
File:Distribution of Morelia amtehistina-complex.jpg


原始文件 (1,332 × 1,039像素,文件大小:1.12 MB,MIME类型:image/jpeg


English: Natural Distribution of GREEN: Morelia kinghorni; RED: Morelia amethistina from New Ireland; DARK-ORANGE: northern form of Morelia amethistina; YELLOW: southern form of Morelia amethistina; BRIGHT-ORANGE: area of sympathry of the norhern and southern form of Morelia amethistina; BLUE: Morelia tracyae; PURPLE: Morelia clastolepis; BLACK Morelia nauta. Based on the description of:
  • M. B. Harvey, D. G. Barker, L. K. Ammerman, P. T. Chippindale: Systematics of Pythons of the Morelia amethistina Complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the Description of three new Species. Herpetological Monographs 14, 2000, p. 139-185.
  • J. Augusteyn: Southerly range extension for the amethystine python Morelia kinghorni (Squamata:Boidae) in Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 49, Heft 2, 2004, p. 602; http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/organisation/e_prints/mqm_49_2/49_2_Augusteyn-note3.pdf
  • S. L. Fearn, D. Trembath: Southern distribution limits and a traslocated population of scrub python Morelia kinghorni (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in tropical Queensland. Herpetofauna 36, Heft 2, 2006, p. 85-87.

In consideration of mountain ranges.

This is a derivate work of a blank map originating from www.demis.nl

This image is in the public domain because it came from the site http://www.demis.nl/home/pages/Gallery/examples.htm and was released by the copyright holder. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this map since it is based on free of copyright images from: www.demis.nl. See also approval email on de.wp and its clarification.
Deutsch: Natürliches Verbreitungsgebiet von GRÜN: Morelia kinghorni; ROT & HELL-ORANGE & DUNKEL-ORANGE & GELB: Morelia amethistina; BLAU: Morelia tracyae; VIOLETT: Morelia clastolepis; SCHWARZ Morelia nauta, basierend auf der Beschreibung von:
  • M. B. Harvey, D. G. Barker, L. K. Ammerman, P. T. Chippindale: Systematics of Pythons of the Morelia amethistina Complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the Description of three new Species. Herpetological Monographs 14, 2000, S. 139-185.
  • J. Augusteyn: Southerly range extension for the amethystine python Morelia kinghorni (Squamata:Boidae) in Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 49, Heft 2, 2004, p. 602; http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/organisation/e_prints/mqm_49_2/49_2_Augusteyn-note3.p

unter Berücksichtigung von markanten Bergketten.

  • S. L. Fearn, D. Trembath: Southern distribution limits and a traslocated population of scrub python Morelia kinghorni (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in tropical Queensland. Herpetofauna 36, Heft 2, 2006, S. 85-87.

Die ursprüngliche Karte stammt von www.demis.nl

This image is in the public domain because it came from the site http://www.demis.nl/home/pages/Gallery/examples.htm and was released by the copyright holder. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this map since it is based on free of copyright images from: www.demis.nl. See also approval email on de.wp and its clarification.
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作者 Tigerpython


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