蜻蛉目![]() 化石时期:[1]
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Tau emerald (Hemicordulia tau) dragonfly | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
亚纲: | 有翅亚纲 Pterygota |
类: | 古翅下纲 Palaeoptera |
总目: | 蜻蛉总目 Odonatoptera |
(未分级): | 全蜻蛉类 Holodonata |
目: | 蜻蛉目 Odonata Fabricius, 1793[2] |
亚目[3] | |
[编辑]- 蜻蜓身体较为扁平粗壮,两侧的复眼距离较近,甚至连接;停栖时其翅膀平展至两侧。成语“蜻蜓点水”就是描述它的产卵动作,卵在水里孵化成稚虫(水虿),稚虫没有尾鳃,以直肠腮呼吸。
- 豆娘身体较为纤细,头部似哑铃状,两侧为明显的复眼,停栖时多数种类会将上下翅叠合在一起。稚虫(水虿)尾部有3个叶片状的尾丝即是尾鳃。
[编辑]上尾亚目 Epiprocta
[编辑]昔蟌下目 Epiophlebioptera(=间翅亚目 Anisozygoptera)
[编辑]差翅下目 Anisoptera
[编辑]- 晏蜓总科(蜓总科) Aeshnoidea
- 古蜓总科 Petaluroidea
- 古蜓科 Petaluridae
- 春蜓总科 Gomphoidea
- 春蜓科(箭蜓科)Gomphidae
- 勾蜓总科 Cordulegastroidea
- 蜻蜓总科 Libelluloidea
均翅亚目 Zygoptera
[编辑]- 丝蟌总科 Lestoidea
- 短脉蟌总科 Platystictoidea
- 短脉蟌科(扁蟌科) Platystictidae
- 珈蟌总科 Calopterygoidea
- 丽蟌科 Amphipterygidae
- 珈蟌科(河蟌科、色蟌科)Calopterygidae
- 鼓蟌科(鼻蟌科)Chlorocyphidae
- Dicteriadidae
- 幽蟌科 Euphaeidae
- 拟丝蟌科 Lestoideidae
- 蹒蟌科 Megapodagrionidae
- Philogangidae
- 美蟌科 Polythoridae
- Pseudolestidae
- 细蟌总科 Coenagrionoidea
- Isostictidae
- 琵蟌科 Platycnemididae
- 细蟌科 Coenagrionidae
- 科的地位未定的属:
- Ablepsites Gistl, 1848
- Accaphila Kirby, 1909
- Acrophlebia Cowley, 1942
- Acrotropia Schummel, 1828
- Adelophebia Pritykina, 1980
- Aeschnopsis Cowley, 1942
- Africalestes Kennedy, 1920
- Agrion Leach, 1815
- Anaciagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Anapetes Burmeister, 1839
- Andrephlebia Bechly, 2019
- Anomalura Kennedy, 1920
- Anomothemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Anticordulia Needham & Bullock, 1943
- Antitaxineura Tillyard, 1935
- Apeleutherus Kirby, 1900
- Archaeallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Archiclops Karsch, 1891
- Archithemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Aurorachlorus Carle, 1995
- Austrolestidion Tillyard, 1916
- Austrolibellula Petrulevicius & Nel, 2003
- Austroprotolindenia Beattie & Nel, 2012
- Azuma Needham, 1904
- Balticoagrion Bechly, 2012
- Bechlya Jarzembowski & Nel, 2002
- Brachybasis Kirby, 1890
- Brunellopteron Béthoux, Deregnaucourt & Norrad, 2021
- Burmastenophlebia Huang et al., 2018
- Cacergates Kirby, 1889
- Caenoneura Kirby, 1890
- Caleimokaltania Zalesskii, 1955
- Calesynthemis Carle, 1995
- Calopteryx de Charpentier, 1839
- Camptotaxineura Tillyard, 1937
- Carpentertypus Zessin, 1983
- Celaenura Kennedy, 1917
- Ceratopyga Nunney, 1895
- Cercus Hong, 1982
- Cerdanyagrion Nel, Arillo & Martinez-Delclos, 1996
- Ceylanicolestes Fraser, 1924
- Chalcargia Kennedy, 1920
- Chloroneura Laidlaw, 1917
- Chromatoptera Schummel, 1828
- Cladophlebia Pritykina, 1981
- Clydonophlebia Cowley, 1942
- Cnemophila Wallengren, 1894
- Coenargiocnemis Fraser, 1949
- Condalia Whalley & Jarzembowski, 1985
- Cornacantha Martin, 1908
- Cratostenophlebia Bechly, 2007
- Cretahemiphlebia Jarzembowski, Martinez-Delclos, Bechly, Nel, Coram & Escuillie, 1998
- Cretalestes Jarzembowski, Martinez-Delclos, Bechly, Nel, Coram & Escuillie, 1998
- Cretaneophyla Jarzembowski & Nel, 1996
- Cretapodagrion Huang et al., 2017
- Cretarchistigma Jarzembowski, Martinez-Delclos, Bechly, Nel, Coram & Escuillie, 1998
- Cyanargia Kennedy, 1920
- Cymatophlebiella Pritykina, 1968
- Cymatophlebiopsis Cowley, 1942
- Cynaothemis Ris, 1915
- Cyptolestes Williamson, 1921
- Daemhippus Navás, 1927
- Diargia Calvert, 1909
- Dinosamarura Pritykina, 1985
- Diplacodina Förster, 1905
- Disparonevra Selys, 1860
- Dissurus Hong, 1982
- Ditaxineurella Martynov, 1940
- Dolaeschna Needham, 1907
- Doropteron Zalessky, 1946
- Echinopterogomphus Fraser, 1926
- Eocalopteryx Cockerell, 1920
- Eodichroma Cockerell, 1923
- Eodysphaea Bechly, Romain, Aase, Karr, Grance & Nel, 2020
- Eolestes Schmidt, 1943
- Eolibellula Kennedy, 1922
- Eorogomphus Carle, 1995
- Eotania Carle & Kjer, 2002
- Eothaumatoneura Pongrácz, 1935
- Epacantha Martynov, 1929
- Epallagites Cockerell, 1924
- Epilestes Martynov, 1937
- Erasipteroides Brauckmann & Zessin, 1989
- Erasipteron Pruvost, 1933
- Erythragrion Selys, 1876
- Esaulestes Fraser, 1957
- Estemoa Giebel, 1856
- Euarchistigma Carle & Wighton, 1990
- Euchlorolestes Kennedy, 1920
- Eugomphus Kennedy, 1947
- Eurothemis Kennedy, 1922
- Gallostenophlebia Nel et al., 2015
- Gallostenophlebia incompleta Nel et al., 2015
- Gasophlebia Linnaeus, 1982
- Geisfeldiella Kuhn, 1951
- Goniostigma Kennedy, 1920
- Hageniella Meunier, 1898
- Haplostigma Kennedy, 1920
- Hawaiiagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Hebeiaeschnidia Hong, 1982
- Heliargia Kennedy, 1920
- Helothemis Karsch, 1890
- Hemerobioides Buckland, 1838
- Hemistigmoides Calvert, 1899
- Hemizygopteron Zalesskii, 1955
- Hesperaeschna Cockerell, 1913
- Hispanocoenagrion Nel, Arillo & Ortuno, 1997
- Hologomphus Bartenev, 1914
- Holotania Kirby, 1889
- Homothetus Scudder, 1867
- Huabeia Hong, 1983
- Hyponevra Selys, 1854
- Hypostrophoneura Munz, 1919
- Idionevra Selys, 1860
- Indogomphus Fraser, 1922
- Indomacromia Fraser, 1924
- Indorogomphus Carle, 1995
- Ischnallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Ischnogomphus Williamson, 1918
- Ischnuragrion Longfield, 1947
- Ischuridia Donnelly, 1965
- Italolestes Nel, Petrulevicius, Gentilini & Martínez-Delclòs, 2005
- Italophlebia Whalley, 1987
- Ixtahua Feldmann, Vega, Applegate & Bishop, 1998
- Jacquesoudardia Prokop, Roques & Nel, 2014
- Josocora Kennedy, 1940
- Jujusia Petrulevicius & Nel, 2002
- Kazachophlebia Pritykina, 1968
- Kazakhophlebiella Nel, Bechly, Jarzembowski & Martinez-Delclos, 1998
- Kirbygomphus Karsch, 1896
- Kobdoneura Pritykina, 1985
- Koreatriassothemis Nel, Nam & Jouault, 2022
- Laragithemis Linnaeus, 1982
- Leptargia Kennedy, 1920
- Leucopteryx Fraser, 1933
- Liadothemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Liaostenophlebia Daran, Wang, Jarzembowski, Wang, Chang & Zhang, 2016
- Libanolestes Azar, Prokop & Nel, 2010
- Libella Selys, 1840
- Libellulites Charpentier, 1840
- Lithaeschna Cockerell, 1907
- Litheuphaea Fraser, 1955
- Lodevia Nel, Gand, Garric & Lapeyrie, 1999
- Longchampia Kirby, 1890
- Lutetialestes Greenwalt & Bechly, 2014
- Macrosoma de Haan, 1826
- Magnasupplephlebia Zessin, 1982
- Malamarptis Karsch, 1890
- Malayaeschna Förster, 1909
- Malayogomphus Förster, 1914
- Marmaraeschna Calvert, 1952
- Megalaeschna Selys, 1867
- Megasemum Maneval, 1936
- Megatypus Tillyard, 1925
- Mesostenophlebia Fleck, Bechly, Martinez-Delclos, Jarzembowski, Coram & Nel, 2003
- Micrargia Kennedy, 1920
- Microdiplax Selys, 1889
- Monocoloptera Karsch, 1900
- Morbaeschna Needham, 1907
- Myagrion Förster, 1914
- Nadiplax Navás, 1916
- Namurotypus Brauckmann & Zessin, 1989
- Negomphoides Muttkowski, 1910
- Neocysta Kirby, 1889
- Neoligaeschna Carpenter, 1985
- Neonevra Selys, 1860
- Neophlebia Selys, 1869
- Neorogomphus Carle, 1995
- Neotetrum Kennedy, 1922
- Neothemis Karsch, 1889
- Neritophlebia Pritykina, 1981
- Nesocnemis Selys, 1891
- Nesocria Kirby, 1889
- Neureclipa Navás, 1911
- Neurocena Kirby, 1900
- Neurothemls
- Nevrocordulia Selys, 1871
- Nevrolestes Selys, 1882
- Nonymophlebia Pritykina, 1981
- Nunneygomphus Karsch, 1896
- Nympheutria Karsch, 1894
- Oahuagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Oligoaeshna Piton & Theobald, 1939
- Oligoargiolestes Kennedy, 1925
- Oligotypus Carpenter, 1931
- Orogomphus Selys, 1878
- Orthaeschnites Haupt, 1956
- Oryctothemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Oxygomphus Lacroix, 1921
- Palaeobasis Kennedy, 1920
- Palaeophlebia Brauer, Redtenbacher & Ganglbauer, 1889
- Palaeothemis Martynov, 1932
- Palpoplevra Rambur, 1842
- Pamita May & Carle, 2005
- Pamita hannahdaltonae May & Carle, 2005[4]
- 副春蜓属 Paragomphus Handlirsch, 1939
- Paralestes Schmidt, 1951
- Parapetala Huang, Nel & Lin, 2003
- Parazygoptera Bechly, 1997
- Parelthothemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Passeria Martin, 1915
- Paurophlebia Pritykina, 1981
- Perissophlebia Tillyard, 1918
- Permagrion Tillyard, 1928
- Permothemis Martynov, 1934
- Petrothemis Handlirsch, 1906
- Pigiphila Buchecker, 1876
- Plagiophlebia Bode, 1953
- Podothemis Ris, 1909
- Potamothemis Kirby, 1889
- Preia Gistl, 1848
- Pritykiniella Nel, Bechly, Jarzembowski & Martinez-Delclos, 1998
- Procordulagomphus Nel & Escuille, 1995
- Progonophlebia Tillyard, 1925
- Projagoria Martynov, 1929
- Promegalestes Petrulevicius & Nel, 2004
- Propecymatophlebia Huang et al., 2017
- Prophaon Fraser, 1941
- Protagrion Brongniart, 1893
- Protonevra Selys, 1857
- Pseudoliupanshania Zheng, Zhang, Zhang & Nel, 2022
- Pseudomacromia Carle & Wighton, 1990
- Pseudorthemis Förster, 1899
- Pseudosamarura Linnaeus, 1976
- Pycnothemis Handlirsch, 1939
- Rabru Béthoux, De la Horra, Benito, Barrenechea, Galán & López-Gómez, 2009
- Reschiostenophlebia Bechly, 2019
- Rhabdothemis Handlirsch, 1939
- Risioneura Munz, 1919
- Rudiaeschna Ren & Guo, 1996
- Samarura Brauer, Redtenbacher & Ganglbauer, 1889
- Santanagrion Bechly, 2010
- Saxonagrion Nel, Gand, Fleck, Bethoux, Lapeyrie & Garric, 1999
- Schizonyx Karsch, 1890
- Schizothemis Sjöstedt, 1899
- Schlechtendaliola Handlirsch, 1919
- Scytolestes Martynov, 1937
- Secundaeschna Goetz, 1923
- Sinocymatophlebiella Li, Nel, Ren & Pang, 2011
- Sinophlebia Mi, Zhang & Sun, 1993
- Sogdothemis Martuinov, 1937
- Solutotherates Brauckmann & Zessin, 1989
- Stenophlebia Hagen, 1866
- Stephanotypus Zessin, 1983
- Sterope Heer, 1849
- Steropoides Kirby, 1890
- Syntetrum Kennedy, 1922
- Syrrhoe Bode, 1953
- Taeniogaster Selys, 1854
- Taolestes Needham, 1928
- Tarsophlebiopsis Tillyard, 1923
- Telleallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Telmaeshna Zhang, Ren & Pang, 2008
- Temnostigma Handlirsch, 1939
- Terskeja Pritykina, 1981
- Tetragonia Hagen, 1849
- Thanetophilosina Nel, Martinez-Delclos, Papier & Oudard, 1997
- Thecagaster Selys, 1854
- Thecaphora Charpentier, 1839
- Tillyardagrion Martynov, 1927
- Tillyardia Bolton, 1922
- Triaeschna Campion, 1916
- Triassophlebia Tillyard, 1922
- Tricholestes Fraser, 1951
- Truemania Bolton, 1934
- Urothemis Hagen, 1875
- Valerea Garrouste et al., 2016
- Vanderia Kirby, 1890
- Vestinus Kennedy, 1920
- Voltzialestes Nel, Papier, Grauvogel-Stamm & Gall, 1996
- Vulcagrion Nel & Paichele, 1994
- Whalleyala Brauckmann & Zessin, 1989
- Wolfgangeuphaea Nel, 2020
- Xanthostoma Selys, 1850
- Xenogomphus Needham, 1944
- Xerolestes Fraser, 1951
- Yixianstenophlebia Nel & Huang, 2015
[编辑]- ^ Hoell, H.V., Doyen, J.T. & Purcell, A.H. Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity, 2nd ed.. Oxford University Press. 1998: 320. ISBN 0-19-510033-6.
- ^ Fabricius, Johann Christian. Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta. Secundum, Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Hafniae : impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft. 1793: 519 [373] [2018-04-19]. doi:10.3931/e-rara-26792. (原始内容存档于2019-07-17) –通过e-rara.ch (拉丁语).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Bechly, Günter; Bybee, Seth M.; Dow, Rory A.; Dumont, Henri J.; Fleck, Günther; Garrison, Rosser W.; Hämäläinen, Matti; Kalkman, Vincent J. The classification and diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata). In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa. 2013-08-30, 3703 (1). ISSN 1175-5334. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3703.1.9 (英语).
- ^ Michael L. May & Frank Louis Carle (2005) Pamita hannahdaltonae gen. nov., sp. nov. from Baltic amber (Odonata: Amphipterygida), International Journal of Odonatology, 8:2, 213-221, DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2005.9748253
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