These files claimed they were free to upload to Commons under {{GWOIA}} of Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, but the ministry is one of the few government agency in Taiwan that does not have a GWOIA (Government Website Open Information Announcement). The supposed GWOIA that was linked is not a GWOIA, but it specifically states that copyrighted content on their website are for fair use only (in section 3 and 4).
{{subst:delete2|image=Files found with "Ministry of Culture (中華民國文化部)"|reason=These files claimed they were free to upload to Commons under {{GWOIA}} of Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, but the ministry is one of the few government agency in Taiwan that does not have a GWOIA (Government Website Open Information Announcement). The supposed GWOIA that was linked is not a GWOIA, but it specifically states that copyrighted content on their website are for fair use only (in section 3 and 4).}} ~~~~
2 前往删除请求日志 并将以下代码放置在页底: {{subst:delete3|pg=Files found with "Ministry of Culture (中華民國文化部)"}}
3 在用户讨论页放置以下代码,以通知文件的上传者或页面创建者: {{subst:idw|File:陳育虹肖像.jpg|Files found with "Ministry of Culture (中華民國文化部)"}} ~~~~