English: Eclipse of the Moon on 3rd March 2007, shortly before the start of totality. The red hue is due to blue light being preferentially scattered in the Earth's atmosphere by en:Rayleigh scattering. The edge of the Earth's shadow is seen to be curved, this allows an estimate to be made of the relative sizes of the Earth and the Moon.
Taken using a Fuji FinePix S7000 camera through the eyepiece of a 12 inch F4 Newtonian telescope.
Dansk: Måneformørkelsen 3.3.2007, kort før den blev total. Den røde tone skyldes spredning af blåt lys i Jordens atmosfære. Jordens skygge ses at være krum, hvilket tillader at estimere Jordens og Månens relative størrelse. Billedet er fotograferet gennem et 12" teleskop.
The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
2007-04-19 16:52 Occultations 1081×927×??? (239729 bytes) Eclipse of the Moon on 3rd March 2007, shortly before the start of totality. The red hue is due to blue light being preferentially scattered in the Earth's atmosphere by [[Raleigh scattering]]. Taken using a Fuji FinePix S7000 camera through the eyepiec
{{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{en|Eclipse of the Moon on 3rd March 2008, shortly before the start of totality. The red hue is due to blue light being preferentially scattered in the Earth's atmosphere by [[:en:Raleigh sca