
网络控制程序(英语:Network Control Program,缩写为NCP)是设置在现代互联网的前身ARPANET内,于作为主机的电脑上运行的中间层协议栈。其中网络控制程序发展于传输控制协议前,功能类似于ARPANET早期的传输层协议。同时网络控制程序是单工通信协议,也就是说必须在两处设立TCP/UDP端口才能够进行双向通信。
[编辑]- Steven, W Richard. TCP/IP Illustrated Volume I. Reading, Massachusetts, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. ISBN 0-201-63346-9(v.1). Page 15.
[编辑]- BBN. Interface Message Processor -- Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an IMP. BBN Report 1822. Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. May 1978.
- Postel, Jon; Feinler, E. ARPANET Protocol Handbook. Menlo Park, CA: Network Information Center, SRI International. 1978.
- A. McKenzie; J. Postel. Host-to-Host Protocol for the ARPANET. NIC #8246. Network Information Center. October 1977.
- J. Postel. Official Initial Connection Protocol. NIC #7101. UCLA-NMC. June 1971.
- Crocker, S.. Protocol Notes. Network Working Group (now IETF). 16 March 1970. RFC 36.