
File:General Salah Jadid.jpg


原始文件 (450 × 652像素,文件大小:76 KB,MIME类型:image/jpeg


English: General Salah Jadid, the Baathist officer who helped launch the revolution of March 8, 1963 and became Chief-of-Staff until launching another coup in February 1966, that toppled the Baath Party founders Salah al-Bitar and Michel Aflaq.
日期 约1966年
date QS:P,+1966-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
来源 Online Museum of Syrian History
作者 未知Unknown author


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  • Article 4 - "The protection prescribed by the law herein shall not include the following: "
    • a) "Groups of official documents such as laws, decrees, regulations, international agreements, judicial judgements, decisions of the administrative authorities and all other official documents and the official translation thereof."
    • b) "Daily news whether published, broadcast or publicly announced."
  • Article 22 - "The author shall be entitled to his copyrights for his lifetime and fifty years thereafter. If the work is a combined effort of more than one author, then the copyrights are entitled for the lifetime and fifty years after the death of the last author party of the work."
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2010年2月14日 (日) 14:352010年2月14日 (日) 14:35版本的缩略图138 × 200​(6 KB)Roxanna{{Information |Description={{en|1=General Salah Jadid, the Baathist officer who helped launch the revolution of March 8, 1963 and became Chief-of-Staff until launching another coup in February 1966, that toppled the Baath Party founders Salah al-Bitar and




