Publisher: (Ithaca, N.Y.) Press of the Ithaca democrat
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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Ind., 1887-97. Residence, 1901, Rol-lin, Mich. Children : 5051. Llewellyn. Born Feb. 26, 1864. 7190. 5052. Lina Rowene. Born Aug. 26, 1876. 5053. Beulah Elizabeth. March 27, 1883. 5060. Prof. William James Beal, A.M., Sc.M., Ph.D. (Will-iam.) 2661. He was born March 11, 1833, at Adrian, Mich. Hemarried Sept. 2, 1863, Hannah Ann Proud, (daughter of John andAnn Proud, of Michigan, formerly of New Jersey). She was bornApril 28, 1837, atMedford, N. J. The following is from a Book for the Teachers of Michigan, byJ. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1899 : Professor Beals boyhood was spent on the farm with one yearin the grist mill. When seventeen years of age the opening of RaisinValley Seminary, four miles northeast of Adrian, afforded him anopportunity for advanced study, and in 1855, he spent some monthsin completing a preparation for college at Lodi Academy, Lodi,Michigan (long ago closed). On October i, 1855, he entered theclassical course in the University of Michigan, where he was gradu-
Text Appearing After Image:
PROF. WILLIAM J. BEAL U Seventh Generation. 233 ated in 1859 with the degree of A.B. At once he became teacher ofNatural Science in Friends Academy, Union Springs, Cavuga County,New York, remaining there until March, 1861, when he entered theLawrence Scientific School of Harvard University, remaining for oneand one-half years, studying Botany. Zoology and ComparativeAnatomy, under Gray, Agassiz and Wyman. In 1863, he becameteacher of Natural Science in Rowland School at Union Springs,New York, remaining until the summer of 1868, with the exception ofone term of the spring of 1865 at Harvard, where in that year hegraduated with the degree of Sc.B. He was the Professor of NaturalHistory from 1869 to 187 i at the University of Chicago, and lecturerin many schools and some academies and colleges. In 1870 he waslecturer in Botany; 1871, Professor of Botany, and from 1871 to1881 he was Professor of Botany and Horticulture in the MichiganState Agricultural College, and has since held his pre

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  • bookid:historyoftremant01trem
  • bookyear:1901
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Treman__Ebenezer_Mack__1850_
  • booksubject:Treman_family
  • booksubject:Tremaine_family
  • booksubject:Truman_family
  • booksubject:Mack_family
  • booksubject:Day_family
  • booksubject:Board_family
  • booksubject:Ayers_family
  • booksubject:Truman__Joseph__d__1697
  • booksubject:Mack__John__1669_1734
  • booksubject:Dey__Dirck_Jansen
  • booksubject:Board__Cornelius__d__1745
  • booksubject:Ayer__John__1590__1657
  • bookpublisher:_Ithaca__N_Y___Press_of_the_Ithaca_democrat
  • bookcontributor:New_York_Public_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:332
  • bookcollection:newyorkpubliclibrary
  • bookcollection:americana
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