
File:Europe rail electrification en.svg


原始文件 (SVG文件,尺寸为688 × 520像素,文件大小:400 KB)

English: Map of the railway electrification systems in Europe
750 V DC
1,5 kV DC
3 kV DC
15 kV, 16,7 Hz AC
25 kV, 50 Hz AC
Italiano: Mappa del sistema di elettrificazione ferroviaria in Europa
来源 File:Europe rail electrification.png
此SVG 地图包含有元素提取或采用自 地图:​
Blank map europe.svg (通过 RedHotHeat).
其他版本 Derivative works of this file:  Europe rail electrification de.svg
 此SVG 地图使用了内嵌文本,可以使用任何文本编辑器轻松翻译
Public domain 我,本作品著作权人,释出本作品至公有领域。这适用于全世界。


This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • {{F|Europe_rail_electrification.png|-} licensed with PD-self
    • 2009-06-19T01:36:39Z Addams71 450x422 (15616 Bytes) Southeast of Slovakia is not under 25 kV 50 Hz.
    • 2009-06-11T19:40:56Z Wangi 450x422 (10607 Bytes) No electrification north of the Central Belt in Scotland
    • 2007-10-10T01:27:42Z Jklamo 450x422 (11493 Bytes) small updates, Ireland and Ukraine
    • 2007-07-31T20:25:47Z Jklamo 450x422 (11385 Bytes) Map of railway electrification systems in Europe {{legend|#eea631|750 V DC}} {{legend|#a3a5ce|15 kV AC}} {{legend|#f5f0bb|3 kV DC}} {{legend|#eda1a0|1,5 kV DC}} {{legend|#94af2e|25 kV DC}} {{legend|#cdcfd0|non-electrified}}
  • File:Blank map europe.svg licensed with PD-USGov-CIA-WF
    • 2010-04-18T12:24:45Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) '
    • 2010-04-13T20:46:30Z Patrickneil 680x520 (543089 Bytes) Fut.Perf. added some islands in October, and whether or not the map has Kosovo, it should have the islands
    • 2010-04-12T09:04:50Z Zirland 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 13:23, 5 December 2009
    • 2010-04-09T16:29:37Z Anka Friedrich 680x520 (523284 Bytes) * removed hard coded styles in paths, which prevent colors beeing set by styles for ids or classes * removed style style2412, which colored timezones in southern europe
    • 2009-12-05T13:23:39Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) '
    • 2009-10-17T17:24:14Z NuclearVacuum 680x520 (543089 Bytes) some minor editings
    • 2009-10-17T14:34:47Z Future Perfect at Sunrise 680x520 (542517 Bytes) added some Greek islands
    • 2009-03-25T20:06:19Z Samulili 680x520 (533055 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 15:29, 24 March 2009
    • 2009-03-24T23:22:45Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) this is the original file. upload an alternative for alternative views. simle as that.
    • 2009-03-24T15:29:37Z Patrickneil 680x520 (533055 Bytes) The are blank alternatives, that without Kosovo, make this a duplicate file
    • 2009-03-20T22:30:51Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 21:10, 27 May 2007 (original version)
    • 2008-10-26T21:20:07Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) there is another version of this image
    • 2008-10-26T17:25:49Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) didn't we agree to have alternative files that include disputed territories? this way it is POV, who decides which one deserves to be shown as a country more, Kosovo, Palestine, TRNC, Abkhazia etc.
    • 2008-10-25T13:36:13Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) what ?
    • 2008-10-24T22:42:12Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) '
    • 2008-09-22T13:35:30Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) user has been warned
    • 2008-09-22T02:11:46Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:38, 19 September 2008
    • 2008-09-20T11:36:04Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 18:23, 17 September 2008
    • 2008-09-19T17:38:55Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 18:12, 17 September 2008
    • 2008-09-17T18:23:13Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) look at the "other versions" section
    • 2008-09-17T18:12:42Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Kosovo is not internationally recognized and this map is used for more than just CIA purposes
    • 2008-09-16T16:01:06Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) CIA recognises Kosovo, this is their map, do not vandalise it
    • 2008-09-16T15:39:16Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 00:01, 16 September 2008
    • 2008-09-16T10:07:44Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) it is a god dammed CIA map
    • 2008-09-16T00:01:36Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:23, 15 September 2008
    • 2008-09-15T20:44:48Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 19:15, 14 September 2008
    • 2008-09-15T17:23:28Z Tocino 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:03, 14 September 2008
    • 2008-09-14T19:15:53Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) sigh, please look her : https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/kv.html
    • 2008-09-14T17:03:29Z Milosevo 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 14:45, 13 September 2008 CIA recognizes cosovo? What? And tomorrow ROSKOSMOS recognizes covoso ..
    • 2008-09-13T18:08:41Z Cradel 680x520 (533055 Bytes) fix
    • 2008-09-13T18:01:06Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) this is CIA map, which recognises kosovo
    • 2008-09-13T14:45:29Z Avala 680x520 (528468 Bytes) '
    • 2008-08-06T20:03:48Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:17, 4 August 2008
    • 2008-08-05T04:35:29Z Rokerismoravee 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 14:46, 4 August 2008
    • 2008-08-04T16:17:13Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 12:09, 3 August 2008
    • 2008-08-04T14:46:55Z Rokerismoravee 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 13:14, 2 August 2008
    • 2008-08-03T12:09:59Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) again : what are you talking about
    • 2008-08-02T13:14:48Z Milosevo 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Territory of Kosovo isn't correct
    • 2008-08-02T12:48:39Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) this map was taken from the CIA world Factbook, which recognises Kosovo so please
    • 2008-08-01T21:28:39Z Rokerismoravee 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 12:54, 1 August 2008
    • 2008-08-01T19:07:24Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:44, 9 June 2008
    • 2008-08-01T12:54:32Z Rokerismoravee 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:34, 9 June 2008
    • 2008-06-09T20:44:17Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:01, 9 June 2008
    • 2008-06-09T17:34:51Z Milosevo 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 14:14, 9 June 2008
    • 2008-06-09T17:01:41Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:14, 8 June 2008
    • 2008-06-09T14:14:04Z Milosevo 680x520 (528468 Bytes) revert, vandalism. No UN-Member
    • 2008-06-08T20:14:58Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) Reverted vandalism
    • 2008-06-08T15:21:43Z Milosevo 680x520 (528468 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 21:10, 27 May 2007
    • 2008-05-30T12:01:01Z Cradel 680x520 (530422 Bytes) + Kosovo
    • 2007-05-27T21:10:55Z Ssolbergj 680x520 (528468 Bytes) '

Uploaded with derivativeFX


European rail tension map






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当前2024年12月14日 (六) 20:442024年12月14日 (六) 20:44版本的缩略图688 × 520​(400 KB)Xolanire-added Kasakhstan because it's partially geographically European. Sorry about the back and forth.
2024年12月14日 (六) 14:522024年12月14日 (六) 14:52版本的缩略图688 × 520​(400 KB)Xolanicorrected Liechtenstein & Scotland (see talk page)
2024年12月14日 (六) 08:542024年12月14日 (六) 08:54版本的缩略图688 × 520​(400 KB)Xolaniremoved non-european countries.
2024年10月14日 (一) 21:442024年10月14日 (一) 21:44版本的缩略图688 × 520​(400 KB)Xolanichanged colors for accessibility and standardization reasons (see my page for more info). circled microstates for accessibility reasons.
2022年9月6日 (二) 05:502022年9月6日 (二) 05:50版本的缩略图688 × 520​(399 KB)Рагин1987Correction
2022年9月6日 (二) 05:472022年9月6日 (二) 05:47版本的缩略图680 × 520​(557 KB)Рагин1987Added countries
2022年5月30日 (一) 11:522022年5月30日 (一) 11:52版本的缩略图688 × 520​(399 KB)GuerilleroReverted to version as of 18:07, 21 June 2021 (UTC) new versions are blank
2022年5月29日 (日) 11:002022年5月29日 (日) 11:00版本的缩略图3,200 × 2,419​(17 KB)Kieran1398Reverted to version as of 10:30, 29 May 2022 (UTC)
2022年5月29日 (日) 11:002022年5月29日 (日) 11:00版本的缩略图860 × 650​(11 KB)Kieran1398added the Isle of Wight and put holy island on the map
2022年5月29日 (日) 10:552022年5月29日 (日) 10:55版本的缩略图688 × 520​(399 KB)Kieran1398Reverted to version as of 18:07, 21 June 2021 (UTC) i forgot to scale down the svg
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