

David Raymond Miller
前任赖士民英语Mel Lastman
出生 (1958-12-26) 1958年12月26日65岁)
国籍 加拿大
配偶Jill Arthur

苗大卫(英语:David Miller,1958年12月26日),又译作苗大伟,是加拿大多伦多的第63任市长。他于2003年首度当选,再于2006年连任,2010年任期完结后不再寻求连任。他是加拿大著名的左派社会运动参与者,过去也曾是加拿大新民主党党员。






他于1991年首度参与大多伦多市市议员选举,并以改善市内公共交通系统作其主要政纲[4],但没有当选。他再于1993年联邦大选英语Canadian federal election, 1993中代表新民主党角逐柏杜—海柏公园英语Parkdale—High Park选区国会下议院议席,但同告落选。



苗大卫于1994年第二度参与大多市市议员选举,并成功压倒前国会议员韦特和后来成为联邦内阁部长的甘礼明英语Tony Clement当选海柏公园选区市议员。他之后被委任为大多市的规划和运输委员会、反种族主义委员会以及展览广场董事局的成员[5]

时任省长夏理斯英语Mike Harris领导下的安大略省政府于1997年通过将大多市辖下的六个市镇(包括当时的多伦多市)合并成新的多伦多市,以精简架构来提升效率。苗大卫曾在《环球邮报》撰文指夏理斯政府在没有公众支持下进行六市合并计划[6],并另外提出把六市的地区议会与大多市议会合并的建议,但没有被广泛接纳[7]

1996年,苗大卫接替离任安大略省新民主党党魁李博角逐安大略省省议会约克南选区英语York South (electoral district)议席,但败于安省自由党候选人甘乃迪





苗大卫于1997年市选英语Toronto municipal election, 1997中当选第19区(即海柏公园选区)两位市议员之一,顺利过渡至六市合并后首届多伦多市议会。他随后被委任到多倫多公車局(TTC),并成为TTC主席莫斯高英语Howard Moscoe的主要盟友之一[8],又领导一个12人小组来探讨六市合并后市政服务的过渡安排[9]

苗大卫担任市议员期间密切关注湖滨公园地带的状况。他曾就展览广场附近公园地带售予私人发展商的建议作出批评[10],又认为应在他的海柏公园选区选区内兴建廉租屋而非分契式公寓[11]。他又反对时任市长赖士民英语Mel Lastman提出,把多伦多市的垃圾送往安省北部阿当斯矿场的建议;建议最终被市议会否决[12]



经过选区重组后,苗大卫于2000年市选英语Toronto municipal election, 2000中当选第13区(即柏杜—海柏公园)市议员。他再度被委任到多伦多公车局(TTC),并曾角逐公车局主席一职,但不敌亚殊顿英语Brian Ashton (politician)[13]


苗大卫与时任市长赖士民在市议会会议中经常针锋相对,赖士民更于2002年5月一次会议期间向苗大卫大声嚷道“You will never be mayor of this city because you say stupid and dumb things!”(“你永不能当本市的市长,因为你说的话很愚蠢!”);苗大卫后来坦言这番话令他产生参选市长的念头[15]




苗大卫于2003年1月正式宣布参与市长选举[17],并获市议员邹至蕙彭德龙英语Joe Pantalone亚殊顿英语Brian Ashton (politician)等人支持[18]。苗大卫于竞选期间承诺会取消通往多伦多岛机场的桥梁项目、委任一名市政府道德专员、以及全面推行TTC的乘客增长大纲以鼓励市长乘搭公共交通。他支持多伦多市警提出增聘32名警员的申请,又反对对手庄德利John Tory)提出兴建垃圾焚化炉的建议而支持将垃圾继续运往密芝根州作堆填[19]

竞选初期,贺珀励(Barbara Hall)曾在民调中以大比数领先,南斯雅达(John Nunziata)则排名第二,而苗大卫和庄德利的支持度只得个位数。2003年大部分时间,苗大卫的支持度徘徊在12-13%,但随着贺珀励的支持度于同年10月突然下跌,苗大卫的支持度亦随之上升[20],在同年10月22日的民调中首次以31%领先[21]。贺珀励的支持度随后跌至第三,而竞选后期则主要属苗大卫和庄德利二人之争:苗大卫的支持主要来自市区居民和进步派人士,而庄德利的支持则主要来自郊区居民和保守派人士。苗大卫最终以43%的得票率压倒庄德利和贺珀励,当选多伦多市长[22]


在2006年11月13日,他以57%的得票率压倒对手曾碧斐Jane Pitfield)成功连任多伦多市长[24]。2007年3月,他联同时任TTC主席张本力(Adam Giambrone)公布“公共交通城”(Transit City)大纲,计划在市内兴建数条路面轻铁线,务求以较地铁线低廉的造价来应对市内的交通问题[25]。计划后来获省政府注资,而雪柏大道东轻铁线亦率先于2009年末动工[26]。(下任市长福特上台后曾喊停“公共交通城”计划[27],但市议会于2012年复原了计划的部分路线[28][29]。)




2009年9月25日,苗大卫宣布因家庭理由他不会在2010年市选英语Toronto municipal election, 2010中再度寻求连任市长[31]。他于2010年卸任市长后重返他过往曾效力的律师楼[32],又接受纽约大学理工学院一份三年教职,在该校教授有关利用科技解决城市问题的科目,自此在多伦多和布碌仑两边走[33][32]。他又于2011年成为世界银行的城市议题顾问[34],并将于2013年9月出任世界自然基金会加拿大分会的主席暨首席执行官[35]


  1. ^ Michael Posner, "Miller time?", Globe and Mail, 8 November 2003, M1.
  2. ^ Posner, "Miller time?", Globe and Mail, 8 November 2003.
  3. ^ "Mayor, city mark day for Tommy Douglas", Globe and Mail, 22 October 2004, A12; "Parkdale-High Park", Toronto Star, 22 October 1993, A8.
  4. ^ Jane Armstrong, "The winding, tree-lined avenues of Swansea may seem worlds away ...", Toronto Star, 21 October 1991.
  5. ^ "Metro appointments", Toronto Star, 10 December 1994, A4; Peter Small, "Vote gives a lifeline to racism committee", Toronto Star, 4 August 1995, A7.
  6. ^ David Miller, "The megacity", Globe and Mail, 31 December 1986, A12.
  7. ^ Ijeoma Ross, "Metro votes for unified city", Globe and Mail, 14 February 1997, A1.
  8. ^ Paul Moloney and Jack Lakey, "TTC brass lock horns over who's the boss", Toronto Star, 9 June 1998, B1; Paul Moloney, "Moscoe given another chance", Toronto Star, 12 June 1998, B3.
  9. ^ Kim Honey and Richard Mackie, "Councillors opt for modest pay increase", Globe and Mail, 9 January 1998, A8; "Who does what", Toronto Star, 12 January 1998, B4; Bruce DeMara, "Make city hall council's home, committee says", Toronto Star, 29 January 1998, C7.
  10. ^ Robert Benzie, "Proposed sale of parkland 'shortsighted'", National Post, 13 June 2000, A20.
  11. ^ Morgan Campbell, "Group wants study of condo plan", Toronto Star, 29 August 2001, B03.; Paul Moloney, "Low-income housing project endorsed", Toronto Star, 13 September 2000, p. 1.
  12. ^ James Rusk, "Garbage seen as way to unseat Lastman allies", Globe and Mail, 20 September 2000, A19. Miller instead supported shipping the garbage to Michigan.
  13. ^ "Whiners should praise Lastman, not bury him", Toronto Star, 8 December 2000, p. 1. Jennifer Lewington, "Moraine adviser appointed to find way to protect area", Globe and Mail, 13 June 2001, A18.
  14. ^ Jennifer Lewington, "Region's politicians cheer gas-tax plan in federal report", Globe and Mail, 19 July 2001, A18. See also David Miller, "Long-term funding still needed by TTC", Toronto Star, 6 May 2002, A21.
  15. ^ John Barber, "Mel's funny, but Miller has last laugh", Globe and Mail, 23 May 2002, A19; James Rusk, "Lastman loses council battle", Globe and Mail, 23 May 2002, A19; Bruce DeMara, "Lastman attack falls flat", Toronto Star, 23 May 2002, B03; Linda Diebel, "Miller: A candidate 'clear on who he is'", 11 October 2003, A01.
  16. ^ John Barber, "Is City Hall still too clubby to speak up?", Globe and Mail, 28 May 2003, A19.
  17. ^ Jennifer Lewington, "Councillor opens mayoral campaign", Globe and Mail, 9 January 2003, A16.
  18. ^ Don Wanagas, "Chow backs Miller for mayor", National Post, 1 August 2003, A12; Michelle Landsberg, "Why some prominent women won't vote for Hall", Toronto Star, 5 October 2003, A02; Vanessa Lu, "Women won't get this vote", Toronto Star, 7 October 2003, A01; Royson James, "Politicians beguile with city hall myths", Toronto Star, 17 October 2003, B03; James Cowan, "Candidate airs beef", National Post, 8 November 2003, TO06; James Cowan, "U.S. activist backs Miller", National Post, 9 October 2003, A18.
  19. ^ Royson James, "There's a new sheriff in town", Toronto Star, 11 November 2003, A01; James Cowan, "Waterfront key issue in mayor's race, Miller says", National Post, 9 January 2003, A15; Jennifer Wells, "All eyes on Tory", Toronto Star, 23 January 2003, C01; David Miller, "We need 'old deal' back for TTC", Toronto Star, 17 April 2003, A27; James Cowan, "Mayoralty race", National Post, 23 April 2003, A17; David Miller, "Shady backroom deals threaten our waterfront", Toronto Star, 24 April 2003, A29; Vanessa Lu, "Tory supports trash-burning incinerator for Toronto", Toronto Star, 4 October 2003, A30; Jennifer Lewington, "Miller onside with police adding 32 officers to ranks", Globe and Mail, 8 November 2003, A19.
  20. ^ Jennifer Lewington, "Hall leads race for mayor, poll shows", Globe and Mail, 3 May 2003, A11; Bruce Demara, "Waiting for sparks to fly", Toronto Star, 9 August 2003, B04; "The Mayoral Race", Globe and Mail, 5 September 2003, A1; Don Wanagas, "Hall's fear suggests lead may be shaky", 7 October 2003, A14; Vanessa Lu, "Miller vaults into close second place behind Hall", Toronto Star, 11 October 2003, A01; Don Wanagas, "Two-man race shaping up as Hall loses ground", National Post, 21 October 2003, A16.
  21. ^ James Cowan, "New poll gives Miller narrow lead", National Post, 22 October 2003, A18.
  22. ^ Katherine Harding, "Miller names transition team", Globe and Mail, 21 November 2003, A12.
  23. ^ Vanessa Lu, "Decision puts ball in Ottawa's court", Toronto Star, 4 December 2003, A01.
  24. ^ Paul Moloney, "Pantalone back as deputy", Toronto Star, 17 November 2006, B7.
  25. ^ Tess Kalinowski and John Spears, "Success driven by TTC: Miller", Toronto Star, 17 March 2007, B1.
  26. ^ Transit City begins: Officials launch construction of the Sheppard East LRT. [2012-12-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-25). 
  27. ^ 雪柏地鐵線延長 融資40億要商量. 《星岛日报》加东版. 2011-04-01 [2012-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-31). 
  28. ^ 25:18票 市長福特地鐵夢碎 多市輕鐵方案去馬. 《星岛日报》加东版. 2012-02-09 [2012-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-19). 
  29. ^ Mayor Rob Ford loses Toronto subway vote. CBC News. 2012-03-22 [2012-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-29). 
  30. ^ Jim Byers, "Miller leaves NDP, shifts to neutral", Toronto Star, 18 April 2007, B1.
  31. ^ Miller down, out, but not finished. Globe and Mail (Toronto). 2009-09-26 [2009-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-10-01). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Rider, David. David Miller gets NYC university post. Toronto Star. June 14, 2011 [August 24, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-24). 
  33. ^ Hopper, Tristin. David Miller takes job at New York engineering school. New York Post. June 14, 2011 [August 23, 2011]. 
  34. ^ Doolittle, Robyn. Miller's exit strategy: a long nap, then the world bank. Toronto Star. 2010-11-22 [2010-11-27]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-22). 
  35. ^ 前多市環保市長 任加國WWF行政總裁. 《星岛日报》加东版. 2013-06-06 [2013-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-12). 

