

初次使用日期1990 (Mirena—现仍在使用)
1976 (Progestasert—于2001停用)
失败比率 (置入后第一年)

激素宫内节育器hormonal intrauterine device)常见者为含孕激素子宫内系统(intrauterine system (IUS) with progestogen),商品名有 Mirena(蜜蕊娜、曼月乐)等,是一种可以释放激素(如属于孕激素左炔诺孕酮)的宫内节育器[1],其用途包括避孕、缓解月经过多、预防雌激素替代疗法可能产生的子宫内膜增生[1]





  • 未分配



  • 为最有效且可逆的避孕法之一[23]
  • 个体于母乳哺育期间可使用[24]
  • 无性行为前准备事项,[25]但建议用者和医师定期检查装置的线绳,以确保其位置正确[26]
  • 希望再度怀孕的用者在移除装置后的24个月内有90%能成功怀孕[27]
  • 可能经血变少(有些女性的月经甚至完全停止)[28]
  • 有效期长达3至8年(依含孕激素IUD种类而异)[4]


  • 装置后常发生经期不规则和在经期外出血,[28]情况通常会在3到6个月后改善[4]
  • 装置过程中可能会出现中度至严重疼痛,包括子宫痉挛和背痛
  • 其他潜在的不良反应和风险




含孕激素IUD是一种长效且可逆的避孕法英语Long-acting reversible contraceptives,被认为是最有效的避孕方式之一。此装置的第1年失败率为0.1-0.2%,5年失败率为0.7-0.9%[32][29][33]。此类失败率与输卵管结扎技术相当,但不同点是含孕激素IUD的做法为可逆。






含孕激素的避孕方法(例如IUD)被认为不会影响母乳供应或婴儿生长[38]。然而在Mirena申请DA核准的研究中发现使用此种含孕激素IUD的母亲有44%于75天后仍继续哺乳,低于使用铜质IUD的母亲 (79%于75天后仍继续哺乳)[39]:37






进行子宫扩张与刮除术英语dilation and evacuation(D&E)人工流产(中期妊娠终止)后的个体可装置IUD,但可能会增加装置从子宫脱落比率[48]。为降低感染风险,不建议在以下情况下进行IUD置入: 1. 接受药物流产后,尚未进行超声波检查以确认流产已完全。 2. 接受药物流产后,尚未出现第一次月经[45]

完整的禁忌症清单可在世界卫生组织避孕药物使用医学适应症标准(Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use)和CDC美国避孕药物使用医学适应症标准(United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use)中取得[24][49]





根据国际癌症研究机构 (IARC) 于1999年对仅含孕激素避孕法进行的评估,有一些证据显示此避孕法可降低子宫内膜癌的风险。IARC于1999年的研究结论,表示没证据表明仅含孕激素的避孕法会增加任何癌症的风险,但所做研究的规模太小,无法取得确定结论[66]





在骨盆放射摄影中可见到Mirena IUD。





1. 将MirenaIUD置入阴道超声波扫描示意图。
2. 置入含孕激素IUD
3. 移除含孕激素IUD






铜质IUD在1960年代和1970年代开发上市,而含孕激素IUD于1970年代开发成功[74]。于芝加哥迈克尔·里斯医院英语Michael Reese Hospital服务的安东尼奥·斯科门加医生(Dr. Antonio Scommenga)发现,在子宫内施用孕酮具有避孕功效[74]。芬兰医生约尼·瓦尔特·塔帕尼·卢卡伊宁瑞典语Tapani Luukkainen根据安东尼奥·斯科门加医生的发现而制造可释放孕酮的T形IUD,于1976年以Progestasert System商品名称上市。第一代子宫内避孕器使用寿命很短,只有1年,市场表现不佳。卢卡伊宁医生后来改用左炔诺孕酮,研发出可持续使用5年的Mirena,大幅提升避孕器的效用[75]





Mirena的制造商拜耳公司因夸大产品功效、淡化使用风险以及对该装置进行"虚假或误导性陈述"而收到美国食品药物管理局警告信英语FDA warning letter[78][79]。美国联邦机构在2000年到2013年期间收到超过70,072份关于该装置和相关不良反应的投诉[80][81]。截至2014年4月,美国已有超过1,200件对此装置兴起的法律诉讼[79][82][83][84]


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  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Hormonal IUDs. www.plannedparenthood.org. [2019-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-24) (英语). 
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  19. ^ Faundes A, Alvarez F, Brache V, Tejada AS. The role of the levonorgestrel intrauterine device in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during fertility regulation. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. June 1988, 26 (3): 429–433. PMID 2900174. S2CID 34592937. doi:10.1016/0020-7292(88)90341-4. 
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  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Hidalgo M, Bahamondes L, Perrotti M, Diaz J, Dantas-Monteiro C, Petta C. Bleeding patterns and clinical performance of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) up to two years. Contraception. February 2002, 65 (2): 129–132. PMID 11927115. doi:10.1016/s0010-7824(01)00302-x. 
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  32. ^ Westhoff CL, Keder LM, Gangestad A, Teal SB, Olariu AI, Creinin MD. Six-year contraceptive efficacy and continued safety of a levonorgestrel 52 mg intrauterine system. Contraception. March 2020, 101 (3): 159–161 [2 January 2020]. PMID 31786203. S2CID 208535090. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2019.10.010. (原始内容存档于2020-06-10). 
  33. ^ Jensen JT, Creinin MD, Speroff L (编). Speroff & Darney's clinical guide for contraception Sixth. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. 2019: 15. ISBN 978-1-9751-0728-4. OCLC 1121081247. 
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  50. ^ Hidalgo M, Bahamondes L, Perrotti M, Diaz J, Dantas-Monteiro C, Petta C. Bleeding patterns and clinical performance of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) up to two years. Contraception. February 2002, 65 (2): 129–132. PMID 11927115. doi:10.1016/S0010-7824(01)00302-X. 
  51. ^ McCarthy L. Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System (Mirena) for Contraception. Am Fam Physician. May 2006, 73 (10): 1799– [4 May 2007]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-26). 
  52. ^ Rönnerdag M, Odlind V. Health effects of long-term use of the intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing system. A follow-up study over 12 years of continuous use. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. September 1999, 78 (8): 716–721. PMID 10468065. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0412.1999.780810.x可免费查阅. 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.6 Dean G, Schwarz EB. Intrauterine contraceptives (IUCs). Hatcher RA, Trussell J, Nelson AL, Cates Jr W, Kowal D, Policar MS (编). Contraceptive technology 20th revised. New York: Ardent Media. 2011: 147–191. ISBN 978-1-59708-004-0. ISSN 0091-9721. OCLC 781956734.  p.150:

    Mechanism of action
    Although the precise mechanism of action is not known, currently available IUCs work primarily by preventing sperm from fertilizing ova.26 IUCs are not abortifacients: they do not interrupt an implanted pregnancy.27 Pregnancy is prevented by a combination of the "foreign body effect" of the plastic or metal frame and the specific action of the medication (copper or levonorgestrel) that is released. Exposure to a foreign body causes a sterile inflammatory reaction in the intrauterine environment that is toxic to sperm and ova and impairs implantation.28,29 The production of cytotoxic peptides and activation of enzymes lead to inhibition of sperm motility, reduced sperm capacite journal and survival, and increased phagocytosis of sperm.30,31… The progestin in the LNg IUC enhances the contraceptive action of the device by thickening cervical mucus, suppressing the endometrium, and impairing sperm function. In addition, ovulation is often impaired as a result of systemic absorption of levonorgestrel.23
    p. 162:
    Table 7-1. Myths and misconceptions about IUCs
    Myth: IUCs are abortifacients. Fact: IUCs prevent fertilization and are true contraceptives.

  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 IUDs—An Update. Population Reports (Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health). December 1995, XXII (5). 
  55. ^ IUDs—An Update: Chapter 2.7: Expulsion. Population Reports (Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health). December 1995, XXII (5). (原始内容存档于2006-09-05). 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 IUDs—An Update: Chapter 3.3: Postpartum Insertion. Population Reports (Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health). December 1995, XXII (5). (原始内容存档于2006-04-29). 
  57. ^ IUDs—An Update: Chapter 3.4: Postabortion Insertion. Population Reports (Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health). December 1995, XXII (5). (原始内容存档于2006-08-11). 
  58. ^ WHO Scientific Group on the Mechanism of Action Safety and Efficacy of Intrauterine Devices, World Health Organization. Mechanism of action, safety and efficacy of intrauterine devices. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1987. ISBN 92-4-120753-1. hdl:10665/38182可免费查阅. World Health Organization technical report series; no. 753. 
  59. ^ Grimes DA. Intrauterine device and upper-genital-tract infection. Lancet. September 2000, 356 (9234): 1013–1019. PMID 11041414. S2CID 7760222. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(00)02699-4. 
  60. ^ Teal SB, Turok DK, Chen BA, Kimble T, Olariu AI, Creinin MD. Five-Year Contraceptive Efficacy and Safety of a Levonorgestrel 52-mg Intrauterine System. Obstetrics and Gynecology. January 2019, 133 (1): 63–70. PMC 6319579可免费查阅. PMID 30531565. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000003034. 
  61. ^ Bahamondes L, Hidalgo M, Petta CA, Diaz J, Espejo-Arce X, Monteiro-Dantas C. Enlarged ovarian follicles in users of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and contraceptive implant. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine. August 2003, 48 (8): 637–640. PMID 12971147. 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.4 62.5 Mirena. Bayer UK. 11 June 2013 [2015-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-18). 
  63. ^ Donders GG, Bellen G, Ruban K, Van Bulck B. Short- and long-term influence of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena®) on vaginal microbiota and Candida. Journal of Medical Microbiology. March 2018, 67 (3): 308–313. PMID 29458551. doi:10.1099/jmm.0.000657可免费查阅. 
  64. ^ Nijhuis JG, Schijf CP, Eskes TK. [The lost IUD: don't look too far for it]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. July 1985, 129 (30): 1409–1410. PMID 3900746. 
  65. ^ Kaplan NR. Letter: Lost IUD. Obstetrics and Gynecology. April 1976, 47 (4): 508–509. PMID 1256735. 
  66. ^ Hormonal Contraceptives, Progestogens Only. International Programme on Chemical Safety. 1999 [2006-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2006-09-28). 
  67. ^ Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit. FFPRHC Guidance (April 2004). The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) in contraception and reproductive health. The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. April 2004, 30 (2): 99–108; quiz 109. PMID 15086994. S2CID 31281104. doi:10.1783/147118904322995474可免费查阅. 
  68. ^ Wong AY, Tang LC, Chin RK. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) and Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depoprovera) as long-term maintenance therapy for patients with moderate and severe endometriosis: a randomised controlled trial. The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. June 2010, 50 (3): 273–279. PMID 20618247. S2CID 22050651. doi:10.1111/j.1479-828X.2010.01152.x. 
  69. ^ Bahamondes MV, Monteiro I, Castro S, Espejo-Arce X, Bahamondes L. Prospective study of the forearm bone mineral density of long-term users of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Human Reproduction. May 2010, 25 (5): 1158–1164. PMID 20185512. doi:10.1093/humrep/deq043可免费查阅. 
  70. ^ Ortiz ME, Croxatto HB. Copper-T intrauterine device and levonorgestrel intrauterine system: biological bases of their mechanism of action. Contraception. June 2007, 75 (6 Suppl): S16–S30. PMID 17531610. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2007.01.020.  p. S28:

    。Active substances released from the IUD or IUS, together with products derived from the inflammatory reaction present in the luminal fluids of the genital tract, are toxic for spermatozoa and oocytes, preventing the encounter of healthy gametes and the formation of viable embryos. The current data do not indicate that embryos are formed in IUD users at a rate comparable to that of nonusers. The common belief that the usual mechanism of action of IUDs in women is destruction of embryos in the uterus is not supported by empirical evidence. The bulk of the data indicate that interference with the reproductive process after fertilization has taken place is exceptional in the presence of a T-Cu or LNG-IUD and that the usual mechanism by which they prevent pregnancy in women is by preventing fertilization.

  71. ^ ESHRE Capri Workshop Group. Intrauterine devices and intrauterine systems. Human Reproduction Update. May–June 2008, 14 (3): 197–208. PMID 18400840. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmn003可免费查阅.  温哥华格式错误 (帮助) p. 199:

    Mechanisms of action
    Thus, both clinical and experimental evidence suggests that IUDs can prevent and disrupt implantation. It is unlikely, however, that this is the main IUD mode of action, … The best evidence indicates that in IUD users it is unusual for embryos to reach the uterus.
    In conclusion, IUDs may exert their contraceptive action at different levels. Potentially, they interfere with sperm function and transport within the uterus and tubes. It is difficult to determine whether fertilization of the oocyte is impaired by these compromised sperm. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that IUDs can prevent and disrupt implantation. The extent to which this interference contributes to its contraceptive action is unknown. The data are scanty and the political consequences of resolving this issue interfere with comprehensive research.
    p. 205:
    IUDs that release copper or levonorgestrel are extremely effective contraceptives... Both copper IUDs and levonorgestrel releasing IUSs may interfere with implantation, although this may not be the primary mechanism of action. The devices also create barriers to sperm transport and fertilization, and sensitive assays detect hCG in less than 1% of cycles, indicating that significant prevention must occur before the stage of implantation.

  72. ^ Speroff L, Darney PD. Intrauterine contraception. A clinical guide for contraception 5th. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011: 239–280. ISBN 978-1-60831-610-6.  pp. 246–247:

    Mechanism of action
    The contraceptive action of all IUDs is mainly in the intrauterine cavity. Ovulation is not affected, and the IUD is not an abortifacient.58–60 It is currently believed that the mechanism of action for IUDs is the production of an intrauterine environment that is spermicidal.
    Nonmedicated IUDs depend for contraception on the general reaction of the uterus to a foreign body. It is believed that this reaction, a sterile inflammatory response, produces tissue injury of a minor degree but sufficient to be spermicidal. Very few, if any, sperm reach the ovum in the fallopian tube.
    The progestin-releasing IUD adds the endometrial action of the progestin to the foreign body reaction. The endometrium becomes decidualized with atrophy of the glands.65 The progestin IUD probably has two mechanisms of action: inhibition of implantation and inhibition of sperm capacite journal, penetration, and survival.

  73. ^ Jensen JT, Mishell Jr DR. Family planning: contraception, sterilization, and pregnancy termination.. Lentz GM, Lobo RA, Gershenson DM, Katz VL (编). Comprehensive gynecology. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier. 2012: 215–272. ISBN 978-0-323-06986-1.  p. 259:

    Intrauterine devices
    Mechanisms of action
    The common belief that the usual mechanism of action of IUDs in women is destruction of embryos in the uterus is not supported by empirical evidence... Because concern over mechanism of action represents a barrier to acceptance of this important and highly effective method for some women and some clinicians, it is important to point out that there is no evidence to suggest that the mechanism of action of IUDs is abortifacient.
    The LNG-IUS, like the copper device, has a very low ectopic pregnancy rate. Therefore, fertilization does not occur and its main mechanism of action is also preconceptual. Less inflammation occurs within the uterus of LNG-IUS users, but the potent progestin effect thickens cervical mucus to impede sperm penetration and access to the upper genital track.

  74. ^ 74.0 74.1 Thiery M. Pioneers of the intrauterine device. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. March 1997, 2 (1): 15–23. PMID 9678105. doi:10.1080/13625189709049930. 
  75. ^ Thiery M. Intrauterine contraception: from silver ring to intrauterine contraceptive implant. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology. June 2000, 90 (2): 145–152. PMID 10825633. doi:10.1016/s0301-2115(00)00262-1. 
  76. ^ FDA drug approval for Skyla. (原始内容存档于2014-08-13). 
  77. ^ Laitinen K. Bayer. businessfinland.fi. [2021-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-21) (美国英语). 
  78. ^ 2009 Warning Letters and Untitled Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. [2015-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-18). 
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 Bekiempis V. The Courtroom Controversy Behind Popular Contraceptive Mirena. Newsweek. 2014-04-24 [2015-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-18). 
  80. ^ Budusun S. Thousands of women complain about dangerous complications from Mirena IUD birth control. ABC Cleveland. [2015-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-18). 
  81. ^ Colla C. Mirena birth control may be causing complications in women. ABC 15 Arizona. 2013-05-21 [2015-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-18). 
  82. ^ Bekiempis V. The Courtroom Controversy Behind Popular Contraceptive Mirena. Newsweek. 2014-04-24 [2016-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-15). 
  83. ^ Popular contraceptive device Mirena target of lawsuits in Canada, U.S. CTV. 2014-05-21 [2016-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-26). 
  84. ^ Blackstone H. When IUDs Go Terribly Wrong. Vice. 2016-05-31 [2016-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-17). 
