Text Appearing Before Image: (i,j(i Introducinsf Our First Anti-Aircraft Ciun Text Appearing After Image: Fhoto Ccnvral N.ws Mounted on a special platform forty feet high on the battleship Texas is a three-inchnaval gun adjusted so that a high angle of elevation can be attained. It is said to bethe forerunner of a new type of anti-aircraft gun with which tliose most interested in ournaval and military preparedness will adorn the first- line battleships of the future 057 The Indians Conception of Ansfcls and Devils Below: Two totem poleswhich formerly markedthe headquarters of tribesin Old Mangel, Alaska.To the Indians thesedesignated a religious aswell as a clannish bond At left: A woodenmask carved and paintedin the elaborate styledear to the heart of theIroquois Indians and usedby a false-face society
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