
谷蛾科![]() | |
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成年 European grain moth (Nemapogon granella: Nemapogoninae),来自澳大利亚Graz | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
目: | 鳞翅目 Lepidoptera |
亚目: | 有喙亚目 Glossata |
演化支: | 腔鳞类 Coelolepida |
演化支: | 肌旋喙类 Myoglossata |
演化支: | 新鳞翅类 Neolepidoptera |
下目: | 异脉下目 Heteroneura |
演化支: | 真鳞翅类 Eulepidoptera |
演化支: | 真异脉类 Euheteroneura |
演化支: | 双孔类 Ditrysia |
派: | 蕈蛾派 Tineina |
总科: | 蕈蛾总科 Tineoidea |
系: | 蕈蛾系 Tineiformes |
科: | 谷蛾科 Tineidae Latreille, 1810 |
模式属 | |
蕈蛾属 Tinea[1] | |
亚科及属 | |
多样性[2] | |
约有357个属共2,393种 | |
异名 | |
Oinophilidae |
- 异谷蛾亚科 Dryadaulinae[5]
- 卷谷蛾亚科 Erechthiinae[5]
- 栉谷蛾亚科 Euplocaminae[5]
- 簇谷蛾亚科 Hapsiferinae[5]
- 聪谷蛾亚科 Harmacloninae[5]
- 辉谷蛾亚科 Hieroxestinae[5]
- Meessiinae
- Myrmecozelinae
- 丝谷蛾亚科 Nemapogoninae[5]
- 奇谷蛾亚科 Perissomasticinae[5]
- 萌谷蛾亚科 Scardiinae[5]
- Setomorphinae
- Siloscinae
- Stathmopolitinae
- Teichobiinae
- 谷蛾亚科 Tineinae
- Acanthocheira Gozmány, 1968
- Acridotarsa Meyrick, 1893
- Acritotilpha Zerny, 1935
- Acrolophus Poey, 1832
- Aeria Gistl, 1848
- Afghanotinea
- Afrocelestis Gozmány, 1965
- Afroscardia Robinson, 1986
- Agnathosia Amsel, 1954
- 巨簇谷蛾属 Agorarcha Meyrick, 1925[5]
- Agoraula Meyrick, 1919
- Amadria
- Amathyntis Meyrick, 1907
- Amorophaga Zagulyaev, 1966
- Amphixystis Meyrick, 1901
- Amydria Clemens, 1859
- Analytarcha Meyrick, 1921
- Anastathma Meyrick, 1886
- Ancystrocheira Gozmány, 1969
- Anemallota Zagulyaev, 1965
- Anomalotinea Spuler, 1910
- Antigambra Meyrick, 1927
- Antipolistes Forbes, 1933
- Antitinea Amsell, 1955
- Aphimallota Zaguljaev, 1983
- Apreta Dietz, 1905
- Archemitra Meyrick, 1920
- 弧谷蛾属 Archinemapogon Zagulajev, 1962[5]
- Architinea Rebel, 1934
- Archyala Meyrick, 1889
- Argyrocorys Meyrick, 1938
- Astrogenes Meyrick, 1921
- Asymphyla Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Asymplecta Meyrick, 1921
- Ateliotum Zeller, 1839
- Augolychna Meyrick, 1922
- Autochthonus Walsingham, 1891
- Axiagasta Meyrick, 1930
- Axiagasta Turner, 1930
- Barymochtha Meyrick, 1922
- Basanasca Meyrick, 1922
- Bascantis Meyrick, 1914
- Bathroxena Meyrick, 1919
- Betroka Petersen, 1988
- Biastolemma Clarke, 1971
- Brachydoxa Meyrick, 1917
- Briaraula Meyrick, 1922
- Brithyceros Meyrick, 1932
- Bythocrates Meyrick, 1919
- Callicerastis Meyrick, 1916
- Callocosmeta Gozmány, 1969
- Catalectis Meyrick, 1920
- Catapsilothrix Rebel, 1909
- Cataxipha Gozmány, 1965
- Catazetema Gozmány, 1976
- 蜂宇谷蛾属 Cephimallota Bruand, 1851
- 褐宇谷蛾属 Cephitinea Zagulajev, 1964
- Ceratobia Zagulajev, 1974
- Ceratophaga Petersen, 1957
- Ceratuncus Petersen, 1957
- Cervaria Walker, 1866
- Chionoreas Meyrick, 1926
- Choropleca Durrant, 1914
- Chrysocrata Gozmány, 1969
- Cimitra Walker, 1864
- Cinnerethica Amsel, 1935
- Clepticodes Meyrick, 1927
- Clinograptis Meyrick, 1932
- Cnismorectis Meyrick, 1936
- Colobocrossa Meyrick, 1924
- Colpocrita Meyrick, 1930
- Comodica Meyrick, 1880
- Compsocrita Meyrick, 1922
- Coniastis Meyrick, 1916
- Contralissa Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Coryptilum Zeller, 1839
- Cosmeombra
- Cranaodes Meyrick, 1919
- Craniosara Robinson & Nielsen, 1993
- Criticonoma Meyrick, 1910
- Cryphiotechna Meyrick, 1932
- 隐斑谷蛾属 Crypsithyris Meyrick, 1907
- Crypsithyrodes Zimmerman, 1978
- Crypsitricha Meyrick, 1915
- Cubitofusa Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Cubotinea Capuse & Georgesco, 1977
- Cyane Chambers, 1873
- Cycloponympha Meyrick, 1913
- Cynomastix Meyrick, 1930
- Dacrypohanes
- Dasmophora Meyrick, 1919
- Dasyses Durrant, 1903
- Daviscardia Robinson, 1986
- Diachorisia Clemens, 1860
- Diataga Walsingham, 1914
- Dicanica Meyrick, 1913
- 殊宇谷蛾属 Dinica Gozmány, 1965
- Dinochora Meyrick, 1924
- Doleromorpha Braun, 1930
- Dolerothera Meyrick, 1918
- Dorata Busck, 1904
- Drastea Walsingham, 1914
- Drimylastis Meyrick, 1907
- Drosica Walker, 1863
- 异谷蛾属 Dryadaula Meyrick, 1893[5]
- Dyotopasta Busck, 1907
- Dysmasiites Kuznetzov, 1941
- Eccritothrix Bradley & Hinton, 1956
- Echyrota Meyrick, 1916
- Ecpeptamena Gozmány, 1968
- Ectabola Gozmány, 1966
- Ectropoceros Diakonoff, 1955
- 褐谷蛾属 Edosa Walker, 1866[5]
- Elatobia Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
- Electromeessia Kozlov, 1987
- Ellochotis Meyrick, 1920
- Emblematodes Meyrick, 1914
- Enargocrasis Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Endeixis Gozmány, 1976
- Endophthora Meyrick, 1888
- Endromarmata Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Epactris Meyrick, 1905
- Ephedroxena Meyrick, 1919
- Epichaeta Dietz, 1905
- Episyrta Meyrick, 1929
- 卷谷蛾属 Erechthias Meyrick, 1880[5]
- Eremicola Amsel, 1935
- Eretmobela Turner, 1918
- Eriozancla Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Erysimaga Meyrick, 1938
- Eschatotypa Meyrick, 1880
- Euagophleps Viette, 1952
- Eucrotala Meyrick, 1917
- Eudarcia Clemens, 1860
- Eugennaea Meyrick, 1915
- 栉谷蛾属 Euplocamus Latreille, 1809[5]
- Euprora Busck, 1906
- Exaxa Diakonoff, 1967
- Exoncotis Meyrick, 1919
- Exonomasis Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Exoplisis Gozmány, 1976
- Falsivalva Davis & Davis, 2009
- Felderia Walsingham, 1887
- Forcepsites Fischer & Hörnig, 2019
- Gaedikeia Sutter, 1998
- Galachrysis Gozmány, 1968
- Gentingia Robinson, 1986
- 太宇谷蛾属 Gerontha Walker, 1864
- Glaucostolella Fletcher T.B., 1940
- Glessoscardia Kuznetzov, 1941
- Gnathospinosa Liao & Huang, 2019
- Gourbia Chrétien, 1900
- Graphicoptila Meyrick, 1931
- Graphidivalva Gozmány, 1965
- Habrophila Meyrick, 1889
- Hapalothyma Meyrick, 1919
- Haplotinea Diakonoff & Hinton, 1956
- Hapsifera Zeller, 1847
- Hapsiferoides Amsel, 1935
- Hapsiferona Gozmány, 1967
- Harmaclona Busck, 1914
- Harmotona Meyrick, 1919
- Hecatompeda Meyrick, 1929
- Heterostasis Gozmány, 1965
- Hilaroptera Gozmány, 1969
- Hippiochaetes Meyrick, 1880
- Histiovalva Gozmány, 1965
- Homalopsycha Meyrick, 1920
- Homodoxus Walsingham, 1914
- Homosetia Clemens, 1863
- Homostinea Dietz, 1905
- Hoplocentra Gozmány, 1968
- Hormantris Meyrick, 1927
- Hyalaula Diakonoff, 1955
- Hybroma Clemens, 1862
- Hyladaula Meyrick, 1920
- Hyperbola Gozmány, 1965
- Hypophrictis Meyrick, 1916
- Hypoplesia Busck, 1906
- Infurcitinea Spuler, 1910
- Ippa Walker, 1864
- Ischnoscia Meyrick, 1895
- Ischnuridia Sauber, 1902
- Isocorypha Dietz, 1905
- Janseana Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Kangerosithyris Skalski, 1992
- Kariosa Mey, 2011
- Karsholtia Gaedike, 1986
- Kermania Amsel, 1964
- Lamprosetia Stainton, 1854
- Leptonoma Meyrick, 1916
- Leptozancla Meyrick, 1920
- Lepyrotica Meyrick, 1921
- Leucomele Dietz, 1905
- Leucophasma Walsingham, 1897
- Lichenotinea Petersen, 1957
- Lindera Blanchard, 1852
- Liopycnas Meyrick, 1937
- Lipomerinx Walsingham, 1914
- Lithopsaestis Meyrick, 1932
- Lysiphragma Meyrick, 1888
- Lysitona Meyrick, 1918
- Machaeropteris Walsingham, 1887
- Macrosaristis Meyrick, 1937
- Maculisclerotica Xiao & Li, 2009
- Manliana Walker, 1864
- Marmaroxena Meyrick, 1927
- Martynea Kuznetzov, 1941
- 母地谷蛾属 Matratinea Sziraki, 1990
- Mea Busck, 1906
- Mecomodica Zimmerman, 1978
- Melodryas Meyrick, 1910
- Meneessia Zagulyaev, 1974
- Merunympha Gozmány, 1969
- Mesopherna Meyrick, 1893
- Metapherna Robinson & Nielsen, 1993
- Metasticha
- Metatinea Petersen & Gaedike, 1979
- Miarotagmata Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- 聆谷蛾属 Micrerethista Meyrick, 1938[5]
- Mimoscopa Meyrick, 1893
- Minicorona Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Miniscardia Robinson, 1986
- Miramonopis Gozmány, 1966
- Mitrogona Meyrick, 1920
- Moerarchis Durrant, 1914
- Monachoptilas Meyrick, 1934
- Monopibaltia Skalski, 1974
- Monopina
- 斑谷蛾属 Monopis Hübner, 1825
- Montescardia Amsel, 1952
- 山地谷蛾属 Montetinea Petersen, 1957
- Morophaga Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
- Morophagoides Petersen, 1957
- Morphophagoides
- Moscardia Robinson, 1986
- Mothogenes
- Myrmecozela Zeller, 1852
- Mythoplastis Meyrick, 1919
- Nannotinea Gozmány, 1966
- Nearolyma Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Necroscardia Robinson, 1986
- Nemapogon Schrank, 1802
- Nemaxera Zagulajev, 1964
- Nemazera Zagulyaev, 1964
- 新羽谷蛾属 Neopsecadioides [5]
- Nesophylacella Fletcher, 1940
- Neurothaumasia Le Marchand, 1934
- 巢谷蛾属 Niditinea Petersen, 1957
- Nonischnoscia
- Nothogenes Meyrick, 1932
- Novotinea Amsel, 1939
- Nyctocyrmata Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Ochetoxena Meyrick, 1920
- Ocnophilella Fletcher T.B., 1940
- Oenoe Chambers, 1874
- Ogmocoma Meyrick, 1924
- Oinophila Stephens, 1848
- 扁蛾属 Opogona Zeller, 1853
- Organodesma Gozmány, 1965
- Ornix Treitschke, 1833
- Orocrypsona Gozmány, 2004
- Otochares Meyrick, 1919
- Oxylychna Meyrick, 1916
- Oxymachaeris Walsingham, 1891
- Pachyarthra Amsel, 1940
- Pachydyta Meyrick, 1922
- Palaeoinfurcitinea Kozlov, 1987
- Palaeoscardiites Kuznetzov, 1941
- Palaeotinea Kozlov, 1987
- Panthytarcha Meyrick, 1922
- Paraptica Meyrick, 1917
- Pararhodobates Petersen, 1958
- Paratriaxomasia Jarzembowski, 1980
- Parochmastis Meyrick, 1917
- Pectiniscardia Robinson, 1986
- Pedaliotis Meyrick, 1930
- Pelecystola Meyrick, 1920
- Perilicmetis Meyrick, 1932
- Perissomastix Warren & Rothschild, 1905
- Peristactis Meyrick, 1916
- Peritrana Meyrick, 1907
- Petasactis Meyrick, 1915
- Petula Clarke, 1971
- Pezetaera Meyrick, 1924
- Phaeoses Forbes, 1922
- Phereoeca Hinton & Bradley, 1956
- Philagraulella Fletcher T.B., 1940
- Philagrias Meyrick, 1932
- Phruriastis Meyrick, 1923
- Phryganeopsis Walsingham, 1881
- Phthinocola Meyrick, 1886
- Phthoropoea Walsingham, 1896
- Phyciodyta Meyrick, 1918
- Pisistrata Meyrick, 1924
- Pitharcha Meyrick, 1908
- Pitys Chambers, 1873
- Plaesiostola Meyrick, 1926
- Platysceptra Meyrick, 1916
- Plemyristis Meyrick, 1915
- Polypsecta Meyrick, 1930
- Pompostolella Fletcher, 1940
- Pontodryas Meyrick, 1920
- Praeacedes Amsel, 1954
- Praelongicera Amsel, 1956
- Pringleophaga Enderlein, 1905
- Probatostola Meyrick, 1926
- Proboloptila Meyrick, 1921
- Propachyarthra Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Proscardiites Kuznetzov, 1941
- Prosetomorpha Davis, 1996
- Protagophleps Viette, 1954
- Protaphreutis Meyrick, 1922
- Proterodesma Meyrick, 1909
- Proterospastis Meyrick, 1937
- Prothinodes Meyrick, 1914
- Protodarcia Forbes, 1931
- 羽谷蛾属 Psecadioides Butler, 1881[5]
- Pseudocephitinea Kozlov, 1987
- Pseudoxylesthia Walsingham, 1907
- Psolarcha Meyrick, 1933
- Psychoides Bruand, 1853
- Ptilopsaltis Meyrick, 1935
- Pyloetis
- Randominta Gozmány, 1976
- Ranohira Viette, 1952
- Reisserita Agenjo, 1952
- Rhinophyllis Meyrick, 1936
- Rhodobates Ragonot, 1895
- Rungsiodes Amsel, 1953
- Sagephora Meyrick, 1888
- Sarocrania Turner, 1923
- Scalmatica Meyrick, 1911
- Scardia Treitschke, 1830
- Scardiella Robinson, 1986
- Scardiites Kuznetzov, 1941
- Sciomystis Meyrick, 1919
- Sematoplusia Diakonoff, 1955
- Semeoloncha Gozmány, 1968
- Setiarcha Meyrick, 1932
- Setomorpha Zeller, 1852
- Setonella McDunnough, 1927
- Silosca Gozmány, 1965
- Simulotinea Skalski, 1977
- Sippharara Walker, 1866
- Spatularia Van Deventer, 1904
- Sphecioses Davis & Davis, 2007
- Stathmopolitis Walsingham, 1908
- Stemagoris Meyrick, 1911
- Stenoptinea Dietz, 1905
- Stryphnodes Meyrick, 1919
- Syncalipsis Gozmány, 1965
- Syncraternis Meyrick, 1922
- Syngeneta Gozmány, 1967
- Syrmologa Meyrick, 1919
- Taeniodictys Forbes, 1933
- Tenaga Clemens, 1862
- Tephrosara Meyrick, 1915
- Tetanostola Meyrick, 1931
- Tetrapalpus Davis, 1972
- Thallostoma Meyrick, 1913
- Theatrochora Meyrick, 1921
- Thisizima Walker, 1864
- Thomictis Meyrick, 1920
- Thomintarra Robinson & Nielsen, 1993
- Thuriostoma Meyrick, 1934
- Thyrsochares Meyrick, 1938
- Tillyardinea Kuznetzov, 1941
- Timaea Walker, 1863
- 谷蛾属 Tinea Linnaeus, 1758
- Tineitella Fletcher, 1940
- Tinemelitta Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- 幕谷蛾属 Tineola Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
- Tineolamima Rebel, 1934
- Tineomigma Gozmány, 2004
- Tineosemopsis Skalski, 1974
- Tineovertex Moriuti, 1982
- Tinissa Walker, 1864
- Tiquadra Walker, 1863
- Tomara Walker, 1864
- Tracheloteina Gozmány, 1967
- Trachycentra Meyrick, 1886
- Trachyrrhopala Meyrick, 1926
- Trachytyla Meyrick, 1931
- Transmixta Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Triaxomasia Staiton, 1851
- Triaxomasia Zagulajev, 1964
- Triaxomera Zagulajev, 1959
- Trichearias Dognin, 1905
- 毡谷蛾属 Trichophaga Ragonot, 1894
- Trierostola Meyrick, 1932
- Trigonarchis Diakonoff, 1959
- Trissochyta Meyrick, 1921
- Trithamnora Meyrick, 1913
- Tryptodema Dietz, 1905
- Unilepidotricha Xiao & Li, 2008
- Vanna Robinson & Nielsen, 1993
- Vespitinea Robinson & Carter, 1989
- Wegneria Diakonoff, 1951
- Wyoma Clarke, 1986
- Xerantica Meyrick, 1930
- Xeringinia Robinson & Nielsen, 1993
- Xylesthia Clemens, 1859
- Xyloscopa Meyrick, 1920
- Xystrologa Meyrick, 1919
- Zonochares Meyrick, 1922
- Zygosignata Gozmány & Vári, 1973
- Zymologa Meyrick, 1919
[编辑]- ^ 『學名』 開頭 『Tinea 』 的資料 7 筆. 台湾物种名录(TaiBNET). [2022-03-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-22) (中文(繁体)).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness - Lepidoptera (PDF). Zootaxa. [2021-05-13]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-06-10) (英语).
- ^ 前紋白広頭小蛾. 動植物名よみかた辞典 普及版. 日外アソシエーツ: 912. 2004-01-01. ISBN 978-4816918230 (日语).
- ^ ヒロズコガ / ひろずこが / 広頭小蛾. 日本大百科全書. [2022-03-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-29) (日语).
- ^ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 杨琳琳. 中国谷蛾科九亚科系统学研究(鳞翅目:谷蛾总科) (博士论文). 中华人民共和国天津市: 南开大学. 2013-04. CNKI 1014171558.nh.
- ^ Tineidae. GBIF. [2023-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-11).