
File:Flag of Csangos.svg


原始文件 (SVG文件,尺寸为976 × 637像素,文件大小:9 KB)


Română: Drapelul ceangăilor din România, donație a Asociației de Heraldică și Vexilologie din Transilvania din Sfântu Gheorghe și adoptat de către Consiliul Ceangăiesc la data de 20 iulie 2019 la Cleja, Bacău. Drapelul conține o cruce de argint, înconjurată de culorile roșu și negru. În primul câmp are un soare auriu, iar în al doilea, o semilună argintie. Culorile drapelului sunt culorile cele mai des utilizate în costumul popular ceangăiesc, în timp ce soarele, luna și crucea sunt simboluri străvechi ale comunității.
English: The flag of the Csangos from Romania, donated by the Transylvanian Heraldic and Vexillological Association from Sfântu Gheorghe and adopted by the Csango Council on July 20, 2019 in Cleja, Bacău. The flag contains a silver cross, surrounded by the colors red and black. In the first field there is a golden sun, and in the second a silver crescent. The colors of the flag are the most commonly used colors in the Csango folk costume, while the sun, moon and cross are ancient symbols of the community.
来源 Csángó önazonosság, Zoltán Bedő, 1 August 2019, hirmondo.ro and New flag and coat of arms fuels Csango national identity, Blanka Székely, 25 July 2019, transylvanianow.com
  • István Attila Szekeres (heraldist) – of the concept flag
  • Argean – of the SVG flag
Insignia 这幅图像所显示的是旗帜盾徽印章或其他正式的徽章。在某些国家或地区使用此符号可能会受到限制,但是这些限制与版权问题无关。
     黑色 色彩参数 RGB 000 000 000
     红色 色彩参数 RGB 209 004 027
     黄色 色彩参数 RGB 222 180 038
     灰色 色彩参数 RGB 181 176 193


Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.

Public domain According to the Romanian Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law no. 8/1996 of March 14, 1996 with further amendments Chapter 3 Article 9 the following documents shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright:
  • (a) the ideas, theories, concepts, scientific discoveries, procedures, working methods, or mathematical concepts as such and inventions, contained in a work, whatever the manner of the adoption, writing, explanation or expression thereof;
  • (b) official texts of a political, legislative, administrative or judicial nature, and official translations thereof;
  • (c) official symbols of the State, public authorities and organizations, such as armorial bearings, seals, flags, emblems, shields, badges and medals;
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  • (e) news and press information;
  • (f) simple facts and data.

Also, according to Chapter 10 Article 85 Paragraph 2,

  • The photographs of letters, deeds, documents of any kind, technical drawings and other similar papers shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright.

Therefore this image is assumed to be in the public domain worldwide, although some of the above categories may be subject to usage restrictions within Romania.

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Flag of the Csango ethnic group in Romania.






当前2020年11月22日 (日) 13:192020年11月22日 (日) 13:19版本的缩略图976 × 637​(9 KB)Kun Kipcsakbetter version provided by {{u|Argean}}
2020年3月27日 (五) 11:332020年3月27日 (五) 11:33版本的缩略图625 × 361​(5 KB)Kun Kipcsakresize
2020年3月27日 (五) 10:592020年3月27日 (五) 10:59版本的缩略图120,000 × 69,120​(6 KB)Kun KipcsakUploaded a work by István Attila Szekeres (heraldist) from [https://transylvanianow.com/new-flag-and-coat-of-arms-fuels-csango-national-identity/ New flag and coat of arms fuels Csango national identity], Blanka Székely, 25 July 2019 with UploadWizard


