
混合内核(英语:Hybrid kernel),又译为混合式内核,一种操作系统内核架构。传统上的操作系统内核可以分为宏内核(Monolithic kernel)与微内核(Micro kernel)两大基本架构,混合内核结合了这两种内核架构。
大多数现代操作系统遵循这种设计范畴,是用微内核的概念来设计,但是实现上则采用宏内核的作法,结合宏内核(Monolithic kernel)与微内核(Micro kernel)两种设计方法,形成第三种分类。但是这种分类法受到一些批评,如林纳斯·托瓦兹认为这种分类只是一种市场营销手法,因为它的架构实现方式接近于宏内核[1]。
最有名的混合内核为Windows NT内核与XNU。
[编辑]这个设计方式是一种妥协下的设计。在设计理念上,采用微内核架构来设计,但因为微内核结构一直被批评为性能不佳,因此在实现上,则采用宏内核的作法。微内核架构将操作系统服务(task server)运行在用户空间,以保证系统的稳定可靠。与典型的微内核设计相较,在混合内核中,多数的操作系统服务(task server)仍然运行在内核空间中,与宏内核相同。因为让操作系统服务运行在内核空间,减少了消息传递及环境切换(content switch)带来的系统负担,这可以避免微内核架构常被批评的性能不佳问题;但也因此,这种设计无法提供微内核系统架构下的稳定性保证。
[编辑]- BeOS内核
- DragonFly BSD
- ReactOS内核
[编辑]- ^ Linus Torvalds. [2018-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-09).
As to the whole "hybrid kernel" thing - it's just marketing. It's "Oh, those microkernels had good PR, how can we try to get good PR for our working kernel? Oh, I know, let's use a cool name and try to imply that it has all the PR advantages that that other system has.
- ^
The article goes to say that a hybrid kernel like NT's is not to be confused with a with monolithic kernels that can load modules like Linux. Again, this seems like nonsense to me - the stable driver ABI (and the closed source) has facilitated creating of many drivers outside of the NT kernel tree, but this is not a conceptual difference. The precise technique of loading a driver/module into the kernel doesn't really matter, if the driver shares the same address space and can have access to kernel structures.