English: Iraqi soldiers drive on one of their new armored humvees. The Iraq's 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Division took delivery of 10 armored humvees, purchased by Iraq's Ministry of Defense. The addition of humvees to the Iraqis boosts their protection level and ability to move throughout the Fallujah area. Until now, they were entirely reliant on Nissan pick-up trucks with armor added.
(http://www.usmc.mil/marinelink/image1.nsf/lookup/2006319143628?opendocument PhotoID: 2006319143628 Submitted by: 1st Marine Division Operation/Exercise/Event: Operation Iraqi Freedom Caption: Iraqi soldiers drive on one of their new armored humvees. The)
Iraqi soldiers drive on one of their new armored humvees. The Iraq's 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Division took delivery of 10 armored humvees, purchased by Iraq's Ministry of Defense. The addition of humvees to the Iraqis boosts their protection level and ability to move throughout the Fallujah area. Until now, they were entirely reliant on Nissan pick-up trucks with armor added.
Photo authorized for release by Public Affairs Office, Regimental Combat Team 5
2006年3月18日 (六) 22:35
Photo authorized for release by Regimental Combat Team 5 Public Affairs Office, Camp Fallujah, Iraq. Photo must run with photo credit. If used, please contact the RCT-5 Public Affairs Office via e-mail at: olivamd@gcemnfi-wirag.usmc.mil