Copying of the KDE Logo is subject to the LGPL copyright license. Trading and branding with the KDE Logo is subject to KDE trademark licence:
The KDE logo can be used freely as long as it is not used to refer to products other than KDE itself.
There is no formal procedure for using the KDE logo as long as you stay within the above guideline for usage.
Whilst not required you should acknowledge the KDE e.V.s rights by mentioning "KDE, K Desktop Environment and the KDE Logo are trademarks of KDE e.V."
本软件库为自由软件,您可以依据自由软件基金会发行的GNU宽通用公共许可证2.1版或任意后续版本的条款,传播和/或修改本软件库。本软件库发表时预期有用,但对此无任何保证,亦无隐含的可以销售或适合特定目的的保证。详情请见GNU宽通用公共许可证2.1版和第3版。 Lesser General Public Licensetruetrue