On the east side of the Woodbury-Glassboro Road, Deptford Township
The west section of this old brick home is the oldest, having been built in the late 18th century. The east section has a stone insert, dated "1804. Because of Benjamin Clark's patriotic activities during the Revolutionary War, his home was raided several times by the British.
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: Georgian, Federal
Historic Person: Clark,Benjamin
Significant Year: 1801, 1940, 1769
Area of Significance: Architecture, Military
Period of Significance: 1750-1799, 1800-1824
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Single Dwelling
Current Function: Domestic
Current Sub-function: Single Dwelling
{{Information |Description={{en|1= The Benjamin Clark House On the east side of the Woodbury-Glassboro Road, Deptford Township The west section of this old brick home is the oldest, having been built in the late 18th century. The east section has a ston